does anyone have side by side pictures of defoliated vs undefoliated

The way it should be, if you can afford or not care about a failure it's better to learn from a mistake than to be thinking "what if" forever.
It wont fail, i mean that i will still get a harvest :)

I have heavily defoliated before like in a bad way
And still got gobs of budd just not huge ones but they where all buds no larf.

I have a pic of it, the plants look like shit cause i had some sprayers cut out on me while i was gone and pissed them off
check out the thread

scrog advice needed In advanced cultivation

thers a picture there.
Like i said the plants look like poop lol but you get the idea

But it was 3.5x7 ft of solid bud :)
Looks great, love to see the comparison, good placing for the staggered cutting. I think with a decent defoliation you'll get higher quality, bigger buds. May lose a little bit of weight but not enough to want to not trim ya know.

It may be personal preference for why someone would want larf nugs, maybe for edibles or concentrates?

Keep up the good work!
Looks great, love to see the comparison, good placing for the staggered cutting. I think with a decent defoliation you'll get higher quality, bigger buds. May lose a little bit of weight but not enough to want to not trim ya know.

It may be personal preference for why someone would want larf nugs, maybe for edibles or concentrates?

Keep up the good work!
Always welcome here man :)
The whole problem is in the way defoliation is defined by the membership.

The progressive removal of suckers and branching to the point of only running the mains from well topped plants. Is not defoliation.
It does produce massive buds, with very dense structure and large yields, if the right strains are applied to this.

Removing the stem and other heavy working leaves, right down to the leaving only the buds sugar leaves, is over doing it = defoliation.
This produces smaller denser budding with far less bag appeal. Yield by weight can/does increase some. Or, by overdoing it - the way many do - reduce the yield and the bud size!

These 2 get confused, way too much.

Removing fans that block buds from light is only allowing the bud to ripen better. Too much of this will give you the above results. Many simply tuck the leaf under.

I, as the time nears (last week to days). Begin to remove some blocking leaves to have a more even ripening. I don't see this as any "defoliation".
Removing sucker branching = Pruning. Not defoliating.

Rule of "thumb". Do not "defoliate" as above.

Defoilating or de-leafing is one of the most misunderstood techniques of drug Cannabis cultivation. In the mind of the cultivator,several reasons exist for removing leaves. Many feel that large shade leaves draw energy from the flowering plant, and therefore the flowering clusters will be smaller. It is felt that by removing the leaves, surplus energy will be available, and large floral clusters will be formed. Also, some feel that inhibitors of flowering, synthesized in the leaves during the long noninductive days of summer, may be stored in the older leaves that were formed during the noninductive photoperiod.

If these inhibitor-laden leaves are removed, the plant will proceed to flower, and maturation will be accelerated. Large leaves shade the inner portions of the plant, and small atrophied floral clusters may begin to develop if they receive more light.
In actuality, few if any of the theories behind defoilatin or de-leafing give any indication of validity. Indeed, leafing possibly serves to defeat its original purpose. Large leaves have a definite function in the growth and development of Cannabis. Large leaves serve as photosynthetic factories for the production of sugars and other necessary growth sub-stances. They also create shade, but at the same time they are collecting valuable solar energy and producing foods that will be used during the floral development of the plant.

Premature removal of leaves may cause stunting, because the potential for photosynthesis is reduced. As these leaves age and lose their ability to carry on photo-synthesis they turn chloro tie (yellow) and fall to the ground. In humid areas care is taken to remove the yellow or brown leaves, because they might invite attack by fungus.

During chlorosis the plant breaks down substances, such as chlorophylls, and translocates the molecular components to a new growing part of the plant, such as the flowers. Most Cannabis plants begin to lose their larger leaves when they enter the flowering stage, and this trend continues until senescence. It is more efficient for the plant to reuse the energy and various molecular components of existing chlorophyll than to synthesize new chlorophyll at the time of flowering. During flowering this energy is needed to form floral clusters and ripen seeds.

Removing large amounts of leaves will interfere with the metabolic balance of the plant. If this metabolic change occurs too late in the season it could interfere with floral development and delay maturation. If any floral inhibitors are removed, the intended effect of accelerating flowering will be counteracted by metabolic upset in the plant.

Removal of shade leaves does facilitate more light reaching the center of the plant, but if there is not enough food energy produced in the leaves, the small internal floral clusters will not grow any larger. Leaf removal may also cause sex reversal resulting from a metabolic change.

Marijuana Botany.Clarke


I reading his latest its great!
Just like the title says

I see a lot of people say defoliation is the most idiotic thing to do.

Does anyone have any side by side photos they would like to share?

PLEASE dont come for arguments
Just looking for side by side photos

I have defoliated a few times and i usually clean up anything that is more than 3 feet from the final canopy hieght

My problem is i never do a side by side to see a difference .

So heres another question

Would anyone be interested if i did a side by side?

I have 4 amnesia haze girls getting ready for the flip soon would anyone care to see what happens if i defoliate 2 and leave 2 totally unplucked?

Let me know but please no arguing.
If you can link to pics that would be great

But dont come here saying shit like youll only fuck the plant up...
I have stripped plants pretty bare before and they always grew just fine .

But i didnt take photos with an un plucked plant for real proof

Please have something to show ...

Or whether or not you would like to see a side by side .

Come on now no bull shit .

