• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Happy MLK Day!


Well-Known Member
ok. take panhead's white supremacist word for it then, crybaby.
Post the link to that thread. Bet you won't. For all I know, you created that, like you've done before. Or, it's a part of his past which he now regrets. Can't a racist cast away their racist views later in life?

For example, there could come a day when you don't sit around all day getting drunk and being a homophobic, racist, Jew hating, thief loving sack of shit pedo. I doubt it. But it could happen. Do it for your family.


Well-Known Member
As far as defending GWN goes . . . he doesn't want it, doesn't need it. But I'd pay more money than you lost in that deal your partners fucked you out of (LOL) to see you call him a racist to his face, in person. Loser.


Well-Known Member
can't tell if you hate thieves or love them, but you are quite upset.

and i would love to call gwn a racist to his face, in person.
Upset? No, I'm enjoying watch you twist. You won't remember any of this tomorrow anyways. So I take it you're refusing to post the thread containing that quote from Panhead? What a pussy. Isn't it possible for someone to be a reformed racist?


Well-Known Member
Upset? No, I'm enjoying watch you twist. You won't remember any of this tomorrow anyways. So I take it you're refusing to post the thread containing that quote from Panhead? What a pussy. Isn't it possible for someone to be a reformed racist?
how many racists are you gonna apologize for (in a fucking MLK thread no less) before this is all over?


Well-Known Member
Here's the complete quote, pussy.

Im a proud white man & i'll explain .

I grew up in a time when every person in this country was a racist,blacks,whites,yellows,they all hated each other & they all kept to themselves,not because of the reasons that kids see on tv like whitey was keeping people down but by choice,there was a comfort level obtained by living in an area of town with your own people.

I was not one of the people who lived with my people,the area of Detroit i grew up in was predominately black,my father bought the home because of its proximity to his job & no other reason,he hated everybody including whites so he didnt give two shits where we lived.

I grew up with race riots every day,i was made to feel ashamed of being white,not to mention the daily fights i had to get into,i had black friends as well as white but that didnt matter,my whole family was "whitey" & not welcome in the neighborhood nor were we to be trusted,i learned early in life that all people no matter their color have two different personalities, depending on who they were around at the time.

When i was growing up Black Power was comming into its own as well as the Black Panthers,Black Nationalists & the worst racist group of all against whites which is Louis Farakan's Nation Of Islam,i watched all of these evil men march on Detroit,i watched as they garnered attention from the news media,i watched as they all took their turn speaking at colleges spewing their hate,saying things about me & my family (whitey) that i knew for a fact was untrue,watching the Nation of Islam spew racisim,biggotry & hatred against "ALL WHITES" made me open my eye's.

In those days it was not cool to be white,most white people were made to feel ashamed for what other men do,or for what their ancestors did,i started thinking this at a very young age,slavery all around the world was not a new idea,it was a common pratice where strong races enslaved weaker races,or family members sold their own family into slavery for profit,if this was an age old pratice then why was i being blamed for something i had no part in ?

I grew tired of being made to feel ashamed of my skin color,i grew tired of having to defend myself every time i went to the park down the street,i grew tired of having to explain my position to other races who would come around when myself & the black friends i had were playing outside,i grew tired of watching my best friend who's black make excuses for me being white like "oh he's cool man",shit like that made me sick & angry.

My experience with black people to that point in my life had been mostly negative,without the few black friends i'd made it would have been an experience of mainly violence & hatred not fueled by myself or my families beliefs,at that point i made my mind up i was tired of appologizing for things i had no part in, or for my skin color so i decided to show everybody who i was.

Im covered from my neck line to my waist with tattoos,my arms are sleeved out as well,the very first large tattoo i got was my statement peice,it says "White Pride" across my shoulders,not White Power but White Pride,there is a difference but most cant see that difference.

Not too much later in life i did my 1st term in prison,the prison i was sent to was nicknamed gladiator school because of the daily violence,this prison was controlled by The Nation of Islam,the same group that i had seen while i was in the free world,once inside it became obvious to me very quickly that you either "clique up" or get fucked up by the Nation of Islam,joining a clique was not a presedent to staying safe for black men but it was for white men,if you were white & not affiliated with a clique your days were numbered,at the very least white boys were treated as slaves,had all their possessions taken from them & forced into sexual slavery,not me buddy.

I got out & saw the exact same shit i was being accused of my whole life,whitey is keeping us down & all that jazz,it didnt matter that i came from a poverty type black neighborhood i was still whitey.

