What you have learned in life.


New Member
This is a thread for you to share what you have learned from life experience with others.

I will start.

I learned to never regret anything in the past.

I have made A LOT of mistakes in my past but they have all led me to one great thing.
I think of all the bad things in my past and say "look, if it hadn't of been for all these mistakes I would not be the person I am today. I would also not be where I am today, and even though it took a long time and a lot of pain, I found something worth justifying all the bad in my life for."

the love of my life.

I'm sure most people can understand that any small change in your past would mean a totally different outcome on the present. And to deny the past would be to deny the present, and what is it to live in a life of denial?

I love my life today and I'm glad I never ended it.



Well-Known Member
i've learned that you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. and i've also learned that the universe has an uncanny way of unfolding as it should.


Well-Known Member
I have learned that poetry is window into the divine nature of man:

Happiness Is Only Real When Shared

A soft kiss upon the lips of one
We search for life
We found none
I ran once again

I found it was there from the start
A journey to continue for years to come
For I have found truth in the times that we part
Love can only come to those who accept life into their heart

A beauty yet unforeseen
A journey offered by those most unlikely
Unaware of the joy around us
We search for things made of gold

I have tried to reunite with the days
I have traveled only to find
A sadness that enters my mind
Just beyond the horizon there is happiness for me

Set out on another journey
Surrounded by beauty both human and not
Travel to seek my heart which has no end
In silence the answers will come

In death answers will mean none
I place a flag for you in a far off land
An offering of Love never to be lost

Welcome all that is true
Invite your friends and enemies
For all that exist is of one kind
A simple trick for the mind
An answer for all with heart
Those that create beauty with art
Even they know nothing of truths compared
Happiness can only be real when shared


New Member
I have learned that poetry is window into the divine nature of man:

Happiness Is Only Real When Shared

A soft kiss upon the lips of one
We search for life
We found none
I ran once again

I found it was there from the start
A journey to continue for years to come
For I have found truth in the times that we part
Love can only come to those who accept life into their heart

A beauty yet unforeseen
A journey offered by those most unlikely
Unaware of the joy around us
We search for things made of gold

I have tried to reunite with the days
I have traveled only to find
A sadness that enters my mind
Just beyond the horizon there is happiness for me

Set out on another journey
Surrounded by beauty both human and not
Travel to seek my heart which has no end
In silence the answers will come

In death answers will mean none
I place a flag for you in a far off land
An offering of Love never to be lost

Welcome all that is true
Invite your friends and enemies
For all that exist is of one kind
A simple trick for the mind
An answer for all with heart
Those that create beauty with art
Even they know nothing of truths compared
Happiness can only be real when shared
Just beautiful... :clap::leaf:


Well-Known Member
i have also learned that no one "falls thru the cracks" the government sweeps you into those cracks. and that the bastards cant be trusted.


Active Member
Ive learned that everything you think you learned you haven't. And sometimes there really are things in life that are bigger than you, and that they are rare and special and you just have to let them be.


Well-Known Member
Never knock old age. It's a privilege denied many.

Do not stereotype. Take everyone as an individual. Stay away from clan ism.

Honor thy Father and Mother. Because they are the only ones who really give a fuck about you (in 99% of cases).

Paybacks a bitch.

Marry for love. Because the other shit changes.

I know it's hard. But did you ever notice that when your happy good shit happens? So stay Happy.


Active Member
Got this quote a long time ago... and for the damn death of me I can't remember where but I've had it on my computer for a while... reads:

It has been said that for the truth to exist, it takes two people - one to speak it, and another to hear it. Mankind will be forever doomed to destruction if we continue to ask for the truth...but then refuse to listen.

Another that reads :Before we allow outselves to be consumed by our regrets, we should remember that the mistakes we make in life are not so important as the lessons we draw from them.

Ive always thought that these quotes have a very sense of truth in them.


New Member
I probably should have answered the question huh ... Well I learned that it is impossible to ever know how much you learned or how wise you really are..There is always more to learn... accept that life is mysterious and anything is possible.. Don't expect anything and just go with the flow.


New Member
i have also learned in my life that Greed is the downfall to humanity, and if Greed never existed, a Utopia would be possible.


Well-Known Member
i also have very recently learned the value of this quote.
"be who you are and say what you feel. those who mind dont matter. and those who matter dont mind."


Active Member
ive learned that love of a good women should not be taken for granted....ive also learned that family is important for one manto stay stable in other words keep your friends close and your family closer.... ive learned to think before i talk..... and ive learned to be grateful of my life and well as my location ...... and last but not least ive learned how to roll a blunt.....


stays relevant.
The best thing I learned was taught to me by my father who used to do heroin, rob banks, beat people up... and spent most of his life in prison.

You can do anything you want to anyone or anything, as long as you're willing to deal with the consequences.