pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

This is why so many are more sick than ever.

People said we was crazy years ago on this as well.

Can people not look up?

Do I really need to explain what a contrail is?

These are chemicals being sprayed on you.

Their objectives for spraying changed and now they spray more than just barium and aluminium... Viruses...you name it!

Killing nature and your part of it folks just like me so all the new diseases and illnesses are one look up away.

Feel powerless? What can I do? Pass the doritis, let's move on?


Repent and turn to super foods like hemp and coconut to name the top two.

Detox, keep yourselves clean as possible so that you can constantly shit, piss, sweat, fart, cough and cum and spit it out.

That's it...until the bastards harvest comes and it will..soon.

Big noses and double chins and blue ties and entitled families will soon have their entitlement given to them...all of it....seventy times seven for every life.

So, now there really is no escape as they devise more school shootings and more dajaal bullshit on the one eyed TV and media to keep sheep busy.

We should be renting planes and shooting down these fools and yet what god will soon bring upon them will be much worse and terrifying.

Pictures don't lie and people are becoming aware and the filth has an hour upon them soon.

You bought their albums and watched their movies and listened to their arrogant scientist and fought and killed one another over their false history and horse shit puke religions and now...oh boy spiritualism! ...." Ism" ....I self me.

How much more does all need?

How much more horse shit does one need to be fed?

All they have done and now they don't even try to hide it at all...they still depend on the ignorant sheep to defend all lies.

Without all of you and those chubbies that guard them...they are maggots whoms necks can be snapped liked pencils...get it now?

Hope so folks. IMG_20180324_111451.jpg IMG_20180324_111514.jpg


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This is why so many are more sick than ever.

People said we was crazy years ago on this as well.

Can people not look up?

Do I really need to explain what a contrail is?

These are chemicals being sprayed on you.

Their objectives for spraying changed and now they spray more than just barium and aluminium... Viruses...you name it!

Killing nature and your part of it folks just like me so all the new diseases and illnesses are one look up away.

Feel powerless? What can I do? Pass the doritis, let's move on?


Repent and turn to super foods like hemp and coconut to name the top two.

Detox, keep yourselves clean as possible so that you can constantly shit, piss, sweat, fart, cough and cum and spit it out.

That's it...until the bastards harvest comes and it will..soon.

Big noses and double chins and blue ties and entitled families will soon have their entitlement given to them...all of it....seventy times seven for every life.

So, now there really is no escape as they devise more school shootings and more dajaal bullshit on the one eyed TV and media to keep sheep busy.

We should be renting planes and shooting down these fools and yet what god will soon bring upon them will be much worse and terrifying.

Pictures don't lie and people are becoming aware and the filth has an hour upon them soon.

You bought their albums and watched their movies and listened to their arrogant scientist and fought and killed one another over their false history and horse shit puke religions and now...oh boy spiritualism! ...." Ism" ....I self me.

How much more does all need?

How much more horse shit does one need to be fed?

All they have done and now they don't even try to hide it at all...they still depend on the ignorant sheep to defend all lies.

Without all of you and those chubbies that guard them...they are maggots whoms necks can be snapped liked pencils...get it now?

Hope so folks. View attachment 4111180 View attachment 4111181

I like to call them sheep too.

I dont even have to mention conspiracy theories that havent been proven beyond a resonable doubt, theres proof out there already on their widespread capitalist destruction...

How the &*$% are they soo smart if they let all animals ingest carcinogenic plastics... their own food source...

"Animals from the deepest places on Earth have been found with plastic in their stomachs, confirming fears that manmade fibres have contaminated the most remote places on the planet."


Those mofos are just as dumb as the avg person alowing this to happen while controlling the planet. . Dog help us all. Lol

This is a huge part of why my grow journal is ranting about energy savings/ conservation while a lot on here will try and sell the fanciest garbage that isnt needed and is incredibly detrimental longterm.
now back to regular programming..

dang if those Thelmas aren't stocky fat leaf sativas!!

hey revth'nat..i am excited..as soon as a couple show sex i will clone em and let a few males repro this batch

THELMAS  fat leaf.jpg
Only through conscious awareness and truth can one be set free from the evils that most do not want to act like really happens.

How evil? How many lines did they cross?

Let me be blunt...let me make you all puke or simply say to your closedminds ....this man is ill and knows not what he speaks.

Does not matter, but I will give it.

