What did you accomplish today?

i worked in a farmstore in tampa a long time ago. did the overnight thing. i carried a 45. the armed guards that would patrol the car lots would hang out, one of them carried a big desert eagle 357. we were standing there chatting one night and a little dude came in, started stuffing shit in his pockets, not even trying to hide it, then tried to get out, flashing a little 32 at us. the door locks, and i have to let you out. the guard and i looked at each other, and both of us showed him what we were packing. he started emptying his pockets. i told him to keep it, and not come back, but the security guy took his pistol. bet he never robbed a place again.

hope your wife never has to deal with that again
My wife carries a Saturday night special, tiny little thing just in case someone tries to hurt/abduct her. The guy came in with a 12 gauge already drawn and never took it off her. Good thing he only wanted the money. Me and other locals will be hanging out with her so she's not alone anymore. Apparently people noticed the vehicle hanging around town, he was just waiting for his chance.
My mom used to send me for groceries and cigarettes (with a note) when I was 9.
And I got a dime for going which I spent on a gumband airplane that I'd play with for weeks.
This tiny little town actually had 3 little grocery stores within a few blocks of my house.
This has been a message from the good old days.
I was clever when I started smoking, I smoked the same brand as my dad.
He often sent me to the cafe (we still had those back then) to get him smokes.
Anyway one day the guy at the cafe told him I already bought his cigarettes earlier.
He never said anything until one morning he woke up with no smokes in the house, then he came begging for one.

I miss the old man.
With the latest storm in my area I lost power which in turn caused my basement to flood which is also where I used to grow money. So I've been down there drying everything out when I realized the door into what used to be a grow room had soaked up a bunch of water and was just waiting to become a mold trap. I decided to replace the door with a security door in case I ever decide to grow. My new girlfriend (can't show this one unfortunately) and I are down there mopping and moving fans when she asks if she can hang the door as she never has done it and needs to replace one in her house. I explain its not just hanging with the pins you really need to put the whole frame in and sure it up with studs and this one has a sill I'd like to put in. Obviously she doesn't give a fuck and starts kicking the door down. I set her up with everything she would need and low and behold an hour later from start to finish she had it installed and it actually locked and was level...I'm pretty fucking proud of her. That is all.
My wife got robbed at gunpoint tonight. As some of you know she manages a gas station at night. She's been there 7 or so years and this is the first time something like this happened. It was just one guy with a shorty shotgun. She has her concealed carry and had her handgun on her but he only wanted the money and never touched her. She's shaken but OK.
I am so glad she's ok.
With the latest storm in my area I lost power which in turn caused my basement to flood which is also where I used to grow money. So I've been down there drying everything out when I realized the door into what used to be a grow room had soaked up a bunch of water and was just waiting to become a mold trap. I decided to replace the door with a security door in case I ever decide to grow. My new girlfriend (can't show this one unfortunately) and I are down there mopping and moving fans when she asks if she can hang the door as she never has done it and needs to replace one in her house. I explain its not just hanging with the pins you really need to put the whole frame in and sure it up with studs and this one has a sill I'd like to put in. Obviously she doesn't give a fuck and starts kicking the door down. I set her up with everything she would need and low and behold an hour later from start to finish she had it installed and it actually locked and was level...I'm pretty fucking proud of her. That is all.
Congratulations, how does she do on brake systems? If she can do those and you don't want her I'll marry her.
My wife got robbed at gunpoint tonight. As some of you know she manages a gas station at night. She's been there 7 or so years and this is the first time something like this happened. It was just one guy with a shorty shotgun. She has her concealed carry and had her handgun on her but he only wanted the money and never touched her. She's shaken but OK.

I'm only liking this to show support, sorry to hear about the scare.

I hear wood chippers make a lasting impression on robbers, if you find that pos stuff him in feet first.
I mentioned a wind storm we had here earlier this month.
This is from the woods behind my house - these three (previously very healthy) trees were snapped off about 30' from the ground & the trunks on the two larger ones are about 60" in diameter at the break.


This is the tops of them.


It was a particularly nasty wind storm.