

There's treachery afoot
Had my volcano for nearly a year now and absolutely love it. Nice thing besides getting you wonderfully baked, is that when we trim are harvest, we also grind up the small leaves otherwise used for hash making or butter
and vape those as well and get a nice little buzz to boot. Volcano is easy to use and convenient as rather than have to hover around the bar with a whip type vaporizor, we simply make a bag and kick back. If you are alone, the hit you take into your lungs can be blown back into the bag to get even more out of your budz. We often mix chamomile, mint or lavendar in to add a little twist. We use roughly 1/2 teaspoon of ground up herb for about 3-4 bags set on 6 to 7. If you are considering spending the extra hunny to get the digital, don't bother as the temp for mj does not need to be that precise. It would be applicable if you plan on vaping many
kinds of things but a wasate of money in my opion as the original dial type
works juuuust fine. I have had four different friends come over and try mine, now they all have their own. It is a no brainer.;-);-);-)

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
if you got a volcano you should get a turkey bag it's the best bag for the volc and it's cheaper than the ones they sell and really really easy to install and they are big.. da body bag


Well-Known Member
OK Let's move onto portable vapes. Anyone already using one? Compared to the tabletop how does it rate? And how are they getting it to 220C ?

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
I am curious tho haven't really f'd with portable vapes.. maybe the tech is there now, I used one that you have to use a lighter with and that was a p o s .. seems like more hassle than it's worth tho, but I guess if you're trying to do the 100% healthy thang..


Well-Known Member
HighTimes did a write up a few months ago on the TOP 100 vaporizers, it included portable ones. Check it out, off hand I can't remember what it said.


Active Member
Does anyone cook with their vaped weed? I have about a half oz saved up and I'm waiting to get a good amount before I make some brownies.


Well-Known Member
fuc vapes, it takes the point out of smoking, all you do is plug it in, pac the bud, wait for the smoke, and suc on a plastic bag, yea it tastes great but shit that gets boring fast, i smoke weed, not vaporize it, people who use it all the time disgust me, use a bong or roll somthing up like the rest of us.....


New Member
[quote="SICC";1405317]fuc vapes, it takes the point out of smoking, all you do is plug it in, pac the bud, wait for the smoke, and suc on a plastic bag, yea it tastes great but shit that gets boring fast, i smoke weed, not vaporize it, people who use it all the time disgust me, use a bong or roll somthing up like the rest of us.....[/quote]

do you feel better now that you got that off of your chest?


Active Member
I have a vaporizer; a small, shitty, wooden, hot box, but no doubt it's a vaporizer. It's cool for the most part when you have a sweet dank bud, the flavor is phenomenal and I'd say the high for me is one of my more alert ones. I'd give it a 6 on a scale from 1 - 10, Illys being my favorite personal choice at an 8 and bowls being my least likely candidate for paraphernalia at a 3. Anywho, I have some skeptics about this contraption myself. I'm the kind of person that likes to lead a healthy lifestyle outside of my toking, so I was wondering if the vaporizer neutralizes carcinogens and tar?


Well-Known Member
Yes brainstorm it does. What you are getting out of the vaporizer is just that vapor. The devise uses the heated air passig over the buds, to "evaporate" the resin and turn them into vapor. Obviously from how dirty the bags, and whips get over time, there is still resin. But there will be no carcinogens, and far less resin intake then a bowl, joint or blunt.
Now, SICC its ashame that people that vaporize discust you. ( I don't even own one, just use one occasionally) Does trying to be more healthy, and breath better discust you? Do you enjoy waking up with a rough throat from a night of blunts? I know that if I can get equal, or a better high, without damaging my body, while using less buds to do it I'm gonna! And passing a bag is just like passing a bowl or bong, you just don't have to light it, which means everyone can stop stealin my lighters!!!
Don't get me, or any of us wrong I think that we are all in agreement that we love to roll up a fatty, its just a diferant thing for a differant time and reason!


Well-Known Member
do you feel better now that you got that off of your chest?
yes, thank you haha, but naw i was kidding about them disgusting me, like i said there cool n all but i wouldnt buy one cause i would rather hit a Bong or roll somthing up, again, to me it just takes the point out of smoking, but no disrespect to you Vap lovers :peace: and yea not getting your lighter stolen is a good thing tho :D


Well-Known Member
as a two-time volcano buyer, I know from experience that the volcano vaporizor is the top of its class. At least the top at making me high.

tiny box: i'd say by glancing over at it (it sits on a counter top) its about 8-9 inches in height and 4-5 inches in diameter.

Fast filling: flip the red switch on, wait till the yellow button turns off (about 5 mins) and you're good to go.

Adjustable vaporization/combustion: the first one I bought was digital but I gave that away as a gift, the second one was dial but its still pretty accurate and easy to adjust, just does't have pin-point accuracy, might be 2-3 degrees off.

Storage & Containment: it comes with like (3) 10" plastic bags ready-to-go, plug 'n play, and also a box of a massive like 50' balloon that you can cut to length.

Put in a bowl of weed and you can vape it, get high off of it like 5-10 times compared to the once that you'd of wasted if you burned it. The leftover stuff is brownish/greenish/really fuckin brown, depending on how many times you vaped it, and if you save that and collect enough you can use it to cook and still get high off of it (or stick it in alcohol)

The digital one that I bought my brother as a gift is being used at his college fraternity, its the hit of the year basically and everytime I go over there I'm flourished with praise from donating the volcano. My favorite thing about it is when you use it heavily (like when its being used by a college fraternity like 40+ people everyday) I can go in there and do an alcohol wash and get hash oil.

Cons: expensive, but other than that... none.


Well-Known Member
o ya every one of my friends agree that the volcano is the way to go to inhale marijuana if you aren't a smoker, its so smooth I can inhale the whole contents of my lungs and it feels like I just took in a breath of air. If i take a ton of little hits, that'll make me cough but thats not surprising as im not breathing in air, I'm breathing in infused vapor.

plus it helps tremendously as I am a fit mothafuckah, doing P90X Plus yet I still smoke AKA vaporize-out everyday. P90X® - Fitness, Nutrition, Diet, Weight Loss Official Website I dont fuck around with my fitness, and hence I dont fuck around with my lungs

there are two passions in my life: FITNESS AND CANNABIS, both are equal and thus both need equal attention. ^^