What are you feeding them?
Technically I feed them nothing. I use a system known as Recycled Living Organic Soil. Soil is built up and kept alive, focus on microbes. I feed the microbes, and they feed my girls. Its like a buffet where you can walk in and choose whatever you want to eat. My girls communicate with the soil. The soil gives back what they need.
Awesome. Yeah, I'm also moving back to soil. Just transplanted a new mom into soil a few minutes ago.
Looking for a run a with a bit more taste for winter.
Hey bro

U been really quiet. How's the outdoor lass going? Lol give us a update for God's sake man!
Hey man, sorry I've been quiet, had to move out of my place, lady problems.... Blah.

But I will be posting soon, just need to sort my shit out. Sorry for being so quiet, but I'll be back to normal soon man.

How's your ladies doing?

Hey man, sorry I've been quiet, had to move out of my place, lady problems.... Blah.

But I will be posting soon, just need to sort my shit out. Sorry for being so quiet, but I'll be back to normal soon man.

How's your ladies doing?


Damn I'm sorry bro. Well least you sorted it out right? Was ur lady giving u trubl with ur hobby?

My gals be doing okay. You can see what they looked like 3 days ago in my journal. They not spectacular but they good enough for a first grow.
Damn I'm sorry bro. Well least you sorted it out right? Was ur lady giving u trubl with ur hobby?

My gals be doing okay. You can see what they looked like 3 days ago in my journal. They not spectacular but they good enough for a first grow.

Unfortunately not, had to be relocated if you know what I mean haha, but anyway, such is life.

Got some recent pics of em?

Peace out
