HELP! Yellowing and werid leaves!


Active Member
i feed them HouSE and Garden nutes as it says on the sechedule. There in there 6th week of bloom. the last time i made a batch of nutes the ppm's were almost 1k. which i think is low but theses are new nutes to me which makes me wounder. I was using 1k of light about 18 inches above the tops but i thought that was getting them to hot so i switched it to a 600 hps. I got plenty of air flow and an a.c to keep temps in control. The yellowing seemed to start from the bottom and move up. The tips on most leaves are crisp and burnt just on the tips, if there yellow or green. Some stems to the leaves are reddish-purple. The colas just dont look how they should to me and the yellowing is becoming more and more prodominate. The hairs havent all started to turn cloros yet, im used to the yellow starting later during the cycle. Im thinking its either Nute burn, which i doubt cus the ppms are so low. Or lack of N or something else. So im not sure if i should add some N or CAL-MAG? any help would be apprecaited! Thanks so much for your help!!! I can post pic's if needed, but not till tomarrow cus i dont have batterys for my digital!


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like you have the same problem i had, a zinc deficiency, you say that your leaves are yellowing and have dry tips? It would make sence that it is a deficiency if your hydro ppm levels are only at 1000. Are you using a nutrient solution that contains all of the "trace minerals", what brand of nutrients are you using? Hope this helps.


Active Member
There starting week 7 of 8 tho.. then i flush for a week. but they have slowed down in turning to orange hairs..


Well-Known Member
how long do u have left on that?....... idk what u do with feeding but u know in bud production around the 2nd month the plant uses alot of the nitrogen thats y leaves begin to die. what i do is around the 4th and 5th week of flower when i notice yellowing, i give a nice dose of bloodmeal to up N levels during flower then continue on regular feeding the following week.


Active Member
how long do u have left on that?....... idk what u do with feeding but u know in bud production around the 2nd month the plant uses alot of the nitrogen thats y leaves begin to die. what i do is around the 4th and 5th week of flower when i notice yellowing, i give a nice dose of bloodmeal to up N levels during flower then continue on regular feeding the following week.
Not really sure how long it has left. This is my first plant. But it started flowering probably about six weeks ago. Normally we have just been watering it. Where can I get this blood meal stuff? And what would you recommend for normal feeding?


Well-Known Member
no, i use it when i notice yellowing, it's fast acting... When i mix my dirt, i put about 1/3worm casting in and 2tsp of bloodmeal. i hardly feed veg nutes. I use GH maxibloom for normal feeding and use my bloodmeal at time of yellowing prematurely.


Active Member
that HEAT STRESS info has pointed me in the right direction. I too am a new grower and havnt supplemented the water i use to grow, i've jus let nature take its course. My plant is in it 3rd week of flower and i'm gettin yellow and purple leaves. Do you know if its too late to start using nutes and vits?


Active Member
its kinnda hard to see the yellowing here but its pretty close to the top. Its day 2 of week 7. I added a little extra A&B Aqua flakes from the House and Garden Nutes im useing to the mixture when i started this week. I really only want to do them another week cus its been over 8 weeks really cus i do 8-10 day weeks with R.O water. Im doing them on a 8 week sechduel cus thats when there usally done. Then i flush for a week. But there just not changing color that much. Some of it looks good.. some looks ok i guess, but i just know it could look better. The ppms were at 1200 when i checked today.. ph i knocked down to 5.8-6.0 range. i usally one water once a day for like 15 min or so. Should i water em twice a day for that amount of time? The flood and drain table is new to me so im not sure how many times it needs to be done. Im used to the mutli-flow systems. Any help would be great.



Well-Known Member
ur question was answered.....its fine... i doubt its burn. how long is flower on ur plant...if ur at 6 weeks and that leaf looks like a 8-10weeker...but u said ur stems are turnin purple...that may be a defiency....u didnt really give ur feeding schedule...just try upping nutes..


Active Member
Thanks! Geez nobody even answered my questions but they answered somebody elsed question on my thread. nice!
Sorry, DabNeyBlue. Didn't mean to hijack your thread. Just seemed like you and I were having a similar issue, so I decided to post my pics (since others were asking for you to post more than a pic of just a single leaf).

Anyways, yeah I went ahead and harvested mine. Got at least 2 zips from it. Can't wait to light it up.