They kill and eat children after they torture them and fuck them and sacrifice them to Baal or molech or whatever fucking diety these idiots make up to dance with demons and other cohorts of sin.

Can't handle it?

There's more...much more....and in the words of that prick Nicholson I will end with this.....you can't handle the truth!!!!!!

And yet....and yet....that does not make the truth fade away except in the unaccepting mind.

Underneath the red carpets of the " shit house" in Washington is embroidery of molech underneath them all.

The young generation does not worship the old " gods" for the little dumb asses have made their own gods.... With self being the biggest of all.

Oh but we like Beyonce
now back to regular programming..

dang if those Thelmas aren't stocky fat leaf sativas!!

hey revth'nat..i am excited..as soon as a couple show sex i will clone em and let a few males repro this batch

View attachment 4111202
Dang they look great!

I wanted you too see for yourself brother what a good hybrid is for a sativa guy.

The Jalisco bamboo with the west desert Oaxaca should be a heck of a combo.

When you see that...Dorothy and Rachel will be sent as they will be fire as well.

That great smoke report under those 5000 will be coming soon.

Just remember no green can be anywhere.

Your doing great and it will be a good payoff.

The 5000k is absolutely the overall way to go with led.

No doubt you will see that.

You have par and yield and quality and the tree will die for cannabinoids.

Can't beat that! ...rev
Right above our house today.

A response perhaps for my post above!?

The bastards a few months ago sprayed a satanic star right above us...think I make this up?

You could even smell it today.

Whom does this?

Your Oprah's and danny glovers and Leonardo's and Madonna and all the child killing pieces of satanic shit from the bottom to the top of the shit pile in DC and beyond...pure evil these turds and yet the sheep love them...can't get enough....just seen a family of Muslims next door bring a 96 inch dajaal/ Antichrist right into their home.

Oh entertain us and give us more puke while they do whatever the hell they want to do.

Even better...get em all sitting on their asses jacked with THC to go with their doritos and bean dip.

From hollyhell all the way up the scale the shit rolls both up hill and down hill.

We don't believe!!

I don't give a shit!! ....still does not make the truth fade away ...even though they have tried for generations to dig up the truth out of the deserts and hide it!!

Sociopathic and mental illnesses cannot take warnings and only know control and hate for others.

However two emotions they do share with all...fear and pain.

When their hour comes...the pain they shall have...seventy times seven.

Spray assholes....spray the most vile shit you can come up with! ....until it drips from the trees.

You will not kill the sealed ones of god.

You will not escape your hour of harvest.

Pitiful sheep will indeed soon see they are not alone and men's hearts will explode when they see what steps upon earth for every vile piece of shit on it...all.

That includes me if I want to go back for more!

No partiality as these entitled fucks will see.

You could not be from god john for you use profanity and have anger.

Read the above again!!!

Read it!!!

Suck it up and accept it for it is truth as prophet Enoch told they would do!

I will curse these pieces of shit like filthy rats and when they decide to come for Mahdi... The people will know the worm.

Come with harm in mind...you or anyone else will only do it one time...only once will you try this.....you old reincarnated pecker heads!

God will purify and put back in order all...all that you have destroyed and all the sheep helped you to destroy.

All will have their rewards.. All.

If this sounds like too much, your in trouble for this is nothing just like the info on cannabis given freely.

Their shit hole is so damned deep and I can't call the sheep ignorant anymore....it is now blatant hate and stupidity!

Shoe fits...wear it.

The more horse shit they pile on the sheep...the more they beg them for more.

We are all sentient beings and created by god and nobody stupid dumb fucking ass is better than another !!!!!

Silly asses in the black community do not even realize how many different bloodline's of blacks there are!!

As if it matters!! ....all one you dumb ass kids!!!!!

You better break away from the hate inside because of how my generation raised you and take self responsibility for your fathers and mothers will pay for their sins...but not yours!!!!!

Sling that TV out the damned window and go be of help to somebody other than yourselves and keep your little peckers in your pants and stop treating women like toilet bowls!!!

You are not worth that blow job after work mother fucker if you treat her like shit and hump her for 10-20 minutes.

Your wife is you and you are her assholes!!

How do you treat yourselves?

