Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

Do you worry about that altering or affecting the taste after the fact?

Not sure it would, camomile sure wouldn't, but I'm willing to give it a go.

Can't be worse than using chemicals or the extreme method of a peroxide mix though.

Anyway, back on thread, I replanted the stretched sprout yesterday and, so far, the little bugger is showing no ill effects and seems to be behaving as if nothing had happened. Maybe what helps is that I always water from the bottom so the roots would already be a tad stronger and longer, and going into what was already moist soil could help there too.

She's definitely drinking, that's for sure
Not sure it would, camomile sure wouldn't, but I'm willing to give it a go.

Can't be worse than using chemicals or the extreme method of a peroxide mix though.

Anyway, back on thread, I replanted the stretched sprout yesterday and, so far, the little bugger is showing no ill effects and seems to be behaving as if nothing had happened. Maybe what helps is that I always water from the bottom so the roots would already be a tad stronger and longer, and going into what was already moist soil could help there too.

She's definitely drinking, that's for sure
That's great man. #noplantleftbehind :)
PlanTed 2 seeds day apart.. ones a totem pole the others a short arse...breed i guess. So transplant lanky lower than shotry?
Wouldn' that mess with ph?

Wouldn't what mess with ph?

My stretched plant was at around the same stage as yours, as far as number of leaves goes, and this is her now. She's 17cm at her widest and 7cm tall. I don't think the replanting, the cinnamon, garlic or watering from the bottom has done any harm whatsoever.


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I've used this method for tomatoes all my life. They grow way stronger if you grow them for a month or two, lollipop the plant and bury the whole bare stem half then it just makes new roots and is much more sturdy and healthy
*slaps head* Jesus thats exactly what my mom does with hers. I totally forgot she did that until you mentioned tomatoes.
This is just to show you how easy it is to bury those long stretchy stems ,

After you replant them make sure you lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch

I do not have a pic of one of those seedlings with the long ass stem reaching for a light that's 2ft high

But i got this one that i internally let slightly stretch a little , you can see the slight stretch at the bottom of the stem

You do not want your soil wet when you do this

its best for the soil to be dry so the extra soil will come off the roots easier

After you take your plant out , GENTLY break lose the soil from around the roots

After you got the excess soil off the roots , put some soil back in the bottom of your cup or pot

you dont want to put your plant right in with the roots hitting the bottom of your cup because you dont want the chance for the roots to grow out the drain holes

so put some soil in the bottom first then put your seedling back in

position your seedling at desired height for your stem to be buried at

i would bury all the way up to the Cotyledon leaves ,

after your have replanted and buried your stem you can then give it just A LITTLE bit of water

the part of the stem that you buried will eventually start to grow roots

your plant will pretty much not go into shock at all from this

just make sure your gentle when your braking the lose soil off the roots

Like i said this is not a bad stretchy plant but the same principle applies with those long ass stretchy stems

hope this helps you all that has the long stretchy seedling stem problem

remember to lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch

I did this for my landlord, not knowing if it would actually work or not! Glad to know I did something right haha
I see recommendations for using apple vinegar, maybe the smell of the fruit gets their attention.

But another option seems to be our good friend garlic, just stick a clove in the soil and if you water from the top it'll spread the garlicky goodness through the soil and they don't like that. I'm guessing a liberal spread of powder around the plant which you then water in would do the same as you get the garlic soaked through the soil.
PlanTed some garlic it started growing so took it out. Tried cinnamon too still no luckids. .. .tried diamaceious earth and still there. Yellow stickyle traps are full....she still looks healthy but I know the fuckers are depleting her final offering
PlanTed some garlic it started growing so took it out. Tried cinnamon too still no luckids. .. .tried diamaceious earth and still there. Yellow stickyle traps are full....she still looks healthy but I know the fuckers are depleting her final offering


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Maybe the difference is that I water from below so the cinnamon doesn't get washed into the dirt when I water, its there longer and can do the job
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Water, throw the stuff all over the soil, repeat every watering.

I mean, you're not watering daily, I presume, so you'll still disrupt the life cycle of the buggers
Most important is to learn to not repeat the stretchy stem error.
A simple 23W spiral CFL hung 1.5 inches away from your seedling is all you need for a vigorous start.
Or a simple 14w LED replacement bulb, has to be a bit higher though.

Have a deglobed 6500K for sprouts and an 18.5W 2700K for the upcoming solo cup misadventure. I learned that one the hard way.
Water, throw the stuff all over the soil, repeat every watering.

I mean, you're not watering daily, I presume, so you'll still disrupt the life cycle of the buggers
I'l give it a go not everyday...every three days or when top inch of soil is dry
Every pic of a seed grow the fan leaves and everything grows symmetrical. Any of you guys ever get one like this? The leaves look deformed and not growing symmetrical at all. About a week in


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I've used this method for tomatoes all my life. They grow way stronger if you grow them for a month or two, lollipop the plant and bury the whole bare stem half then it just makes new roots and is much more sturdy and healthy
You won't get damping off? I've always done it tomatoes and works well. I've read that if done with semi-woody plants like weed it will cause damp off. Not argueing, just asking
You won't get damping off? I've always done it tomatoes and works well. I've read that if done with semi-woody plants like weed it will cause damp off. Not argueing, just asking

Nope they won't dampen off unless your medium is totally soaked all the time. Plant them deep. Seriously. Chop off the bottom half of the plant and bury it up to the first node you left halfway up the plant. And then give them a good watering or feeding whatever your on. Then leave it for a few days before watering again.... Seriously i almost guarantee it won't even feel it. It's getting a hair cut pal, they love it
