Well-Known Member
Hello all planted this first one about 2-2 1/2 weeks ago if that and shes booming, shes already overtaken the other plant I put in at the same time and a third (pictured) that I put in 3 and a half or so ago. I topped that one last week, and from day one shes been WAY smaller than the big one. The problem is its flowering season, a 3 month old plant I've got has been shooting out pistils for about a week (theres a picture of her in another thread ive put up a bit back) so I'm worried that if I top this good one, if she (or he, heaven forbid) is already about to start flowering I've ruined a perfectly good little bonzaier. Any suggestions, should I just grow it eu naturale , maybe train it as much as possible when shes bigger or take the risk and cut the top ?