First time w non females...

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
So, I typically will only buy/grow feminized seeds as my growing space has been quite limited. I have now expanded and acquired some seeds from Greenpoint. These are 10x regular seeds (the deputy—Bruce banner #3) and I am going to germ 7 of them and place in the same tent. I’m hoping to be able to tell sex by preflowers within 3 wks so I can remove the males.

Will I be okay in doing this? Will I need to “sanitize” the space that still has the femmes?
Can males produce pollen during veg?
Can females be pollinated during veg?


mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
Should not be a problem.
Alternative to that is to flower some clones. Keeping your grow in veg and undisturbed.
If you have the space try flower some clone.:bigjoint:
Yeah, I think by the time I clone and induce flower, it’ll be three wks anyways and should be able to tell.

I plan on keeping the plants in veg until they show sex... plants will eventually show sex during veg, right? Everything I’ve researched states you can typically tell without inducing flower light sched... is this not true?


Well-Known Member
Depends on your plants development. Are you going to Top, LST etc?
My first clone normally comes from the Topping and if the very bottom has a couple good candidates.

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
Depends on your plants development. Are you going to Top, LST etc?
My first clone normally comes from the Topping and if the very bottom has a couple good candidates.
Thanks for the clarification. Will I have to wait for the clones to be rooted before switching the light cycle to force the clones to flower?

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
yep in a dome helps if the rh is low. really you can just put cutting in a glass of water and it will tell you unless you actually want to root the cuttings
Sorry for the ignorance, but I don’t know what you mean by “put it in a glass of water”. No I’m not interested in rooting the cuttings


Well-Known Member
a week or so before your ready to flip to flower label the plants, get a glass of water for each plant, label the glass. take a few GOOD cuttings from each plant and put it in its labeled glass and put them somewhere light proof and in under a week you will know the sex. usually only takes a few days

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
a week or so before your ready to flip to flower label the plants, get a glass of water for each plant, label the glass. take a few GOOD cuttings from each plant and put it in its labeled glass and put them somewhere light proof and in under a week you will know the sex. usually only takes a few days
So, for example... I can take a cutting from a three week old plant and put in a glass of water, in the dark, and it will show sex? Does just the base of the cutting (where it was cut) go into the water, or the whole cutting? Seems like it would just be easier to wait for the plant to start showing preflowers

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
wait untill you are almost ready to flower. after 3 weeks it is still a seedling and not even to veg stage
Again, by 5-6 wks of veg I will know the sex and there would be no need to cut. The attractiveness of cutting for sex is to determine sex quicker (for me anyways). I will typically only veg for 5-6 wks tops. I’ve typically seen preflowers from fem seeds within 4 wks of veg. Seems that if you’re gonna veg for 6+ weeks, it would be easier to let the plant itself tell you through normal growth... maybe I’m missing something...???


Well-Known Member
Some plants never show sex until flowered and I've never had one show until 5 or 6 weeks at the earliest.

If I really want to know I'll wait until it has about 7 nodes then top it above the 3rd or 4th node and set it to clone under 12/12 light with a 2700K CFL or LED bulb in a closet away from the grow room. If it's already sexually mature I should know the sex in about 10 days then can switch back to 18/6 or 24/0 to flip it back to re-veg if I want to keep it or if a male and I want the pollen keep it at 12/12 and collect the pollen to make more seeds.
