

Well-Known Member
Anyone got experience with it? I don't mean taking it a few times... Anyone got a feel for the plants properties and the experience? Is there a seed supplier online somewhere ? I would love to grow it, meditate with the plant, then post the results of the harvest/and trip. Anyone with any info reply or pm me ! :)
Very spiritual. If/when you take be sure to be ok in your head and have a good place and setting to do so, good people around you as well. Take it for what it is for. A spritual guidance so to say. Good luck on your voyage.

thank you wise traveler i appreciate the insight :) i actually prefer things like that by myself, in nature. nature talks to me way more than humans do :)
No reason to use peyote, they are nearly extinct in the wild, and homegrown under gentle conditions never get any potency.
You can get most of the same stuff from san pedro and peruvian torch. Could probably buy some at the garden center.
One can grow them, the potency is fine, it takes a long time to grow, the guy i know that does it has made it lifes work.. what do you want to know about the effects, i mostly used it in native american church meetings, sitting up through the night eating peyote singing traditional native american church songs. I was taught to use it, to pray with it is what i do and how i use it, make a afternoon, roll a few( this is a big no as the native american church wants mainstream or societies acceptance as per their persicution theough the yrs) say some prayers and smoke some weed eat some peyote, tie my drum up and sing some songs and say some more prayers.. thats how I use peyote as thats how I was taught to.

If i want a phsychadelic trip I would grow some mushrooms, peyote to me is a religious sacrement.

Like anc said the plant in the wild has been ravenged and is almost now extinct, due to the rise of the population of the native american church, the road men as i understand now go deep into mexico to harvest the natural sources of peyote.

Heavy doses of peyote will make you possibly see god, talk to god, become in touch with the living earth or nothing and a wide range in between these.

I still have a stash of it that i have my own private ceremonies with once in awhile as i havent gone to a church meeting for a long time
No reason to use peyote, they are nearly extinct in the wild, and homegrown under gentle conditions never get any potency.
You can get most of the same stuff from san pedro and peruvian torch. Could probably buy some at the garden center.
I'm picking up my san Pedros tomorrow from a local nursery.:bigjoint:
One can grow them, the potency is fine, it takes a long time to grow, the guy i know that does it has made it lifes work.. what do you want to know about the effects, i mostly used it in native american church meetings, sitting up through the night eating peyote singing traditional native american church songs. I was taught to use it, to pray with it is what i do and how i use it, make a afternoon, roll a few( this is a big no as the native american church wants mainstream or societies acceptance as per their persicution theough the yrs) say some prayers and smoke some weed eat some peyote, tie my drum up and sing some songs and say some more prayers.. thats how I use peyote as thats how I was taught to.

If i want a phsychadelic trip I would grow some mushrooms, peyote to me is a religious sacrement.

Like anc said the plant in the wild has been ravenged and is almost now extinct, due to the rise of the population of the native american church, the road men as i understand now go deep into mexico to harvest the natural sources of peyote.

Heavy doses of peyote will make you possibly see god, talk to god, become in touch with the living earth or nothing and a wide range in between these.

I still have a stash of it that i have my own private ceremonies with once in awhile as i havent gone to a church meeting for a long time
See that's crazy you were brought to this thread for a reason my friend because I actually got the idea of peyote from my native american background that ive been looking in to. I want to try and experience things my ancectors did and in the same way they did. The earth right now is out of balance and shes hurting, i dont want to contribute to that. I want to be in-touch with my soul and my spirit guide and really walk the path im meant to. I have a block though and i feel like peyote could help open it, just the name alone resonates with me. I know what my soul needs when I see it and thats something I think would be a great for my progression.... Still learning the traditional songs right now, any books you would recommend on the songs/old traditions that are authentic? (Im cherokee but im interested in all the info on native americans and any timeframe) Thanks for your input! ( IF I do it, I was planning on just one or two of them to see how the growth cycle is , then experience the effects during a time similar to what you describe and wait for that time to happen naturally. )
I'm picking up my san Pedros tomorrow from a local nursery.:bigjoint:
No reason to use peyote, they are nearly extinct in the wild, and homegrown under gentle conditions never get any potency.
You can get most of the same stuff from san pedro and peruvian torch. Could probably buy some at the garden center.
Extinct? I had no idea. Well in that case I hope to preserve the genetics. Anything I can find at a local garden center cant be good for a deep spiritual purpose though in my opinion...the government always wants us far away from things that can really connect you to your culture/ancestors/soul
The government runs your local nursery? That is horrible. The san Pedro is fine. But the government needs some healing.
absolutely they do to an extent. they could never carry something like peyote do to laws. thats 'running shit' in my opinion. i wish i lived out west though ill say that :(
I know the vancouver seed bank sells peyote seeds, and a mature one will spit seeds out, there is a native american church community, a lot of good people that believe in the medecine and the Native American Church, for me the true religion as its between you and the creator, its a underground thing as you have to be invited. These days i check out u tube if i want to listen to peyote music, yrs back the only way was recordings of meeting and jam sessions, now its a lot more out there ,not so hidden. Old days it was highly persecuted, natives went to great lengths to have meetings and the white mans goverment sought them out and outlawed them as it gave natives strength. Natives finally converted the native church to christianity in hope of being accepted by the white mans goverment. The people trained to hold ceremonies are Roadmen they are the priests, they are licensed to cross borders with peyote for religious purposes and take there hereditary right and responsibilities very seriously, most living a meager life having dedicated it to spreading their religion, the good ones I met anyway.

