2 time!!!But now White and Snow!!!Pics


Well-Known Member
When i can chance for 12/12???
Anyone can helph me because i litte not sure!
May babes is in day 34 around 11 to 12 feet!


Well-Known Member
Change the lamps for 18 inches on top the plants!
I gonna change for 12/12 tomorow!
Temp:79F top babes
75F top lamp
HMY: 40%
Nutes 350ml


Well-Known Member
White window 11.41 Inches
Snow white 10.23 Inches
Lamp: 18 inches fron the babes
All nutes with water 350ml with plant...CAN BE MORE???
I gonna wait for change for 12/12 one more week because i think the plants is not to big for change!
I am not rigth???

Thanks Mates!

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
your english is funny. :)

your plants look nice and healthy. You can switch to 12/12 whenever you want, but if I were you I'd give it a little longer before switching to 12/12.

Good Job! I like your grow room setup looks nice...



Well-Known Member
your english is funny. :)

your plants look nice and healthy. You can switch to 12/12 whenever you want, but if I were you I'd give it a little longer before switching to 12/12.

Good Job! I like your grow room setup looks nice...

Thanks mate!
Yea i think like you live for more one our 2 weeks for switching!
I live in sweden!!! Mate
Take CAre:weed::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Day 37!
Temp in 82F
out 77F

One Inche more big the white window!
switch to 12/12 today! but i gonna give 14 hrs dark before start the 12/12

All great!


Well-Known Member
I just have change my lamps close to the plants is that ok???
From the top off babes is around 12 Inches!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello guys!
Sorry i did put nifen new but this week is was fucking busy!!!

I have change for 12/12 and have been 3 days intro the flowering period!
I have see the plants get lite diference!!!
I gonna put pics tomorow!

But temp is arond 77F

I think in maybe buy one more lamp 600w HPS!!! how much this can helph???
Thanks mates


Well-Known Member
Hello guys...
Today is day 5 flowers!change for 12/12, and i have see my babes get in 10 days 8.66 inches!!!
That is great!!!
I gonna put pics later!!!


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:I just have take look in my babes and!!!
Temp 83F
PH- snow white- 6.8
White widow- 6.2

But the snow white just make today to 15.3 inches and the white widow is with 11 inches!!!

I just have 4 days intro flowers and i have see the first hars!!!

The snow white from last week to today have been fron 8 inches to 15.3 in one week...
Is that great!!!
I gonna try to take soon nice pics, try to take the first hars to!!!

I have give water with soon nuts because fron yesterday to today i have see the soil was to dry!


Well-Known Member
OK mates!!!
For me is realy hard to see my babes going so far, and strong like bull!!!
I just learning fron my big problems in my first grow!
But now i just take care for nifen go bad!!!
Take care