racist republicans now want to end legal immigration


Well-Known Member
remember folks, it doesn't have to be true. you just have to believe it is true. your feelings are facts.
That is something that drives me completely 'round the bend.

Somebody I know will post a pure garbage, completely false, totally made up meme. When I call them on it, prove it's bullshit, they all fall back on the same thing: "Well, I agree with the thought."


So you agree with pure, made up, bullshit lies? That's how you "think"?

Needless to say, my friends list is very, very small.


Well-Known Member
Dtrump said some shit before Xmas about immigration. Apparently it was a derogatory statement against immigrants. This was before he bragged to his rich fucking friends about how much richer he made them with HIS new tax bill. #burndowndc


Well-Known Member
The autority of the fuher shall not be questioned! Stephan Miller.... you know thats what that lil nazi prick meant, he wants to play Hiemler!


Well-Known Member
Idk how we recoved from this fucked up shit. We got a full third of the citizenry that now thinks this way. Trump, pense and whole gang could disappear tomorrow but we still have what a lil over 100,000,000 people beleiving this shit and another chunk thats completly comlicit if not a bit cooperative with the first group... whats left is not a majority... i dont feel it enevitable but by far not impossible that our beloved republic is in the sunset of her existence as what she was for the last 250 years...