All this negative stuff, trying to distract the public from problems in real life, that's going to backfire. McCain has no other options...but it's not going to work. It's hard to make people get upset over a dude who did some wrong shit 40 years ago when people have more pressing problems, like keeping their jobs, paying their bills, and eating.
Plus, does McCain really want bad shit from 40 years back to come back and bite him in the ass? Hell, Sarah Palin is under investigation for abuse of authority RIGHT NOW, which is a little more recent than four decades ago. Not to mention the witchcraft stuff and the Keating 5. And the fact that McCain told his captors he was the son of a naval admiral in order to get better treatment. (Some hero!) I mean, if McCain wants to walk that line, that's fine, but boy, I wonder if someone has explained the dangers to him.