Think....think......think......think........think........dear god.....think!!!!!? IMG_20180325_105036.jpg
Hehe, You are on a roll Rev. I think those trails are just water vapor though. All I have read backs that up. TV is mostly a waste no doubt. I am addicted to a electronic screen so I use the computer. Others their phones or tv. Your AG x Master Kush are really vigorous. I have two in a 1 gallon pot and yet they thrive.
Know this....the god of all has no partiality to any bloodline....he will turn one to dust as quick as the other...

However his mercy is without limits.

A true repentance in snot and tears crying like a pitiful maggot goes a long way with the one....one god of Jacob.

On your face, not a religion will you find him.

You will fear him that do not.

Why? For his mercy.

All should already be dead and yet very few even understand what I mean by this and the rulers depend on a worm sounding mad to the people.

Their old way of controlling a planet is used every time for it works like a charm.

If not broke, why fix it.

The show will be over soon enough.

In the children is where you will find salvation.

They will soon have a goodly place.

And if we repent to this god of yours what then?

He will sit you on stones when the hour comes and you will know he is god.

The father...he answers quickly to...father.

No weapon forged against you will prosper.

You will bake cookies at 5:00am for two police officers in your home and tell them your a saint of god as I told them whom I was...just a worm.

We discussed running for sheriff while I showed them my pond and told them the truth on cannabis and life.

That kind of thing....the power of the most high....one love
Hehe, You are on a roll Rev. I think those trails are just water vapor though. All I have read backs that up. TV is mostly a waste no doubt. I am addicted to a electronic screen so I use the computer. Others their phones or tv. Your AG x Master Kush are really vigorous. I have two in a 1 gallon pot and yet they thrive.
Not a chance in hell yessum.

They are chem trails as I lived next to Arnold's base back home and I know the difference.

You can even smell them and god has shown us why they do this.

I'm not here to convinced.. Only to tell truth.

People can accept or not.

I'm not being an ass...I love all of you but the boomer generation needs to take a deep breath and realize what they was warned of...has now happened.

I know with 100% these are chemicals and it is diabolical what they are doing.

I do not watch conspiracy horse shit and probably watched Jesse Ventura once ever .

My info comes from a higher source ...a source that does not lie or give half truths.

I've looked into this over ten years so let's take god out of it a moment....my studies and others have shown without a doubt what this is.

Not to mention the pilots I have heard speak on it personally and they are terrified to speak of it for their jobs and lives.

Ole Rev knows how to get people to open up to him and live down the road again from much military.

God knows where to put a worm.

Next time they spray the satanic star I will picture it and then say its moisture.

Contrails disappear... These do not ...they spread and you can even smell the shit.

Haarp has to do with it also.

Many reasons they do this...none good.

People pay no attention.

There is a reason the earthquake's and sink holes and meteorite's and even all the bullshit mental illness and why the sun is white and no longer deep orange.

Oh but hush...we don't want to hear this shit!

I know and how could some nobody know things that all the wise guys don't?

A worm must know something that upsets them for if I was nuts they would give me red carpet on YouTube.

As I've told...they should let us as most will hate and call us nuts anyway.

It would work to their advantage for at least a moment.

All these new sicknesses are being caused by the picture above and it is absolutely not a contrail.

Believe what one will.

My neighbors also agree and are sick of it and feel helpless.

They spray...we all feel like shit and start coughing and snorting.

Does not take a genius.

However surely the ones in magazine's and those fucks voted for by the blind would not do these things.

Freewill , believe it or not.
Glad you like what your seeing on those shrubs yessum.

They should be unique as master kush is Afghanistan and southern Mexican bamboo.

The ones I sent you are pure Afghanistan and more northern Jalisco bamboo.

Feel free to show pics as I have not seen them yet.

SLjalisco at 17 or so weeks looks half dead..fans are crispy.
...buds are.. from the top down.. 60% gold,20% red and 20% green...
will give em another week and see..
they WILL be cured on the plant
its is a pretty potent smelly,oily pungeant unique plant at 14 wks
SLjalisco at 17 or so weeks looks half dead..fans are crispy.
...buds are.. from the top down.. 60% gold,20% red and 20% green...
will give em another week and see..
they WILL be cured on the plant
its is a pretty potent smelly,oily pungeant unique plant at 14 wks
You will soon join the few old mom.

However in time that will change.

I have seen much death, in my family and in others.

Senseless bullshit deaths that did not need to happen.

I really need help to stand on this.

Time to swallow pride and fear and those whom can truly make a difference and yes that means money and time to get this info out.