These other things mentioned like san pedro and peruvian torch, there are traditional ceremonies for those as well, i have been described as to a san pedro ceremony, it is shorter than peyote but very effective ive been told, never tried it myself but dont discount it. Peyote is slow growing, like if you want a ceremony, if you start seeds in 5 yrs might be mature enough to provide for it. Very finicky to sprout seeds, read up on the process and follow the parameters. I should get some seeds to and see if i can sprout some. Peyote is legal, here in canada anyway.
I know the vancouver seed bank sells peyote seeds, and a mature one will spit seeds out, there is a native american church community, a lot of good people that believe in the medecine and the Native American Church, for me the true religion as its between you and the creator, its a underground thing as you have to be invited. These days i check out u tube if i want to listen to peyote music, yrs back the only way was recordings of meeting and jam sessions, now its a lot more out there ,not so hidden. Old days it was highly persecuted, natives went to great lengths to have meetings and the white mans goverment sought them out and outlawed them as it gave natives strength. Natives finally converted the native church to christianity in hope of being accepted by the white mans goverment. The people trained to hold ceremonies are Roadmen they are the priests, they are licensed to cross borders with peyote for religious purposes and take there hereditary right and responsibilities very seriously, most living a meager life having dedicated it to spreading their religion, the good ones I met anyway.

These other things mentioned like san pedro and peruvian torch, there are traditional ceremonies for those as well, i have been described as to a san pedro ceremony, it is shorter than peyote but very effective ive been told, never tried it myself but dont discount it. Peyote is slow growing, like if you want a ceremony, if you start seeds in 5 yrs might be mature enough to provide for it. Very finicky to sprout seeds, read up on the process and follow the parameters. I should get some seeds to and see if i can sprout some. Peyote is legal, here in canada anyway.
Thank you for the info! Im realizing how hard it is to find authentic information and knowledge about native american history(nevermind groups, its near impossible to find anything local) . I had no idea how hidden it was now. But im dedicated to being involved fully. Didnt think it would take 5 years for it to mature to that point, but Im a patient man. I will look into the other ones as well. I want to preserve the genetics also, being that its becoming extinct. (Im starting a small living seed-bank with anything rare, strictly for preservation.) Thanks again everyone!
Thank you for the info! Im realizing how hard it is to find authentic information and knowledge about native american history(nevermind groups, its near impossible to find anything local) . I had no idea how hidden it was now. But im dedicated to being involved fully. Didnt think it would take 5 years for it to mature to that point, but Im a patient man. I will look into the other ones as well. I want to preserve the genetics also, being that its becoming extinct. (Im starting a small living seed-bank with anything rare, strictly for preservation.) Thanks again everyone!
$50 bucks. A life time of cuttings and at 1 foot of cactus per dose, there is a good amount there to go on your journey.
Anyone got experience with it? I don't mean taking it a few times... Anyone got a feel for the plants properties and the experience? Is there a seed supplier online somewhere ? I would love to grow it, meditate with the plant, then post the results of the harvest/and trip. Anyone with any info reply or pm me ! :)
Thailand is the leading exporter of lophophora williamsii. You can purchase seeds online for cheap but I would get an adult and put them under 18-6 lighting where it will flower and fruit over and over. You get 2-10 seeds per fruit and the fruits are nonpsychoactive. I like sacredcactus on facebook and got lucky with some ebay purchases for my starting parents. Probably spent 2-300$ on parent stock. Buying seeding online was wasteful in my experience and I learned from growing and harvesting, that seeds lose viability pretty quick.

If you go through ebay, just search lophophora williamsii, which is the scientific name. Expect to pay 80$-150$ for a worth while adult cactus. There are cheaper pups out there but they may not be ready to start fruiting at their ages. 5+ years old is advised. Variety caesepitosa is a clustering or pupping variety that is considered lower percent alkaloids than standard williamsii. I have only eaten a combination of many lophophora variety and gotten a threshold trip. Easy to sleep on, doesn't taste awful if you like green stuff lol
Thailand is the leading exporter of lophophora williamsii. You can purchase seeds online for cheap but I would get an adult and put them under 18-6 lighting where it will flower and fruit over and over. You get 2-10 seeds per fruit and the fruits are nonpsychoactive. I like sacredcactus on facebook and got lucky with some ebay purchases for my starting parents. Probably spent 2-300$ on parent stock. Buying seeding online was wasteful in my experience and I learned from growing and harvesting, that seeds lose viability pretty quick.

If you go through ebay, just search lophophora williamsii, which is the scientific name. Expect to pay 80$-150$ for a worth while adult cactus. There are cheaper pups out there but they may not be ready to start fruiting at their ages. 5+ years old is advised. Variety caesepitosa is a clustering or pupping variety that is considered lower percent alkaloids than standard williamsii. I have only eaten a combination of many lophophora variety and gotten a threshold trip. Easy to sleep on, doesn't taste awful if you like green stuff lol
thank you kind sir!
Yeah iv used san pedro lots of times. It actually contains more mescaline than peyeote, but peyeote has alot more active alkaloids (like 40 to 50 odd compared to the 3 or 4 in pedro or torch)

Some things you need to understand is the alkaloids vary from cactus to cactus and even a singal cactus will vary its potentcy.

You could cut a section and boil it up and have balls to the wall trip (if you get a good bit your world is going to melt) come back a month or two cut another bit from the same cactus boil it up an have minimal to no effects.

Its hit and miss (applys to all species peyote, pedro, torch)

It all tastes absolutely horrible tho its worst bitter intensest sicking flavor you can ever imagine an then some. I feel this is the more the reason it was used in man hood ceremonies (as i understand it anyways im Australian so im not 100%). Like if you can drink enough of the stuff to trip by all means your a man the trip is just a nice little reward for it.

Many people cant get past the first mouth full.

The effects them selfs for me at least always differ due to alkaloids content always changing so hard to say what gonna happen to you.

But yes always very spiritual

Hope this helps you in some way