Why does the NRA rule this country?


Well-Known Member
You know what I am sick the fucking death about?

How a few million Americans with guns that belong to the NRA can hold such sway over 260 million fellow Americans that want MORE FUCKING GUN CONTROL !!!

It's widely acknowledged that the National Rifle Association is one of the nation's most influential advocacy groups. They've successfully lobbied against the expansion of federal gun control policies in the post-Newtown era, and supported numerous state-level policy changes that broadened access to guns. Through campaign donations and popular legislator scorecards they exert considerable influence on federal gun law making.

Given its high profile, it's easy to assume that the NRA represents the voice of American gun owners. But in fact, the organization's membership numbers and survey data point a different picture. Only a small fraction of the nation's gun owners are NRA members. Even among NRA members, there is widespread dissent from some key points of the organization's orthodoxy. And on many gun control issues, the majority of gun owners who aren't affiliated with the NRA hold opinions closer to those of non-gun owners than to those of NRA members.

Let's start with the membership numbers. In recent years the NRA has said it has 5 million dues-paying members. There's some reason to be skeptical of this figure, but let's assume 5 million is right. Those 5 million members only comprise somewhere between 6 and 7 percent of American gun owners. That would imply that the overwhelming majority of American gun owners -- over 90 percent of them -- do not belong to the NRA.

I belonged to the NRA, before LaPierre showed up and fucked it up by changing it simply from hunters/sport shooting club, and started to appease the maniacs that hijacked it, to represent what it is today, which is a sell off to the gun industry.

I own guns. I like to hunt. I will teach my son how to shoot and hunt in a humane manner. I think it is important to experience that, as it is a part of my youth and isn't that bad a thing. (I eat meat)

The fucking NRA is supported/sustained/bankrolled/bribed(LaPierre) BY THE FIREARMS INDUSTRY !!!

Why do they win ALL THE FUCKING TIME !!!

I's time to end this shit, like starting in this coming November and vote out the NRA/GOP


Well-Known Member
Simple. The NRA is a more effective lobbying group and political organisation than either the Democrats or the Republicans.

What that says about our political system is deafening.


Well-Known Member
Money for one. Enthusiasm is the other. So many normal folks have become apathetic, a vocal minority can easily become the governing majority...


Well-Known Member
The NRA sells fear.

Fear is very marketable...
Its far easier to sell, by design of the human body.

Evolutionarily speaking the fear (fight, flight or freeze) developed long before reason and is simply more powerful without out the will of the conscience.

Example ur in dark alley and a pile of trash startles you that its a crouched man... you almost instantly clearly recognise your complete error... but as you approach this particular trash pile to pass by, do you not give it an extra glance and hustle by just a bit brisker, even though you consciously knew it was no threat...