A simple lifestyle change and the pure cannabinoids from this tree will indeed destroy cancer and inflammation disease's.

Eating hemp and the leaves of the sativa and seeds with cannabinoid oil is the only and true fountain of youth.

The trees must be released.

They have made it now near impossible for me to even get on YouTube.

It matters not...the truth will not be stopped.

Kids whom have not even started life are dying because of sociopathic pieces of shit that care only about control and some dip shit belief in power, while the masses stay in ignorance.... Hey honey, who's golberg fighten tonight by god!!!!


Arguing over color, race, bullshit political views and scientific horse shit and god and you name it.....while they kill you worse than Egypt.

Oh we ain't slaves!

I've got this and that and that and this....indeed...lol...indeed....slavery with no wips and chains is the best type for it controls ...billions.

The release of this tree 100% free to grow any damned where it can...is the first start to your freedoms and mine and the start of the end of a rulership that has killed and even eaten you for a long long time.

Tell em Johnny!!!

" you can run on for a long time...run on for a long time....run on for a long long time....but sooner or later...he cuts you down.

Oh how long will you kill or prophets oh while we stand aside and look....some say its just a part of it....we got to fulfill the book....think!!!!!!!!........ Oh now help me sing...these songs of freedom.....for all I ever had.....redemption songs.....redemption songs... .
Puff...strum...oh lion of Judah oh Jacob the worm....do you see their faces....when you make them squirm..... Oh across the counters they say some that your mad....oh but your money they take for that makes them glad... Oh wisdom looked for a place and yet found it not....

Oh knowledge is forsaken and the children know it not.....strum.....for the babies oh worm they tell you....oh David our words not heard!......oh babies those over you...they will surely learn!

The hard way or the soft ....for all indeed have choice....oh babies don't give up....we will simply raise our voice......oh babies help me sing....a song of freedom....for all we ever had....redemption songs.....just redemption songs......for harvest will come and serpents no more....all vile washed away and new earth in store...
Before and after defoliation.

Defoliation must be done at proper times and best when topping and making bushes.

One a fan leaf has powered out a new full branch it has done its job so pull it and put aside for leaf oil.

The Zacatecas may be the most large and beautiful indica's for sure.

They spread like mad and give big buds of creative aphrodisiac.

Usually a floral/sage smell and soft pungency.

The indica's from tropic of cancer and west Oaxaca do not go purple unless your intentional getting them cold and then only slightly.

I have seen the pictures years ago of what they called the highland Zacatecas purple.

It looked like a Photoshop highland Oaxaca to me and others back home that seen it.

This is what Zacatecas bushes look like as far as us country boys can remember long back.

Much to clear up and probably will get little help doing it as I have seen over the last several years that it is easy for people to get upset and defend horse shit than accept an obvious truth.

Will not stop truth, just makes it a bit longer to get it out... That ole resistance thing.

Empathy needs to be found quickly.

We drop the ball on these kids and I will tell you that have ears what the old scrolls say...hold on... You won't like it......." They will be tossed from the rooftops by their own children. "

Ole rev ain't like other ole revs and why no church will have a worm or synagogue or mosque.

You can't tickle people's ears...its straight up or shut up...no matter the consequences.

I tell the Christian... That man you believe was god was not god as no worm was god...however his example laid down one of the best when you know the truth of him and john and both of those boys used hemp/ganja purification and learned much for 30 years with the Essen.

Both of those boys also did what the preacher today leaves out and does not do.....they spoke with truth and complete authority.... Meaning they pissed people off on a daily basis and yet committed no crimes.

Don't eat this! Don't listen to that! Do not dress in those type clothes! Do not go to their theatrical shit!! Do not accept their false history! Do not have sciences that mess with the secret things! Do not hurt the children! Honor your mother and father! ....the list went on.

And also......they told what rev has of the cannabis tree and its true origins that point to the truth of all!!

What happened? Those with ears for ole rev gives the short version but bitter true version!!

Businesses that had been in business a long time went out or struggled.

Churches and disgusting temples began to be without occupants.

Aerosmith and Madonna and Metallica could no longer fill the seats and snakes coffers.

Farms that treated animals poorly was going under.

Come out of Babylon the boys cried daily!!

Many did listen... Many....so many it struck fear in all....all that feared their disgusting shit was fixing to be flushed by the truth the boys was throwing at them .

