funny ass vid (weed overdose? lol...)


New Member
This vid is old lol .. But it was pretty funny the first time I saw it a couple years ago...

That operator chick's voice is enough to get on my nerves a little....


Well-Known Member
Seemed old, just kinda stumbled upon it tho and had never seen it. thought it was worthy of posting :lol:


Well-Known Member
this sounds familiar to the thrid time I got high. i was kinda freaking out like this. it was pretty bad lol. can't believe they ate that many brownies haha.


Active Member
This vid is old lol .. But it was pretty funny the first time I saw it a couple years ago...

That operator chick's voice is enough to get on my nerves a little....
This is old as shit. It seems like someone posts this on a weed forum every week or two! haha :bigjoint:


New Member
I thought it was just one of those videos that like everyone has seen already.. It's one of those original viral vids of the early internet days.. Like the Numa Numa crap. lol