And ive heard all the negatives about it from a to z
Just seeing if anyvone has any side by sides
Or if it would be helpful if i did a side by side with weekly updates

With peace I hope
I don't and Never will defoliate as I get a plants max potential with a prune for airflow and more light around the plant generally but die hard defoliators say you need to defoliate early veg too to break the plant in so to speak but good luck with whatever you do mate.
So when you remove one leaf for air flow is this not un natural defoliation?

How bout i rename the thread.

Trim some leaves vs no trimmed at all not even for airflow?

Sorry i just see way too many people say NOT
to pull leaves off when its OBVIOUS that they have PULLED them :)

So i want to do a side by side with absolutely no leaf removal and "selective" defoliation. ..
But i will gladly take all the leaves off except the top 3 per shoot if you like...

This thread was meant for learning.
Thank you all @Dr.Who @vostok for providing some good information
And not just negative comments:clap:

Like i said this does not hurt me either way if i pluck or not cause i know ill get a havest.

Just wanted to see if the interest is there since its my room and no one eles would lose anything :)
Thanks again peace
tell that to all the people that get yelled at when they ask if they can pull 1 leaf lmao

Mabey change the title to prune or not to prune?
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Heres the plants
You guys can pick which 2 get cut.

I just dont want a hate war
View attachment 4073392
Not my finest work but its my first run in "this" rdwc this is my 3rd and probably last rdwc system

Let me know if i should start a new thread

I like what you are considering just for the sake of experience.
Your approach should not get the hate because it is your plant and we can all do our own thing and share it and everybody enjoys when a project is shared.
The main anger shows up when a new grower shows up on the site and asks if they should defoliate and fights break out.
I was hoping it wasn't going to happen here on this thread, every thread is vulnerable to hate ;)

It is mostly inexperienced growers telling someone to defoliate because it worked for them that bring out the anger.
Good luck whatever you choose, me I don't defoliate.
Please share if you do!
I like what you are considering just for the sake of experience.
Your approach should not get the hate because it is your plant and we can all do our own thing and share it and everybody enjoys when a project is shared.
The main anger shows up when a new grower shows up on the site and asks if they should defoliate and fights break out.
I was hoping it wasn't going to happen here on this thread, every thread is vulnerable to hate ;)

It is mostly inexperienced growers telling someone to defoliate because it worked for them that bring out the anger.
Good luck whatever you choose, me I don't defoliate.
Please share if you do!


check out my other thread
4 inches is all them girls need?
More controversial experiments :)
Just like the title says

I see a lot of people say defoliation is the most idiotic thing to do.

Does anyone have any side by side photos they would like to share?

PLEASE dont come for arguments
Just looking for side by side photos

I have defoliated a few times and i usually clean up anything that is more than 3 feet from the final canopy hieght

My problem is i never do a side by side to see a difference .

So heres another question

Would anyone be interested if i did a side by side?

I have 4 amnesia haze girls getting ready for the flip soon would anyone care to see what happens if i defoliate 2 and leave 2 totally unplucked?

Let me know but please no arguing.
If you can link to pics that would be great

But dont come here saying shit like youll only fuck the plant up...
I have stripped plants pretty bare before and they always grew just fine .

But i didnt take photos with an un plucked plant for real proof

Please have something to show ...

Or whether or not you would like to see a side by side .

Come on now no bull shit .

And ive heard all the negatives about it from a to z
Just seeing if anyvone has any side by sides
Or if it would be helpful if i did a side by side with weekly updates

With peace I hope
Do not ever take to many leaves from a plant, I have no pictures right now but I've done side by sides long ago and it will screw up your production.
One thing you can do with fan leaves is inch them and bend them out of the way,
Dude, ive stripped my plants pretty bare and still got over a pound in a 4x7 area :)

I have pics they are in the thread
need scrog advice or scrog advice needed

The plants look like poop due to other reasons

includding spayers and rootblackages in the nft .
but still pulled over a Pound and im sure if they where happy would have pulled more

I not saying you are wrong :)

This will just help whoever wants to see it with pics

Do not ever take to many leaves from a plant, I have no pictures right now but I've done side by sides long ago and it will screw up your production.
One thing you can do with fan leaves is inch them and bend them out of the way,
Dude, ive stripped my plants pretty bare and still got over a pound in a 4x7 area :)

I have pics they are in the thread
need scrog advice or scrog advice needed

The plants look like poop due to other reasons

includding spayers and rootblackages in the nft .
hut still pulled over a Pound and im sure if they where happy would have pulled more
Try it without screwing with the leaves and see what you get,
A pound out of what kind of watts? I can pull easily 2.5 lbs from a 600 watt in a 4x4 area with a medium producer , easy ,
Scribing is easy but has to be done correctly , scrog done right will greatly improve production by 1/3 , orca will add around another 20 percent production and hydro over dirt production another third increase in production ,
There you go I just told you how to double production,
Thats pretty nice 2.5 lbs in a 4x4 with 600

Any pics?
Try it without screwing with the leaves and see what you get,
A pound out of what kind of watts? I can pull easily 2.5 lbs from a 600 watt in a 4x4 area with a medium producer , easy ,
Scribing is easy but has to be done correctly , scrog done right will greatly improve production by 1/3 , orca will add around another 20 percent production and hydro over dirt production another third increase in production ,
There you go I just told you how to double production,
Yes in my file someplace on here I posted em several times.
When I do I get haters .
Not hating ,
would love to see how i can improve :)

I thought i did well ok by getting a lil over a pound in a 5x5x5 box with 1k watts

If your doing 2.5 lbs in a 4x4 with a 6oow i would love to see