Pyrethrin soil drench dosage


Active Member
hi im trying to figure out the right dosage for pyrethrin for a soil drench the product is made by bonide.

. it only has foliar rate application dosage. 2-3 tbs per gallon

tried looking on forums but cant find anything. thanks



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try diatomaceous earth and or hydrogen peroxide before using a insecticide
i have done that before and it didn't work out well
try diatomaceous earth and or hydrogen peroxide before using a insecticide
i have done that before and it didn't work out well

I have DE, i dont like it because it turns to cement when it gets wet, that means i would have to water from the bottom and i dont want to do that. i think its just a gnat, a couple because i looks at my roots really close and theres no bugs, i flushed my plants and the ppm was 4700 so i think thats the reason why it wasnt growing. so i flushed it to good levels of 900. with 5.8-6.0, but i still want to know what the dosage rate should be. just to be safe.
I have DE, i dont like it because it turns to cement when it gets wet, that means i would have to water from the bottom and i dont want to do that. i think its just a gnat, a couple because i looks at my roots really close and theres no bugs, i flushed my plants and the ppm was 4700 so i think thats the reason why it wasnt growing. so i flushed it to good levels of 900. with 5.8-6.0, but i still want to know what the dosage rate should be. just to be safe.

when i use DE i just add about a tea spoon per 10 liters of water so it gets through out the whole pot and i cant help with the dosage as when i tried that i only used a tiny bit and it burnt all my roots so i would not recommend doing that best other thing is H202 imo
when i use DE i just add about a tea spoon per 10 liters of water so it gets through out the whole pot and i cant help with the dosage as when i tried that i only used a tiny bit and it burnt all my roots so i would not recommend doing that best other thing is H202 imo

wait a second. you add your de to water? lol wtf, de is supposed to be sprinkled around. its useless wet. the point of de is when its dry its particles tear up the bugs out layer. when its wet im pretty sure its useless. and defiantly a tea spoon isnt gonna do anything lol. your supposed to put an inch or two on top of your soil.thats a few cups, not teaspoons lol.

thanks for your advice but i dont think you should be giving advice. there is a proper way to use these things and i dont think youve been getting good info.
wait 2 inches of DE um where have you been getting your info?.they die because the serrations from the diatoms cut their skin and they can not retain moisture and it gets spread through out the entire grow medium and is effective when it dries i would rather suggest that than watering with insecticide plus the plants use silica to grow so each to their own
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wait 2 inches of DE um where have you been getting your info?.they die because the serrations from the diatoms cut their skin and they can not retain moisture and it gets spread through out the entire grow medium and is effective when it dries i would rather suggest that than watering with insecticide plus the plants use silica to grow so each to their own

ok first off, lol particles tear up the skin of the bug is the same thing, its like walking through glass for the bugs, same as you said but i decided not to recite the dictionary definition and second de does not get spread through out the medium. you sprinkle it on top or the bottom or around, putting it the soil would be useless because its always getting wet from watering, atleast on top you can scoop it to the side when you water and then put it back and you will never have gnats, doing it the way you saying, youll defiantly have gnats . if i were to do it id put maybe an inch on top, but iv heard of others doing more. as soon as de gets wet it turns to sludge, iv seen bug wiggle around in wet de like its nothing. and one more thing, the silica found in de is not the right kind. the plant will not up take that. do some research.

your literally acting like a organic pesticide made out of flowers is the same thing as fucking round up or imidacloprid lol. Let me guess next your gonna tell me neem is bad for my plant?
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when i use DE i just add about a tea spoon per 10 liters of water so it gets through out the whole pot and i cant help with the dosage as when i tried that i only used a tiny bit and it burnt all my roots so i would not recommend doing that best other thing is H202 imo
I thought DE is useless when wet? Under a scope it looks like shards of glass and cuts apart bugs that move across it and dries them out but I've heard it's not effective after it's gotten wet


What are you trying to do/kill anyway?

Let me tell you this. Pyrethrin as a soil drench is HARD on the plant.

If your killing Root aphids.....Go to the BotaniGuard and then follow up with The Orthene. Better yet. If your not worried about using Imid. Use that as the drench. The new shit Bayer made was another form of Imid (Neonictinoid).....The Bee's issue got it banned right quick.

Yes, pyrethrin is made from flowers. It's also made by synthesis of the active compound. It is a contact killer. It does not go "into" the plant. It does not last long as far as effectiveness.
Imidacloprid is systemic. It has a longer effective life. It is killing bee's and causing colony collapse. It is in the process of it being banned. At least the Fed's are listening to those wanting it done.
Round up is a herbicide and kills plants - not bugs



What are you trying to do/kill anyway?

