There's this certain FISA memo......


Well-Known Member
Seriously...are you covered under CHIP? Who the fuck cares that much about chip? (Other than you)
With all the things in this world that he can fuck up, and your hang up is CHIP?
How is it you and only you get to insult people using banned hate speech?


Well-Known Member
Seriously...are you covered under CHIP? Who the fuck cares that much about chip? (Other than you)
With all the things in this world that he can fuck up, and your hang up is CHIP?
How is it you and only you get to insult people using banned hate speech?
You don't care about nine million kid's healthcare, marsupial?


Well-Known Member
you and sockpossum are getting likes from choomer now, an avowed neo-nazi. LOL
When someone else recognizes the dearth of worth you are (as opposed to the mutual lavish fellation the BCC shares amongst themselves) I have to give the poster(s) props.
It's what those accused (but never proven to be, even though it's been asked for many a time) of being neo-nazis by the Blue Cuck Crew do.

Oh, there is bad news for those claiming to be:
i am a bisexual yoga instructor. welcome.
as Michigan State professor Shreena Gandhi, who recently penned the essay "Yoga and the Roots of Cultural Appropriation." has this to say about them.

Especially during this time when the underbelly of capitalism - white supremacy, cisheteropatriarchy, and xenophobia - is being exposed, it is imperative that everyone, especially those who have access to spiritual practices like yoga, ask difficult questions of ourselves and one another. We must ask, in what ways are we complicit in a system that harms People of Color, queer and trans people, poor people, people with disabilities, and immigrants? Despite our best values and intentions as individuals, our actions (and inaction) are inherently connected with a system of power, privilege, and oppression. If we want to honor the full yoga tradition and live into our values of love, unity, and fairness, we must examine the ways we are upholding 'business as usual.'
I think she just called you a nazi. ;)


Well-Known Member
Seriously...are you covered under CHIP? Who the fuck cares that much about chip? (Other than you)
With all the things in this world that he can fuck up, and your hang up is CHIP?
How is it you and only you get to insult people using banned hate speech?
i think 9 million needy children in poverty depend on CHIP, but way to totally back up your "YOU CAN'T ARGUE!!!!1!!!" claim against me.

a better route would just be to respond to the point i brought up, which is that you called an obvious and irrefutable lie a "valid argument".


Well-Known Member
When someone else recognizes the dearth of worth you are (as opposed to the mutual lavish fellation the BCC shares amongst themselves) I have to give the poster(s) props.
It's what those accused (but never proven to be, even though it's been asked for many a time) of being neo-nazis by the Blue Cuck Crew do.

Oh, there is bad news for those claiming to be:

as Michigan State professor Shreena Gandhi, who recently penned the essay "Yoga and the Roots of Cultural Appropriation." has this to say about them.

Especially during this time when the underbelly of capitalism - white supremacy, cisheteropatriarchy, and xenophobia - is being exposed, it is imperative that everyone, especially those who have access to spiritual practices like yoga, ask difficult questions of ourselves and one another. We must ask, in what ways are we complicit in a system that harms People of Color, queer and trans people, poor people, people with disabilities, and immigrants? Despite our best values and intentions as individuals, our actions (and inaction) are inherently connected with a system of power, privilege, and oppression. If we want to honor the full yoga tradition and live into our values of love, unity, and fairness, we must examine the ways we are upholding 'business as usual.'
I think she just called you a nazi. ;)
condemn neo-nazis.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for verifying all I said of you was true.

Now open your home to host Muslim refugees, yoga nazi. ;)
i am all for welcoming muslim refugees into our nation! they are wonderful and skilled people who make this country a better place, unlike brokedick losers like you.

now condemn neo-nazis.


Well-Known Member
i am all for welcoming muslim refugees into our nation! they are wonderful and skilled people who make this country a better place, unlike brokedick losers like you.

now condemn neo-nazis.
I said "your home", and unless you are claiming ownership of the nation, it means your trailer. ;)

But as a nod to actual content about the post subject:

As Trump shook hands up the aisle after his SOTU address, Rep. Jeff Duncan called out to Trump, asking him "Let's release the memo," referring to the House Intelligence Committee's FISA memo.

As the following clip shows, Trump responded instantly: "Oh yeah, don't worry, 100%.
So it sounds like we all might get to read it and make up our own minds.


Well-Known Member
I said "your home", and unless you are claiming ownership of the nation, it means your trailer. ;)

But as a nod to actual content about the post subject:

As Trump shook hands up the aisle after his SOTU address, Rep. Jeff Duncan called out to Trump, asking him "Let's release the memo," referring to the House Intelligence Committee's FISA memo.

