Pro mix hp


Well-Known Member
So I never used it and it was cheap so I picked it up. Never new it was soilless it very light. Anyone have experience. I know I doesn't have anything inside of it nutrient wise. That's fine. Just hoping for the best


Well-Known Member
It's decent stuff. You'll need Cal-Mag. Or just skip that like I do nowadays and add Dolomite lime, mix, water and let it set for 2-3 days before planting in it. No need for Calmag then.
As far as nutrients go it's important to use a food with a good micro blend. Most off the shelf nutes come with a nice ratio but it's something to consider.
A good perk with promix is that it absorbs and wicks up water really well. You can easily lazy man water it by just having your pots inside of cat liter boxes or watering trays. Then pour water or plantfood in there. That's if you're in a hurry.


Well-Known Member
Pro mix has lime in the proper amount and also enough perlite and a starter nutrient charge. And a wetting agent.

With decent tap water it needs only base nutes added after the first week. 150ppm mineral content is ideal for source water.

With ro or distilled (not recommended) may need cal mag but still not likely with proper gardening habits.