The truth was winning!

That was the greatest miracle and the days of the entitled over!!!!

All can now be one!

Animals can have peace!!!

So what happened?


Take his head for me, said the harlot and for a naked dance...john lost his head.

She asked...they gave it...on a platter!

Then again it was said....take the other !

So in a grocery store visiting his dear friend....yehushua was taken in chains and indeed they beat the shit clean out of him.

Then on their bullshit day they the people that hated the boys gathered and demanded the life of Barabbas the thief be spared and for yehushua to be dragged off like garbage to the hill of the skull not far from the true mount zion for all prophets was killed there.

There... His life was expired.

Your examples whom themselves was just imperfect men..killed.

It was promised... Not this time.

The truth will roll on like a river soon enough and the wise of earth will know there wisdom is nothing but dust under a maggot.

For they will come with fingers ready to be pointed and will walk away with their heads between their asses.

Good, then humility to god perhaps will be found.

The wisdom is gods, not the worms.

They forgot again what moses told the people.....because you fear today the voice of jahuwa whom now makes the very universe tremble and holds this holy mountain over your heads in terrible fear you are in for after all he has done you have in your pitiful prides asked him to speak to you directly!!!!

Now you scream like cowardly maggots in the dust begging me to ask the god of all....to be still???

Out of gods mercy he stilled himself and said..." This is a good thing ole worm of mine for they now fear me....tell them from here on out when they fall from the way and go a whoring from me....I will raise a man to speak for me unto them so that I may not one day destroy that in wich I love."

A man.....a man.......a man......just....a man.

One loveIMG_20180325_083451.jpg IMG_20180327_091659.jpg
As written in the oldest writings on earth.....the bombs have been dropped on Sodom and Gomorrah my brother and now this evil wind is killing everything and everyone.... Us and them!!!!

Was Abraham and his family saved as the father of all starts has asked be done?


I and my wife will leave now...home we will return and the elixirs of life made from the wisdom tree will allow us to readjust to hiburus atmosphere.

Then his hand was grabbed by his brother enki and he says....I was of the first to come and will be the last to go....and you will forever until judgement have the job of warning them....

Those with ears only of course for he is the same man every time...from his first reincarnation as Jacob after hiburu exploded ...until now.

Oh how long the sleep my brothers and yet the veil will soon fall by our forgotten gods command and your pitiful sleeps and debate and arguments will be no more.

How do we get " there " ole worm to be on the mountain with you!

This worm will be " there" when we get " there" together.

For I know your dark nights of the soul brothers and sisters and what keeps you hot and sweaty and tossing at night!

For it was promised....turn from folly and the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings and your enemies dust under your feet.

Indeed, the binary will come..the earth and it's inhabitants will change form and they indeed will be dust under your giant feet....giant feet.

One love
Worry not of their delusions and promised technology future.

Worry not of anything anymore.

No man knows the hour ...however in his great mercy only to a group that deserves none of it " and that includes this worm" a hint of salvation was given.

A riddle for those whom sleep and yet enough that if you seek...you will find.

" the sons of Cain our Assyrian brothers will not torment and kill and eat another ten million dogs before the great chastisement begins."

Soon the babies calls will be answered.

Those that tremble unto the father have asked...why does he now tarry?

I say to them and to my undeserving self....it is written...had god not shortened the days nothing would survive.

Indeed and yet has time to consider not been given..to us all?

The days will not be shortened much longer for the sake of the sinner.

It can't be.


What if I told you the truth?

What if these little hints I have given are not madness?

They broke us all for trillions to build bunkers and special weapons....they have killed millions in senseless wars that is nothing but a game to these sociopaths... They have destroyed the earth period and shown the sheep how to do the same and now....and now....they kill and eat kids while they plant each other in the ass.

...and now want as many as possible to be like them.....mental...illness... At its worse... Period!

That is why it will not tarry much longer.


Has nothing to do with being a Christian or any horse shit religion.

It is many starseeds here on earth going back to their homes before the father tears the wicked to absolute pieces.

That harvest of the wheat and chaff that yehushua promised you as father of all promised him and us.

He does not change.

He let us run on a long time my brothers and he cut us down long ago and now here we are...amnesia and all!!

However, they did worse and their punishment will be worse than ours.

Hold strong you old ones for these dark nights of the soul are to purge us...let it purge!!!

