There's this certain FISA memo......


Well-Known Member
on releasing nunes' interpretation memo, of a classified memo (that nunes never read) which can't be released..

'the best disinfectant is sunshine' - Paul Ryan
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Well-Known Member
Lol, the Umclebuck dick suckers coming out the woodwork. Sorry to ruin your echo chamber.
My "us and we" would be those of us reasonable people that knew Bernie could beat Trump and improve the country, but all you dnc cocksuckers threw it away to Hillary. Now whine about everything.
I'm the one thinking rationally, not drinking the koolaid outta bucks dick.

We've heard about him "discussing" firing Mueller a year ago, for a week. The FBI director had McCabes back, then very suddenly he didn't.
Pull your head outta your/bucks ass.
Is this director dirty too? blackmailed? Eiher way FBI fed pig bastards got something going on internally, not sure what side they're working for.

At least you are consistently inconsistent. Offended by how UB insults then does same. (snicker) .

Now you are going to say Bernie would have won instead of losing by a whopping large margin if he hadn't been cheated by a rigged primary.

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member

At least you are consistently inconsistent. Offended by how UB insults then does same. (snicker) .

Now you are going to say Bernie would have won instead of losing by a whopping large margin if he hadn't been cheated by a rigged primary.
ONLY AFTER he moans about cock


Well-Known Member
Please explain how "we are ruining our credibility by the Russia investigation". Who is "we"? How do those "we" people lose credibility when they don't run any of the investigations?
Never said that
Do you not understand what quotation marks are? I was quoting you, dumbshit.

I'm just worried we are ruining our credibility chasing these Russia threads. Surely with the way things have been going, something verifiable should be found sooner than later.
The way they picked apart Bill Clinton with no proof, Trumps days are numbered. I honestly was very surprised McCabe stepped down, thought he was insulated from the corruption, which made me question what I knew about him.
So, please explain how "we" can ruin credibility by the Russian investigation?
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Well-Known Member

At least you are consistently inconsistent. Offended by how UB insults then does same. (snicker) .

Now you are going to say Bernie would have won instead of losing by a whopping large margin if he hadn't been cheated by a rigged primary.
Couldn't get any answers. Decided to play along. It seems to be a lot of fun.
Bernie probably wouldn't have won by a big margin, but he woulda beat Trump.
If you're talking about how it's been proven the DNC actively colluded with Clinton campaign on many levels?...maybe.


Well-Known Member
I think it was Buck who offered his dick for you to suck.

Is is true that you have spent so much time watching porn you can no longer have sex with a real person?
I know. From what I've seen here, it's all a part of the initiation you all went thru to post on this board...But I'm gonna pass, you go ahead.
It's true...sometimes I have to think about what I did to your mom, to get it up.
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