Okay so you want to carry a strains genetic forward with out making another part weaker, seen with back crossing (85% of current genetics should not be sold in my opinion due to issues that manifest in anything but perfect conditions)?
Simply, you need more kids. Genes can be recessive or dominant. How do you make a recessive trait dominant? Breed it. Lets say 1 in 20 show a trait. Isolate that one and breed it again with a relative atleast a few relations away or with another "carrier" strain. The carrier is a stable stock that carries traits or certain traits better then others. Keep finding the kids with the traits after each generation. Each generation may be harder to find that trait though keep exercising the genetics to produce it. DNA is like a muscle. YOu work out your arms alot they will grow and be your dominant muscle group, same with traits really.
Back crossing isolates traits by self destructing others in hopes to mutate as a last survival method. Stress does things in growing though never does stress improve performance, always is used to cater to a law or environment. Then the 85% grow with phosphorus and crap, ignoring the exudates of the plants natural cycles. They get sicker and sicker and sicker. Try growing in Maine or Canada. PM, rot, or just weak plants because people like the picture, not the total content. Ive lost so much buying seeds to breeder who really should not even be growing. I say instill the flavors via exudates, crossing this person genetic with that persons and losing sight of the process is a quick jump to fame though at what cost. I hope people are in the business for the business they love, not to harvest some tress and what ever else they can, from what others built. The effort is there, the processes need refining, in my opinion. Could this method have consequences in the future, sure, it may well though I dont have anything better and what is happening is costing many people a lot of potential income. I love the flavors and love indoor though try some of those outside where it is cool and moist and perhaps youll agree, the cannabis plant deserves better treatment.