Is this a sign of overwatering?


Well-Known Member
Maybe possibly the last pic, the one in the white container might be slightly overwatered, but others look fine. You can *never give it too much water in one instance, it's rather from watering too often, with that said, 'generally', if newer to growing and unsure, one way to tell can be that underwatered, the leaves will wilt with stem included, all hangs down..where with overwatering, only the leaf will hang, the stem will stay sturdy, also the leaves will appear slightly puffy between the veins. Just another small observation..if the pic was taken with lights on, the 66f in the background seems a bit cool, that means lights out is a few degrees cooler, be careful with that as you progress in flowering, because wet/damp and cool conditions are an invitation for trouble! If you drop below 60 overnight, it can diminish yield as well.
Thanks a lot for the advice, I appreciate it. That was lights off, I’m usually around 73-74 lights on with 44-49% RH. I think I may have watered too often, I usually water all of them when I do water even if the soil isn’t fully dry on the top. Maybe I’ll try only watering the ones that are really needing it. I haven’t had any runoff so that’s why I was watering them all at the same time.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have runoff..then use more water when you do water..plants seem big enough to handle a fully saturated soil. A common way is once you get an idea of the weight of your pots, you will know they need it by lifting/moving them if they need water..comes with time. Always allow the soil to dry out on top..about an inch or two down. On average, in 'ideal' conditions, you should be watering about every 3-4 days and maybe a bit less as the plant gets near the end and isn't drinking so much. Having the top of the soil constantly stay damp, will not only bring the possibilty of mold or pests, but your plant suffers as well as the roots won't get a chance to pull in some air which they do as the soil dries. For a 2nd grow, you're doing well!:)


Well-Known Member
If the pots feels heavy you don't need water! How big of pots how often do you watering/feeding and how much nutrients do you feed in ppms? It's possible it could need more ppms of bloom nutrients.
I’m using all 5 gallon pots with Ocean Forest soil. The last 2 feeding were about 3 days apart, ph at 6.5 and the ppms were 1900 and 1800. I’ve been following foxfarms schedule at pretty much full strength. I’ll see if I can upload some new pictures today, hoping they perked up some over the night.


Well-Known Member
lighten up on the nutes, like half strength. but yours look good so... wtf do I know....
water when drier to the bottom, and only enough all at once, the amount it takes to produce a little run off.
The plants are looking a bit better today, less droop. I’ll definitely try lowering my ppms. I think I have another issue though, yesterday was my first day with the temp monitor and right before lights on the temp was at 59. Can anyone recommend some methods of warming up the tent at night? I’ve thought about adding a space heater on a temp controller but a cheaper alternative would be nice if there is one.


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking a bit better today, less droop. I’ll definitely try lowering my ppms. I think I have another issue though, yesterday was my first day with the temp monitor and right before lights on the temp was at 59. Can anyone recommend some methods of warming up the tent at night? I’ve thought about adding a space heater on a temp controller but a cheaper alternative would be nice if there is one.
Turn the heat up in the house lol...


Well-Known Member
you could move the tent to your bedroom and wear an oxygen mask. Duct this like a Cpap right to your tent vent.
The heat from your breath will do the trick and the added c02 from your breath will put your yields over the top,
probably about a pound I'd say!


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking a bit better today, less droop. I’ll definitely try lowering my ppms. I think I have another issue though, yesterday was my first day with the temp monitor and right before lights on the temp was at 59. Can anyone recommend some methods of warming up the tent at night? I’ve thought about adding a space heater on a temp controller but a cheaper alternative would be nice if there is one.
I have a space heater in my tent for that exact reason. Tent is in an unheated garage and it's winter now so adding heat was a necessity. I have an inexpensive oil filled one. It cost around $50. It works fine without a temp controller and just using the thermostat control it already had.