Well-Known Member
good comeback, wicked burn....well thought out too.Good one got me on finger placement on my keyboard. Your state is still shit.
good comeback, wicked burn....well thought out too.Good one got me on finger placement on my keyboard. Your state is still shit.
No the comeback is that you still live in a shithole state and will remain there contributing to its shittiness. You just can't win even when you think you do.good comeback, wicked burn....well thought out too.
"apartment life bruh", what state was that again? nothing wrong with that state, especially if you count wallet votes it's among the most popular, amirite?No the comeback is that you still live in a shithole state and will remain there contributing to its shittiness. You just can't win even when you think you do.
you might as well have been living in an apartment since you wasted every sing;e penny you ever laid into that house, trailer boi."apartment life bruh", what state was that again? nothing wrong with that state, especially if you count wallet votes it's among the most popular, amirite?
I live in the unquestionably better state of N.C. Its bad but not as bad as S.C. Everyone here shits on you."apartment life bruh", what state was that again? nothing wrong with that state, especially if you count wallet votes it's among the most popular, amirite?
no. it was a lot cheaper and I had a huge yard and privacy. thanks for playing though, might as well have been living in an apartment since you wasted every sing;e penny you ever laid into that house, trailer boi.
wasting money like that is fiscally conservative.
that's a good plan man. sc/nc are the top living destinations in the country.I live in the unquestionably better state of N.C. Its bad but not as bad as S.C. Everyone here shits on you.
Home ownership is a choice. I could have bought a shitty trailer or house, instead I have 2 new cars. I'm not settling for a shitty house just to say I own one. Fuck that. When the cars are paid off in 3 years then Ill buy a proper house.
losing 10 years worth of mortgage payments and 20% down to be fiscally conservative and own the libsno. it was a lot cheaper and I had a huge yard and privacy. thanks for playing though, dummy.
you literally bragged about putting 20% down you perpetually lying racist trailer trash0 down dumbshit, great credit and first time home buyer + pmi
who wouldn't believe a fiscally conservative poverty-earner like you owns three houses?after that one I did. I'm in my 3rd primary right now stupid ass.
ya. its just like how it "takes a good guy with a gun" etcDiscrimination is bad, so we need to use discrimination to fight discrimination.
Sounds intimate, are you his asshole whisperer?You seem upset about something.
You're not hardly competent enough to make that assertion, rube.Competent people don't need affirmative action.
strategic default, sold, bought, bought.who wouldn't believe a fiscally conservative poverty-earner like you owns three houses?
tell us more about your socially liberal belief that blacks should not be able to eat at the same lunch counter as whites because it would piss off racist whites.
congrats on your trailer and sub poverty wages.strategic default, sold, bought, bought.
so stoopid.
3rd primary residence does not mean 3/3 primary can only have one primary residence, rest are taxed at higher rental rates......dummy.
congrats on your first primary though.