I'm feelin' it


Well-Known Member
well....march is just around the corner and I've been thinkin' on this years crop...as the years go on, my back goes with the years...gonna be a tough yr for me...but I hope to have a drip watering system this year...turn on the water....go have a beer 'n doob...in an hour go out and turn off water....this gettin' old is gettin' old....FUCK ME!!!!!!

I hear ya .mojo...each passing year seems to get harder and harder to keep up with the garden...
I collect rain water in 45 gallon drums...
I think this would also be a good year to make drip watering system or gravity draining barrel system...
I just can't carry the pails of water any longer.
I gave up carryin' pails long ago...the past 4 years I have had hoses to all areas...I just standing there fillin' the bucket...then kick it over the plant...bend down...pick up empty pail and move to the next hole...bending is becoming a concern...empty pails notso much...;))

To be honest, my level of disability is increasing...walking up stairs and hills is challenging, changing the sheets, hauling the groceries...I have concerns about growing and whether or not I'll be able to manage it....ugh....

I have yard crew...I direct and they do...but its a piece off deal....it works for me...its just getting the chores done...my helpers also have lives to live...catch 22.....lol

I figure the couple of things I try to cut out as far a labour goes...each year....seem to be helping a little
but ultimately keeping it simple....and letting the sun do its work....(full all day sun)....is what is working best....

I am planning for the future ...when getting projects done....in case there is a need for a wheel chair...
wide smooth garden paths of either patio stones or concrete ....I hope to get this done in the next few years...
and have access to the majority of my yard.....
strain choice is another big factor in the amount of work that is needed....so if it allows for a lot less trimming or maybe
a lot less reinforcement.due to size ..and can be watered an extra day apart etc etc...
Its the difference between taking days to trim a plant or hours to trim a plant etc etc...
strain choice is another big factor in the amount of work that is needed....so if it allows for a lot less trimming or maybe
a lot less reinforcement.due to size ..and can be watered an extra day apart etc etc...
Its the difference between taking days to trim a plant or hours to trim a plant etc etc...

I've got that covered...;))

well....march is just around the corner and I've been thinkin' on this years crop...as the years go on, my back goes with the years...gonna be a tough yr for me...but I hope to have a drip watering system this year...turn on the water....go have a beer 'n doob...in an hour go out and turn off water....this gettin' old is gettin' old....FUCK ME!!!!!!


Fuck man i seriously thinking about opiots my back is going every year insurance no money weed only helps my mood it sucks to not be able to do what you usto be able to bang out without breaking a swet!!! Good luck back pain is the worst its like being cripled
Fuck man i seriously thinking about opiots my back is going every year insurance no money weed only helps my mood it sucks to not be able to do what you usto be able to bang out without breaking a swet!!! Good luck back pain is the worst its like being cripled

been dealing with back pain for 30 yrs...its a bear!!!

Not sure how well they will stay dialed in outdoors but a gravity system with Blutmats
Could help with some work,

the guy I get my soil from is gonna set up a system...basically a hunk of PVC with holes drilled into it...run lines to each hole...guy has 4 acres of this kind of stuff...it will help, but its still daunting at my age in my condition...I'll figure it....;)))

Fuck man i seriously thinking about opiots my back is going every year insurance no money weed only helps my mood it sucks to not be able to do what you usto be able to bang out without breaking a swet!!! Good luck back pain is the worst its like being cripled
I make pills with bud n coconut oil, they don’t get me high but they help with pain.
(They get others pretty messed up tho)
Maybe try eat
Gravity feed is tricky to get equal flow to multiple points.

your right
Build your main line into a manifold, to help equalize hydrostatic pressure.