Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Seriously gigz. I don't know how you make simple tasks so complex.

You gotta slow the fuck down. Pick a medium. See it through to the end of a complete cycle. And try to take something from the experience.

Soil isn't hard. And coco shouldn't be either. Get a log book if you have to. And write down every little thing you do to your plants over their life.

Even if that's flicking on a light for 20 seconds of their night cycle. Just to see how they are. Or. You spotted a spider and thought you had to burn down half the neighborhood.

You need focus. And you need to keep track of what your progress vs the goals you're trying to achieve. Otherwise you'll just keep going around in circles.
If you take an average of 4 weeks veg and 8 for flower that means you only get 4 cycles in a year so it takes time to get into a rythm and you have to persevere when you have setbacks. That’s one of the reasons guys that are cash cropping get better at growing faster a lot of the time,they can’t afford to fail I’ve had times that I’d invested so much time and money already that as much as I wanted to walk away from growing I would have been living under a bridge if I had lol.


Well-Known Member
Seriously gigz. I don't know how you make simple tasks so complex.

You gotta slow the fuck down. Pick a medium. See it through to the end of a complete cycle. And try to take something from the experience.

Soil isn't hard. And coco shouldn't be either. Get a log book if you have to. And write down every little thing you do to your plants over their life.

Even if that's flicking on a light for 20 seconds of their night cycle. Just to see how they are. Or. You spotted a spider and thought you had to burn down half the neighborhood.

You need focus. And you need to keep track of what your progress vs the goals you're trying to achieve. Otherwise you'll just keep going around in circles.
lol true i rekon id be alot better if i had weed but shit happens im problebly going 2 stick with coco since its cheaper might save the soil mixes for the out door garden and maybe an out door down the line


Well-Known Member
how 2 i know what type of wasps theres 2 difrent kinds of nests iv found those clay ones and those other behivey ones like it has thos circle nole things and has a few wasps tjere
The beehivey ones are cunts are they all black and not as big as the other ones,if they are burn those fuckers. I got attacked by fucking jumping ants yesterday,I usually go barefoot to my spot but I put boots on yesterday because I’ve seen a few big snakes lately and the little fuckers got down in them and went crazy reckon I got 50 bites in under 30 seconds :( I’m taking some napalm out today and am going to burn every last one of them :)


Well-Known Member
The beehivey ones are cunts are they all black and not as big as the other ones,if they are burn those fuckers. I got attacked by fucking jumping ants yesterday,I usually go barefoot to my spot but I put boots on yesterday because I’ve seen a few big snakes lately and the little fuckers got down in them and went crazy reckon I got 50 bites in under 30 seconds :( I’m taking some napalm out today and am going to burn every last one of them :)
i cant burn em will have 2 spray em with that diy stuff there under the carport rigjt where the fiber glass im gunna have 2 spray nd run thay are a dark color and i thing these onses where bigger


Well-Known Member
hopefully in another month or 2 ill be able 2 flip these widows not long if i go good with these im gunna do some tga or maybe some ace or mr nice or maybe somthing else wouldent mind tryng lemon kush female seeds


Well-Known Member
If you take an average of 4 weeks veg and 8 for flower that means you only get 4 cycles in a year so it takes time to get into a rythm and you have to persevere when you have setbacks. That’s one of the reasons guys that are cash cropping get better at growing faster a lot of the time,they can’t afford to fail I’ve had times that I’d invested so much time and money already that as much as I wanted to walk away from growing I would have been living under a bridge if I had lol.

I get that. But our mate here keeps trying to do too much.

I find its so much easier to take in a concept. If I'm only focusing on one point at a time. Not trying to work out 2-3. Or more ideas at once.

I found trying to monitor pHs and measure out exact nutes and such to be a pain in the ass.

I guess that's why I've stuck with the soil and cobs combo. If I feel game enough to venture into coco or dwc at some stage. I almost garuntee I'm going to have issues.

I'm not having a dig at ya gigz. Just trying to comprehend the rate of change in your choices.


Well-Known Member
I get that. But our mate here keeps trying to do too much.

I find its so much easier to take in a concept. If I'm only focusing on one point at a time. Not trying to work out 2-3. Or more ideas at once.

I found trying to monitor pHs and measure out exact nutes and such to be a pain in the ass.

I guess that's why I've stuck with the soil and cobs combo. If I feel game enough to venture into coco or dwc at some stage. I almost garuntee I'm going to have issues.

I'm not having a dig at ya gigz. Just trying to comprehend the rate of change in your choices.
its all good bro

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I get that. But our mate here keeps trying to do too much.

I find its so much easier to take in a concept. If I'm only focusing on one point at a time. Not trying to work out 2-3. Or more ideas at once.

I found trying to monitor pHs and measure out exact nutes and such to be a pain in the ass.

I guess that's why I've stuck with the soil and cobs combo. If I feel game enough to venture into coco or dwc at some stage. I almost garuntee I'm going to have issues.

I'm not having a dig at ya gigz. Just trying to comprehend the rate of change in your choices.
We need to put ourselves in gigs shoes to be able to understand his mindset (No offense gigs intended)
Adhd etc etc
This is why I don' give gigs to much shit cos we ain' gonna change the way his brain ticks
The only thing I can recommend gigs is to listen to what one person u trust recommends doing cos listening to 3 or 4 "experts"is where a lot of your random changes come from.
Prob doing your grow more harm than good.
I mean this in the nicest possible at mate cos I know what I'm talking about having a daughter diagnosed with adhd but it was really autism high spectrum.


Well-Known Member
We need to put ourselves in gigs shoes to be able to understand his mindset (No offense gigs intended)
Adhd etc etc
This is why I don' give gigs to much shit cos we ain' gonna change the way his brain ticks
The only thing I can recommend gigs is to listen to what one person u trust recommends doing cos listening to 3 or 4 "experts"is where a lot of your random changes come from.
Prob doing your grow more harm than good.
I mean this in the nicest possible at mate cos I know what I'm talking about having a daughter diagnosed with adhd but it was really autism high spectrum.
all good bro ur right i hear 2 many things from 2 many seources benifets of this benifets of that i need 2 stick with one program lol


Well-Known Member
Agreed with ruby... information overload is a fucker in our game, best advice i got was try one medium untill you have it dialed in. Remember everyones environment is diff so is water ect ect... my first coco grow was terrible lol but trial and error is how ya really learn...
The basics of plant health and nutrition stays the same for all mediums,get that right and you’ll end up with some nice buds whether your in soil,rockwool or anything else you grow in. I was the worst with trying to find the miracle additive that would give the biggest best buds ever and took a few years to realise half of them were basically the same thing and none of them would make up for not doing the basic shit properly.


Well-Known Member
all good bro ur right i hear 2 many things from 2 many seources benifets of this benifets of that i need 2 stick with one program lol
It’s good to learn about new stuff but you have to be able to filter all the info and realise not all styles are suited to all growers,I would love to try a D.W.C set up but I know I’d fuck it up so I just stick to what I feel my strengths are.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I think this is that spray bottle gigs that coco waa talking about..2 litres easy as fuck to use and gd value for $10 a la bunnings
Sour kush about to get a neem drenching via foliar
Sitting at 130cm while the shark is growing at a rate of 2cm a day easy and will be 150cm before the week is finished