Pass by a few more years & i got married for the 2nd time,my 1st wife was white & she left me while i was in prison,my 2nd & current wife was not white & i had to put up with the same type shit from her family,i would constantly hear how i was a bad person & how my wife was making a bad mistake by marrying outside her race,i had to hear how i was "different" & not like other whites,i got sick of that shit & banned her family from my home while i was in the home,lotsa fukin problems there that i had no part of.

Fast foward a few more years & im back in prison, only this time the largest walled prison in the united states,the black bus driver who was taking us from county to prison laughed & told all the white people on the bus that we'd better hope they dont put our "white asses" behind the walls,guess what, right behind the walls i went & right into another fukin mess,another prison controled by black racists who hated me without knowing me,this time around i made my mind up i wasnt skulking around in the shadows until i met people to hang with, i made sure everybody in that place saw my White Pride tat,in this prison i'd gained some age since my last incarceration & knew my way around prisons so i didnt look like a greenhorn,there were instances where The Nation tried to start shit with me but for the most part i was left alone,mainly because i was branded & they couldnt be sure i wasnt cliqued up,still lotsa fukin problems over my skin color especially on visit day when my wife came to visit or when my best friend who is black came to visit.

Ok im out now & once again everywhere i go im made to feel ashamed of my skin color,my wife's family hates me because of it,my children live daily with stupidity because of their mixed heritage & so forth,once my children started to take flack because of who they were i made my mind up that i would lash out at anybody who gave me even the slightest shit over who i was & its worked for me my entire adult life.

Im proud of the man i turned out to be because of the family i raised & the accomplishments that ive made in my life,ive not been given any opportunity because of my skin color, on the contrary,ive been through countless episodes in my life where ive been fucked over because of my skin color,i make no aoplogies for the person i am & i am proud of myself,im also a white man, hence im proud of being white,the only other alternative is to make appoligies for who i am & for things ive never been part of,for that i refuse to be part of,nor will i discredit my entire race based on the actions of others.

Anybody who thinks that being proud of being white equals being racist,or describes themselves in vague terminology for fear of being called a racist is full of shit & not worth my time, or anybody elses time.


Well-Known Member
Here's the complete quote, pussy.
good job publishing his white supremacist manifesto. it says exactly what i said it did and exactly what i quoted too.

and it even has some of his more vile white supremacist beliefs:

"slavery all around the world was not a new idea,it was a common pratice where strong races enslaved weaker races"


Well-Known Member
Why do you follow posters around, you claim are racists, liking their posts all day long? I personally don't think he's racist, but you must have had a very very good reason to make that charge.

wow, that was some massive group crying.

@Chunky Stool

do you guys need a box of tissues?

for such a strong bunch of racists who eschew political correctness as pussy talk, you guys sure do seem to get offended and upset over the happenings of a pot website pretty quickly!
Make up your mind.
Last time I was a racist with a tiny penis...
How ya doin princess? Are you going to delete my posts again?
that hasn't changed.


Well-Known Member
panhead didn't say that white people should kill all black people, so it's not racism i guess. panhead only said that a "strong race" enslaved a "weaker race"

so it does not count as racism by the new cannabineer standard, designed solely for the purpose of letting a racist off the hook.

massively disappointing.


Well-Known Member
good job publishing his white supremacist manifesto. it says exactly what i said it did and exactly what i quoted too.

and it even has some of his more vile white supremacist beliefs:

"slavery all around the world was not a new idea,it was a common pratice where strong races enslaved weaker races"
You have zero credibility, because you are homophobic, Jew hating, racist, thief loving pedo. Why do you feel homosexuals are all sinners that should be killed? Why do you hate Jews so much? Why are your friends thieves?


Well-Known Member
You have zero credibility, because you are homophobic, Jew hating, racist, thief loving pedo. Why do you feel homosexuals are all sinners that should be killed? Why do you hate Jews so much? Why are your friends thieves?
do you agree that panheads content was indicative of a belief in white supremacy?

in reference to american chattel slavery, he said that it was "not a new idea,it was a common pratice where strong races enslaved weaker races".

do you agree with him on that? or do you think he was expressing his white supremacist belief system there?


Well-Known Member
do you agree that panheads content was indicative of a belief in white supremacy?

in reference to american chattel slavery, he said that it was "not a new idea,it was a common pratice where strong races enslaved weaker races".

do you agree with him on that? or do you think he was expressing his white supremacist belief system there?
The only thing I know for a certainty, and can prove by your own statements, is that you are a drunken Hitler praising, Jew hating sack of shit, who literally feels homosexuals and innocent American civilians should be exterminated, who's friends (and partners) are thieves, and has a thing for minors. You're living proof that's there's worse people out there than someone who said something online you think is racist.