As the following clip shows, Trump responded instantly: "Oh yeah, don't worry, 100%.
So it sounds like we all might get to read it and make up our own minds.
The memo is bullshit, devin Nunes is s shameless weasel hack politician that is destroying what's left of the credibility of the GOP. The memo is not evidence, its his interpretation of what's been going on in the investigation. Its not facts or a transcript of a conversation that catches someone saying lets fuck Republicans. The people caught in the surveillance were caught because they were talking to foreign nationals that were being investigated for committing crimes. The people talking to them were planning crimes, simple as that. Just because they're Unites States Republicans gives them some sort of immunity? Wring shitbags. Fuck Nunes and his clown show for the illiterate.


Well-Known Member
The memo is bullshit, devin Nunes is s shameless weasel hack politician that is destroying what's left of the credibility of the GOP. The memo is not evidence, its his interpretation of what's been going on in the investigation. Its not facts or a transcript of a conversation that catches someone saying lets fuck Republicans. The people caught in the surveillance were caught because they were talking to foreign nationals that were being investigated for committing crimes. The people talking to them were planning crimes, simple as that. Just because they're Unites States Republicans gives them some sort of immunity? Wring shitbags. Fuck Nunes and his clown show for the illiterate.
Shhhh. They think they are fooling people. Trump believes that Hannity is a well respected figure. Let them get tired of winning until November. All the gerrymandering in the world won't help them.


Well-Known Member
I said "your home", and unless you are claiming ownership of the nation, it means your trailer. ;)

But as a nod to actual content about the post subject:

As Trump shook hands up the aisle after his SOTU address, Rep. Jeff Duncan called out to Trump, asking him "Let's release the memo," referring to the House Intelligence Committee's FISA memo.

As the following clip shows, Trump responded instantly: "Oh yeah, don't worry, 100%.
So it sounds like we all might get to read it and make up our own minds.
Lol, make up your mind? Your mind is connected to Trump's asshole.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Seriously...are you covered under CHIP? Who the fuck cares that much about chip? (Other than you)
With all the things in this world that he can fuck up, and your hang up is CHIP?
How is it you and only you get to insult people using banned hate speech?
its for innocent children, dickhead


Well-Known Member
Wring shitbags. Fuck Nunes and his clown show for the illiterate.
Why do you "wring shitbags"?
Are you that thrifty when it comes to your menu planning?
Lol, make up your mind? Your mind is connected to Trump's asshole.
Baldick, I find the alternative of reading the memo myself much better than the "We have to pass it to see what's in it" shitbag mentality that you and bungee rely on wringing for sustenance. ;)


Well-Known Member
president pedo is borrowing in like a womp-ass tick..on 'memo'..'100% gonna release, maybe next week' - during President Pedo's walk of shame, shaking hands after speech..


Well-Known Member
I said "your home", and unless you are claiming ownership of the nation, it means your trailer. ;)

But as a nod to actual content about the post subject:

As Trump shook hands up the aisle after his SOTU address, Rep. Jeff Duncan called out to Trump, asking him "Let's release the memo," referring to the House Intelligence Committee's FISA memo.

As the following clip shows, Trump responded instantly: "Oh yeah, don't worry, 100%.
So it sounds like we all might get to read it and make up our own minds.
why are you so scared of muslim refugees? you sound like a pussy. but then again, you are a pussy. aggressively beta, closeted homosexual, and too afraid to even condemn neo-nazis.

the memo will do nothing.


Well-Known Member
Why do you "wring shitbags"?
Are you that thrifty when it comes to your menu planning?

Baldick, I find the alternative of reading the memo myself much better than the "We have to pass it to see what's in it" shitbag mentality that you and bungee rely on wringing for sustenance. ;)
still triggered 8 years later by an out of context, fox news sound byte.

really doesn;t get any more pathetic than that.


Well-Known Member
why are you so scared of muslim refugees? you sound like a pussy. but then again, you are a pussy. aggressively beta, closeted homosexual, and too afraid to even condemn neo-nazis.
the memo will do nothing.
I'm not as scared as you seem to be or else you'd offer your home to help them being the devout believer in diversity that you are, but instead you want everyone else to do what you deem is "right" so you don't have to.

As to the memo, you may be right if the history of gov't "transparency" proves true, but many are claiming the Schiff has hit the fan and if other reports are true that we'll both get to make up our own minds later today.
still triggered 8 years later by an out of context, fox news sound byte.
really doesn;t get any more pathetic than that.
It seems you are much more triggered than I. Can you explain how the quote is "out of context" when such practice is SOP for the congress?
Never mind.
You have never demonstrated the capacity to be able to verify anything you say before so why start now? ;)
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
the memo will do nothing.
The memo is being passed back and forth like a grenade with the pin pulled. Nobody wants to be holding it when it goes off.

Nunes sent it to the wh to release. Trump's wh easily could have redacted and released it. Instead they identified redactions and sent it back to nunes to release.

Whoever releases this pos will get a visit from muehler-clause if it contains factual errors (which it obviously does) since it was designed to obstruct the investigation; trump has admitted that in several phone calls with "friends" who promptly leaked it..

But they have their base so spun up over it they have to release it. But nobody wants to be the one to do it.
