Hey everyone!!

Synthetic psilocybin? Ehhhhhhhhh lol synthetics can be bad. Like synthetic cannabinoids xD there's gotta be a way to get a pure extract. Guess I'll hit the books or try to find a chemistry geek to help lol
Totally different. In the case of synthetic cannabinoids it is different chemicals that act on the same receptors as natural cannabinoids. Many of the ones that are really problematic,are full agonists instead of partial agonists so extreme effects that simply aren't possible with natural ones can happen.
With mushrooms we have a mix of two chemicals that become the same thing once they hit the stomach. Synthetic psilocin and psilocybin (and also,the not naturally occuring but very similar 4 AcO-DMT) all produce what is essentially the same experience as eating mushrooms or drinking mushroom tea. I find the biggest difference is the pure chems are easier on the stomach.
Very. Was really hoping to see you here still.

Gotta start somewhere! The journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step and all that. Keep it up and the days turn into years.
Yea it’s tough in the beginning..it’s all you think about, never really in the moment constantly thinking of scoring, just once of course...but iv learned that one day at a time shit is bullshit, it 1 minute at a time in reality
Yea it’s tough in the beginning..it’s all you think about, never really in the moment constantly thinking of scoring, just once of course...but iv learned that one day at a time shit is bullshit, it 1 minute at a time in reality
Not even 1 minute. Negate time all together. And by that I do not mean try not to think about it but to realize time does not exist in the eternal present. All that is is now. Then you will have peace at last.
Very. Was really hoping to see you here still.

Gotta start somewhere! The journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step and all that. Keep it up and the days turn into years.
As a matter of fact, I just dropped in on a lark, as you may have seen, I don't frequent this place much. All of the old folks are gone and it seems as though this has reverted to a place where people can and do share the same old myths and fallacies that they used to. Its a pity but it is the bent of man to make shit up that sounds good.
As a matter of fact, I just dropped in on a lark, as you may have seen, I don't frequent this place much. All of the old folks are gone and it seems as though this has reverted to a place where people can and do share the same old myths and fallacies that they used to. Its a pity but it is the bent of man to make shit up that sounds good.

A shame indeed and drug users seem to have the tendency more strongly than most.

I hope the paat few years have been good to,you.