Our sentence almost done.

Those with ears...one love
Strum puff.....oh the truth hurts...oh the truth hurts....oh takes them from the pent house and back to the dirt....oh wallets fat and waste lines to .....oh worm the truth will break them its true.....

Oh change hurts oh change hurts....lazy asses then have to go back to work....work to make change....oh work to make change to clean up our home and bring clean rain.....

Oh no empathy oh no empathy oh watch the stocks and the swelling bellies..... Oh foolish prides....oh foolish prides....soon from de fatha you shall not hide.....

Healings we need... Oh the leaves indeed....shall heal the nations.....healings we need ...oh take it from me.....all the nations will bow to da king!! ....

King jahuwa whom is not a man....oh rastas mess up truth like all other men!!

Everyone wrong.... Smile....everyone wrong and worms awakened to sing reggae song......

Children will sing and children will play....when fatha comes to take the vile away....no place to run...no place to hide....sociopathic assholes...bye bye bye....

Earth will have peace and man on his knees ...never again to act worse than a disease....

For in a moment oh children the red sun shall rise...
And all of you oppressors torn apart inside....for it was promised and soon you babies will see....a new song will be in your hearts...yes for you and me....for all that hold true...strum....a promise for you....for no perfect person....forgive ones self.....for his hour will come and safety you shall find....the mercy of jah ...the master of mankind...

I love reggae.. One love
hey bro..nice looking aquaponic plants

re my gowing and commenting.. i only call em as i see em and keep my mind open

so far..
5000k led easily as good as 3000k

this" jalisco SL" is a beautiful unique looking plant with a balanced high, tasty and very fragrant..it has definite class
and was stable..

whether it is something i will use over others i dunno yet..i may have peculiar tastes

whether leaving this for 20 wks is gonna make it something i prefer more i dunno..but it IS possible

the Thelmas are interesting ..in an indica loking way..nt that i am even sayinfg i think they are

.some of the Konas are showing sex..and i took a couple males out..
ISS also looking good

Thelmas not showing males yet..interesting and maybe a good sign
Last edited:
hey bro..nice looking aquaponic plants

re my gowing and commenting.. i only call em as i see em and keep my mind open

so far..
5000k led easily as good as 3000k

this" jalisco SL" is a beautiful unique looking plant with a balanced high, tasty and very fragrant..it has definite class
and was stable..

whether it is something i will use over others i dunno yet..i may have peculiar tastes

whether leaving this for 20 wks is gonna make it something i prefer more i dunno..but it IS possible

the Thelmas are interesting ..in an indica loking way..nt that i am even sayinfg i think they are

.some of the Konas are showing sex..and i took a couple males out..
ISS also looking good

Thelmas not showing males yet..interesting and maybe a good sign
Sounds good and old mom as I mentioned my friend, you will not believe the difference in what they will be like when you try the 5000 ones.

The pure ones have no indica to help them be zippy dippy at early cutting.

Pures need that blue and time and soon you will see why.

Looking at all your pictures I can see that the intense par allowed even the 3000 to die off a bit, but trust me as you will see...its a different chemical makeup under the blue and closer to what they would be like in effects from the wild.

As I also mentioned.. Any sativa you have and enjoy will be better under the 5000 but especially these pures and new crosses I send.

Once again I can't find the guy as my YouTube gets jerked with but months ago a man did a test of the same strain under blue led vs red led.

He was blown away for two reasons...one was the tree under blue looked like shit compared to the one under red " yes because the one under blue was dying correctly " then he was blown away how once again the tree under blue led that looked like shit gave him the best bud he had smoked...yes because once again the one under blue was starting to produce true cannabinoids.

Just know old mom your patience will be rewarded and your red led a thing of the past.

Years of trials with different genetics and I was as hooked on the red as all else.

When I moved out here 4 years ago I brought sodium lights.

I had to learn better.

I have never seen buds under red out quality buds under more blue and UV.

The ones under more blue always far surpassed or I would have big reds over my pond right now no problem.

again ..ilike what 5000k is doing..

quote :The pure ones have no indica to help them be zippy dippy at early cutting.

>thing is ,i like zippy dippy

and why wouldn't it be from a sativa since sativas are supposed to be the zippy ones?

me thinks we may each have different ideas of what we like best....

on the curing on the vine thing..i think i will like it..interested in the seeing effects from just 5000k..led and no uv