Let me tell you this. Pyrethrin as a soil drench is HARD on the plant.

If your killing Root aphids.....Go to the BotaniGuard and then follow up with The Orthene. Better yet. If your not worried about using Imid. Use that as the drench. The new shit Bayer made was another form of Imid (Neonictinoid).....The Bee's issue got it banned right quick.

Yes, pyrethrin is made from flowers. It's also made by synthesis of the active compound. It is a contact killer. It does not go "into" the plant. It does not last long as far as effectiveness.
Imidacloprid is systemic. It has a longer effective life. It is killing bee's and causing colony collapse. It is in the process of it being banned. At least the Fed's are listening to those wanting it done.
Round up is a herbicide and kills plants - not bugs

I just soil drenched w/Pyrethrin last week, with no negative effects.
Leaves are still pointing to the heavens.
It's a last resort, usually after Promix sells me a bag of infected peat based medium.
One watering kills everything.
Shallow pans of water placed near plants with a bit of dish soap is my usual means of preventing and controlling gnats/aphids.
They go for the water, then immediately drown...and I enjoy watching.:lol:
I thought DE is useless when wet? Under a scope it looks like shards of glass and cuts apart bugs that move across it and dries them out but I've heard it's not effective after it's gotten wet

your literally acting like a organic pesticide made out of flowers is the same thing as fucking round up or imidacloprid lol. Let me guess next your gonna tell me neem is bad for my plant?

yeah its not when its wet but when it dries out it is effective, i have tried it on spring tails and it got rid of almost all of them within a week and its safe for the plant im not saying its the most effective way to use it and as far as top dressing all you need is a sprinkle not 1 to 2 inches but i would rather try that first than going strait to pyrethrin just my opinion so each to their own
2 teaspoons of concentrate/gal.
Have a vacuum handy upon watering, as pests will attempt escaping from drainage holes.
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I just soil drenched w/Pyrethrin last week, with no negative effects.
Leaves are still pointing to the heavens.
It's a last resort, usually after Promix sells me a bag of infected peat based medium.
One watering kills everything.
Shallow pans of water placed near plants with a bit of dish soap is my usual means of preventing and controlling gnats/aphids.
They go for the water, then immediately drown...and I enjoy watching.:lol:

I had some problem with doing a 15 min root soak with DWC and an old Ebb system. This was for root aphids. You fill a bucket with the drench mix and set the net pot into it.
That was hard on the plants.

Never did have to try a soil drench in soil....Nice to know on your point.

Gnats get a BT drench. Mirobe-Lift BMT is my go to....
2 teaspoons of concentrate/gal.
Have a vacuum handy upon watering, as pests will attempt escaping from drainage holes.

this is crazy how know one knows lol. ok and this is 1 % strength, not the same thing as the stronger ones like pyganic, so its not 2 tsp per gallon. thats way to little. i ended up using 1 table spoon per gallon but i dont know if thats to little. again foliar says 2-3 table spoons per gallon .
For a 5% concentrate = 5 ml per gallon to make a soil drench.

For your 1% concentrate = 25 ml per gallon. (1.66 TBL)

You'll need to do it twice! 7 days apart.

If it's root aphids - 2 TBL per gallon, same twice, 7 days apart.

You never did answer us to what your trying to kill!

Gnats? FUCK pyrethrin soil drenching!

Microbe-Lift BMC

I have never seen a 5% concentrate of pyrethrin by Bonide,

"Mix 1.5 fl. oz. (3 Tbs) in 1 gallon of water. Apply to insure
thorough coverage of upper and lower leaf surfaces, but
do not wet plants to point of runoff or drip"

As we both know, the product is not recommended as a drench. This is why there are no instructions for it.:bigjoint:
My recommendation was made based on trial and error, after using too much several years ago. It damages roots as much as the larvae feeding on roots. Same goes with spraying for mites when using HID lighting, which magnify the pyrethrin oil even when dry. I rinse it off after 5 minutes, after burning plants a few years back.:lol:
And I don't repeat it either, cuz' I don't like using it to begin with. Shallow pans of water with a tsp. of dish soap is more effective at prevention and elimination.
All I've done for the past 5 years is fight aphids, gnats, and mites.
My flower room is literally a limestone dungeon, in the basement with no means to seal.
When the temps drop, insects flock into my nice warm room from outdoors.