What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Laid down but had to shit ....so I'm taking a shit now ....could have waited until morning .....but I'm glad I forced this one out .....I predict much better sleep.

And the baby puked all over mommas tits and the comforter.....so obviously I needed to find an excuse to ditch that clean up job.

K, paper work and back to bed



Well-Known Member
Ever cut yourself and not realize it unto until you see blood everywhere? I started noticing red streaks all over the counter and dishes. Somehow sliced the inside of my index finger making breakfasts. Weird thing is i didn't touch a knife, scissors, razor...nothing that could have cut me, so I have no idea how it happened. I'm so fucking accident prone I get random unexplainable injuries...:roll:.


Well-Known Member
There are so many layers to this thing, I wish it was just as easy as packing up and moving. I would have already!
It all depends on how bad something is wanted.

For many years I would drive for hours across multiple states just to be with my girlfriend on the weekends.

I once drove from Toledo Ohio to Daytona Beach Fla in 24 hours on a Friday and then back again on the next Monday. After we married things did not change much. For several years I frequently drove round trip from Detroit Mi to Southern Va nearly every weekend. 10 hrs home on Friday and 10 hrs back on Sunday.

Complicated or not, things won't change until a line is drawn and a decision is made.



Well-Known Member
It all depends on how bad something is wanted.

For many years I would drive for hours across multiple states just to be with my girlfriend on the weekends.

I once drove from Toledo Ohio to Daytona Beach Fla in 24 hours on a Friday and then back again on the next Monday. After we married things did not change much. For several years I frequently drove round trip from Detroit Mi to Southern Va nearly every weekend. 10 hrs home on Friday and 10 hrs back on Sunday.

Complicated or not, things won't change until a line is drawn and a decision is made.

I’ve never wanted something more than I want this. I’m willing to make the sacrifices, but like I said, it’s complicated as fuck. It’s difficult to intertwine our lives. I’m just waiting for him to make some moves.


Well-Known Member
I've yet to meet anyone I'd want to drive more than a half hour to see, nevermind crossing multiple states. I did travel almost an hour a couple times, years ago, to see this chick and that was a PITA. I could see if your already involved and life forces one to move, but I don't get staring a relationship with so much distance between you, I dont see how yoy can REALLY gety to know that person. I've watched that Catfish show and wondered how people get so attached to someone they've never met in person, sometimes never even actually talked to, they must be pretty desperate to be with someone.


Well-Known Member
I've yet to meet anyone I'd want to drive more than a half hour to see, nevermind crossing multiple states. I did travel almost an hour a couple times, years ago, to see this chick and that was a PITA. I could see if your already involved and life forces one to move, but I don't get staring a relationship with so much distance between you, I dont see how yoy can REALLY gety to know that person. I've watched that Catfish show and wondered how people get so attached to someone they've never met in person, sometimes never even actually talked to, they must be pretty desperate to be with someone.
I must be pretty special then ;)

Nahhh, distance is the killer. I did not mean to fall in love with someone 600 miles away, it happened though lol. I’m just rolling with the punches at this point.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I fell in love one summer when she was home from college. Before the days of cell phones. I gave up cigarettes so I could buy calling cards to call her long distance. They were both $20 a week habit. She drove home 6 hours every weekend for a year, then transferred schools back home. Been married 18 years this summer. We will be together forever, as long as I don't piss her off too much.
Merry Christmas Eve!
Driving broke ass red car several hours to costco to get new Samsung Note 8. Last day to get $300 Costco rebate!