Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
acedently put half strength instead of one thrird ec is 2.2 2.4 is tjat way to high my guts telli g me it shouldent be above 2 so i might start over somthings telling me i dont want over 1.6


Well-Known Member
swaer cheked it 5 times 2.22.4 1100 1200 tjat was 40 mls half strength i also used tje himic and fulvic and followed tje directions 15 ml per ten liters migjt go down to 5 ml and 15 ml of the nutes tje ph was around 5.7 too forgot 2 check what it was starting


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah I'm toking up right now before I head to bed, tossing up whether to watch Family Guy, Earth Final Conflict or Rick and Morty while I do lol what sort you smokin
Haha nice... im down to me last few g's of candy glue me mate grew out... fuck me im smashed... I havnt grown it.. Its from Lineage but id recommed it to anyone im getting some F's off him for sure...


Well-Known Member
might add 5 mls of tje humic and fulvic might just skip out on the omegazyme for good might even skip the humic and fulvic might ad it this time n see but fuken hell it must be strong shit i spilled some on a cut and it stung lol