Hey all. This is my first grow and I have decided to go with DWC 5 gallon buckets(that will probably change in later grows). I haven't quite got the nutrients dialed in and thinking I might have a deficiency, or possibly too many nutes as I have some brown/yellow tips(some curl up and some down). There is also a fair bit of yellowing on the newer growth that seems to start from the inner part of the leaf and going outwards. I was thinking some sort of Fe, S, Mn, Mg, Zn deficiency, but I haven't really narrowed it down. A few leaves also curl upward.
My setup:
3x3 tent
Day temps 75-77 Night temps 72-74
Day rH 54-59% Night rH 50-55%
HLG Quantum Board (website says equivalent to 500watt HPS)
2 Feminized White Widows each in 5 gallon DWC bucket and 3 gallon res
One on the left is about 5 weeks, one on the right is 5 1/2 weeks from sprout. Both in veg.
Tap water at 0ppm and bubbling off any Chlorine over 24 hours.
Res temps 64-69 (usually see it around 67)
pH fluctuates 5.6-6.2. If it is jumping up I try to pH it down around 5.6 so it will drift up around 5.9-6.1 and I try to top up with pH'ed water to get it around 5.8.
Left plant 630PPM, Right 670PPM
Nutrients/Supplements(mL per Gallon):
Left / Right
Silica Blast 5mL / 5mL
Cal-Mag Plus 5mL / 4mL
GH Flora Trio
Micro 4mL / 5mL
Grow 6mL / 0mL
Bloom 2mL / 10mL
Liquid Karma 3mL / 6mL
Hygrozyme 6mL / 6mL
Hydroguard 2mL / 2mL
As of right now these are the nutrients and supplements that are in my res. LK and Hygrozyme and used at quite lower doses. I'm kind of testing different things to see what works or doesn't work as well. My next grow I will probably grow one only using GH Flora Trio/Cal-Mag and Hydroguard to see if the lack of supplements hurt the yield as I know some people swear by no supplements. Possibly thinking about eliminating LK and using it only as a foliar feed on occasion just because it's quite messy. The list is also the order I add everything to the res, mixing well in between. I have read to possibly wait to add the Hygrozyme until after the res change when roots are in the water. Is this true?
I'm trying 2 different methods to see what works best for me. I understand a lot of people use the Lucas Formula and have great results, while others have issues and are not as successful. I'm trying to find out what works best for me so i'm feeding them a bit differently to see how they react and if one recovers better than the other. For the White Widow on the left I am following the directions from the Flora Trio bottles and currently using about 30% nutrients. One on the right I am trying out the Lucas Formula. And by Lucas Formula I just mean a 1:2 ratio of Micro/Bloom. If I understand correctly you want to do 8mL/16mL of Micro/Bloom in flower? My tap water comes out 0ppm so I thought I would give it a shot. Should I be supplementing with any Epsom Salt for extra Mg/S? I keep seeing S to be a rare deficiency, but most are growing in soil that probably has Sulfur, while my water does not.



I have LST'd both plants. I FIM both of them, but didnt do it properly on the right one. I let it grow a week and topped it. The left plant grew too high and I Supercropped it to even out the height(picture is about 5 days after). I have also cut off quite a bit, but she is still extremely bushy. My question is, how much can I actually cut off? I cant tell if it's just so bushy the leaves are small or if it's from a deficiency/excess of nutes. I really would like to take a lot more off both plants if it won't slow the growth too much. I'm thinking about switching to flower in a week, but she looks so small i'm just not sure. Node spacing seems to be very short, is this normal?
Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks! =)
My setup:
3x3 tent
Day temps 75-77 Night temps 72-74
Day rH 54-59% Night rH 50-55%
HLG Quantum Board (website says equivalent to 500watt HPS)
2 Feminized White Widows each in 5 gallon DWC bucket and 3 gallon res
One on the left is about 5 weeks, one on the right is 5 1/2 weeks from sprout. Both in veg.
Tap water at 0ppm and bubbling off any Chlorine over 24 hours.
Res temps 64-69 (usually see it around 67)
pH fluctuates 5.6-6.2. If it is jumping up I try to pH it down around 5.6 so it will drift up around 5.9-6.1 and I try to top up with pH'ed water to get it around 5.8.
Left plant 630PPM, Right 670PPM
Nutrients/Supplements(mL per Gallon):
Left / Right
Silica Blast 5mL / 5mL
Cal-Mag Plus 5mL / 4mL
GH Flora Trio
Micro 4mL / 5mL
Grow 6mL / 0mL
Bloom 2mL / 10mL
Liquid Karma 3mL / 6mL
Hygrozyme 6mL / 6mL
Hydroguard 2mL / 2mL
As of right now these are the nutrients and supplements that are in my res. LK and Hygrozyme and used at quite lower doses. I'm kind of testing different things to see what works or doesn't work as well. My next grow I will probably grow one only using GH Flora Trio/Cal-Mag and Hydroguard to see if the lack of supplements hurt the yield as I know some people swear by no supplements. Possibly thinking about eliminating LK and using it only as a foliar feed on occasion just because it's quite messy. The list is also the order I add everything to the res, mixing well in between. I have read to possibly wait to add the Hygrozyme until after the res change when roots are in the water. Is this true?
I'm trying 2 different methods to see what works best for me. I understand a lot of people use the Lucas Formula and have great results, while others have issues and are not as successful. I'm trying to find out what works best for me so i'm feeding them a bit differently to see how they react and if one recovers better than the other. For the White Widow on the left I am following the directions from the Flora Trio bottles and currently using about 30% nutrients. One on the right I am trying out the Lucas Formula. And by Lucas Formula I just mean a 1:2 ratio of Micro/Bloom. If I understand correctly you want to do 8mL/16mL of Micro/Bloom in flower? My tap water comes out 0ppm so I thought I would give it a shot. Should I be supplementing with any Epsom Salt for extra Mg/S? I keep seeing S to be a rare deficiency, but most are growing in soil that probably has Sulfur, while my water does not.



I have LST'd both plants. I FIM both of them, but didnt do it properly on the right one. I let it grow a week and topped it. The left plant grew too high and I Supercropped it to even out the height(picture is about 5 days after). I have also cut off quite a bit, but she is still extremely bushy. My question is, how much can I actually cut off? I cant tell if it's just so bushy the leaves are small or if it's from a deficiency/excess of nutes. I really would like to take a lot more off both plants if it won't slow the growth too much. I'm thinking about switching to flower in a week, but she looks so small i'm just not sure. Node spacing seems to be very short, is this normal?
Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks! =)
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