What did you accomplish today?

Just got woke up by my driveway sensor .....black double cab parked blocking my gates ....it's been about 25 minutes and it's just sitting there ....I'm more concerned for my elderly neighbor than anything ....sheriff is on the way out to see what's up .....Hector back for more maybe?

Il post if anything fun happens ....pretty strange though

Driveway sensor?

110 lb GS, 1911 at bed stand, about 30 ft to front door, 2 rifles and .357, and two 12 g along the way; oh yeah assorted knives and a rack of swords/battleaxes from history
Got these?

I like that lil dude, how's he doing? Are you being subjected to hound baying yet?

You know it - the little dude has vocals that remind me of my childhood - my Dad raised a couple of litters & traded many for rifles & cash.
The little dude is such a lover though - he was supposed to be Mrs. GWN's pup but he's attached to my hip & won't leave me for anything.
I'm kinda in love with him. : )

As for the baying, uhmmm that would be a yep.
Lol, I have a few sensors inside black 6" pipe hidden in the bushes around the house .....the pipe is just to make the beam more directional and only pick up things like ...Bigfoot,people and vehicles.....otherwise every raccoon possum and midget prostitue running around my property would set it off.

I keep the speaker in my house near my alarm key pad ....it's loud as fuck......it works well

I do have a pup out front .....but he's old spoiled and is a seasonal guard dog now ...lol
My security system is as follows.
Continuing to beg people to shut and lock windows and doors at night.

Leave a few lights on and a tv
Curtains closed so they have to guess
About if im up or not.

If they rattle my door or window dog wakes me up.

Im a legit fucking psycho when it comes to protecting my loved ones
So its for sure gonna be life or death.

Thats why I get so pissed about unlocked windows. Im the one who has to do the killing at least make it a challenge for the criminal.

Lock the goddamn house so they
Have to trigger the dog with noise.
We have a gate at the end of the driveway and another gate between the driveway and house. Both with locks. You'd have to get by both of those without the dogs hearing before even getting to the house. Only two windows are even reachable from outside without a step ladder or piling something up. Both by the front door. One is pretty skinny so you'd probably get stuck and get your face chewed off by one of four dogs. Or all of em.
LOL I'd forget which f'n rock it was!
My mother bought one years ago and put it right next to the front post at the base of the stairs . First winter it got shoveled up with snow and tossed. Never found it, so there's a fake rock and key somewhere in the yard or woods around the house.

Best advice I've heard. Tie a piece of fishing line on a key and look for a low, below waist level, piece of trim or siding that you can just slide it in under from the bottom.
My security system is as follows.
Continuing to beg people to shut and lock windows and doors at night.

Leave a few lights on and a tv
Curtains closed so they have to guess
About if im up or not.

If they rattle my door or window dog wakes me up.

Im a legit fucking psycho when it comes to protecting my loved ones
So its for sure gonna be life or death.

Thats why I get so pissed about unlocked windows. Im the one who has to do the killing at least make it a challenge for the criminal.

Lock the goddamn house so they
Have to trigger the dog with noise.
They changed the law here. Once someone breaks a door or window to enter your home it is considered lethal force on their part and you can respond with equal lethal force.

Its not fun. I had someone trying to kick my door in one night. Small house. No where to go. I grabbed my shotgun with a 3.5 inch mag buckshot and took the safety off. My heart was pounding. My pit bull broke his cable and chased the guy off.

I later found out someone broke into the neighbors house that night and stole a bunch of guns and various electronics. I felt bad.
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They changed the law here. Once someone breaks a door or window to enter your home it is considered lethal force on their part and you can respond with equal lethal force.

Its not fun. I had someone trying to kick my door in one night. Small house. No where to go. I grabbed my shotgun with a 3.5 inch mag buckshot and took the safety off. My heart was pounding. My pit bull broke his cable and chased the guy off.

I later found out someone broke into the neigh its house that night and stole a bunch of guns and various electronics. I felt bad.
My buddy stabbed a guy trying to get in. The dude called the cops on my buddy.
More to the story for sure but yeah the world is a crazy place.

When we lived in texas mom woke up with someone in her bed with her.
My buddy stabbed a guy trying to get in. The dude called the cops on my buddy.
More to the story for sure but yeah the world is a crazy place.

When we lived in texas mom woke up with someone in her bed with her.
That's crazy. Woke up with someone in her bed.

I was deer hunting one time and some guys decide to target practice towards the holler I was in. They were using .22 lr. The bullets were smacking trees and limbs all around me. I got out of my blind and was waving my hunters orange and they kept shooting. Rounds keep hitting all around me. I didn't know what to do. I fired a couple times in the air and kept waving my orange. It got to the point I was really worried about a round hitting me. I fired I to the dirt next to one of the guys. It threw dirt on them
They finally quit and I walked up to talk to them. I told them what dumbasses they were. Some people are stupid
That's crazy. Woke up with someone in her bed.

I was deer hunting one time and some guys decide to target practice towards the holler I was in. They were using .22 lr. The bullets were smacking trees and limbs all around me. I got out of my blind and was waving my hunters orange and they kept shooting. Rounds keep hitting all around me. I didn't know what to do. I fired a couple times in the air and kept waving my orange. It got to the point I was really worried about a round hitting me. I fired I to the dirt next to one of the guys. It threw dirt on them
They finally quit and I walked up to talk to them. I told them what dumbasses they were. Some people are stupid
I remember as a kid going to my uncles for the weekend.
He lived in an orchard.

As we pulled up you could clearly see assloads of rifle holes in his house
From some dude the night before.
.I was scared shitless all night.. Also the no firewood so you could see your breath in the house.
Its a miracle im as ok as i am.
My adults sucked donkey balls
I took the door off the closet in my grow room, and put a zipper door up in its place. Got the carbon filter up, and the humidistat calibrated and ready to go. Mylittledryingcloset (c) dstroy, lite edition.

Negative pressure in the closet, and no problem keeping humidity at 60% now.