victims of feminism support thread

People don't like comments because they are funny or well delivered. They like them because they are taking sides in some bullshit drama. I blame feminism for everything, including the rule about not flushing the toilet paper.
I think they should sort it out themselves, but let's face it, if we're forced to watch we may aswell cheer when either side throws a real "zinger".

Its like watching a fight...sometimes it's nice to not have a side and just watch two people punch each other.
The stuff bear makes is fucking amazing. All my friends call it "science weed" because you aren't making that quality unless your'e a goddamn scientist. sends you to the moon.
I've given up toking 24/7 because I'd lost that feeling for a long time.

Now when I smoke some good quality shit I get that lunar experience every time again, it's a solid trade off imo.
Sorry, not taking the bait.
I've never seen you admit that you're wrong, so I reserve the right to be skeptical.

Here's how I see it:
You think GWN is a racist.
Other people disagree.
So they are now racists for disagreeing with you, even though they have said nothing racist. :dunce:

Why is this complicated? Your logic is flawed.

i'm glad someone finally said it.:clap: +rep
our beloved forum has become frightenly similar to the state of our union.
Those poor persecuted Norwegians...

They must really be suffering from the minority experience what with all the vicious jokes. It's so much worse than the systematic inequality that some other demographic groups face. It must be so hard being so white.

all minorities suffer when you're not part of a certain group..did you happen to study US history with all the books you've read?

the 'natives' v. the 'foreign hoards..the irish, the polish, the italians, the chinese, the japanese and yes the norweigens maybe no signs for them but plenty of stereotype you just need to know which decade..the list is endess and now it's the brown man..and yet the true natives, the red man, became part of the foreign hoard.

the czech brothers? my dads side is 100% czechoslovakian with him being first generation here i guess they ran from the russian tanks..:lol:
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