It's been windy and cold.

I think global warming might have blown away. How long can the human race survive if Spring doesn't come this year?

I'm worried.
Spring has already arrived.

As it happens, colder than normal weather at mid latitudes is a predictable result of the breakdown of the jet stream around the poles.

The Arctic was 5.1 degrees Celsius warmer than the twenty year average.

The next 5 years- at the most- will be the last there is multi year ice in the Arctic Ocean, in other words, the Arctic Ocean will be ice free for the first time in human history.

But keep grasping at straws.
I can still drive my f150 out on the lake, and it’s been super windy!

Maybe global warming is a regional thing.
I think there may be a connection between global warming and guns. Saw an armed polar bear the other day, probably going to shoot up a school of fish or something.

Global warming is on pause.

Full semi automatic is all the rage now.
I think there may be a connection between global warming and guns. Saw an armed polar bear the other day, probably going to shoot up a school of fish or something.


all you righties have left is racial resentment. you're on the losing side of that issue though, as well as the wrong side of history.

and the science on global warming is settled, so you're left to cling to infowars conspiracy theories on that issue.

no wonder you losers get all bitter and cling to guns and religion and antipathy towards immigrants. obama had you sad losers pegged.
I was able to wear my flip flops all the way through winter this year in so cal. No closed toe shoe needed. And I got a hell of a tan..
all you righties have left is racial resentment. you're on the losing side of that issue though, as well as the wrong side of history.

and the science on global warming is settled, so you're left to cling to infowars conspiracy theories on that issue.

no wonder you losers get all bitter and cling to guns and religion and antipathy towards immigrants. obama had you sad losers pegged.

If a person doesn't agree with your ideas, but agrees to leave you alone, why would you approve of the use of others using guns against them?

I said others because I sense you are too much of a panty waist to commit offensive force against a person who might defend themselves against you.

My "religion" is peace and voluntary human interactions, yours is godverment which is the antithesis of mine, you violent wanna be thug.
all you righties have left is racial resentment. you're on the losing side of that issue though, as well as the wrong side of history.

and the science on global warming is settled, so you're left to cling to infowars conspiracy theories on that issue.

no wonder you losers get all bitter and cling to guns and religion and antipathy towards immigrants. obama had you sad losers pegged.

35k firearms manufactured a day in this country.

Obama isnt president.

You post constantly and are full of hate. Happy wife, happy life!

3 strikes, you are out.
I think global warming might have blown away. How long can the human race survive if Spring doesn't come this year?

I'm worried.
Colder than normal is just the weather.
Warmer than normal is catastrophic climate change that needs to wreck the world economy hitting the third world the hardest.
35k firearms manufactured a day in this country.

Obama isnt president.

You post constantly and are full of hate. Happy wife, happy life!

3 strikes, you are out.
the science on climate change is settled. you already look dumb as fuck calling it a hoax.

gun control will occur. you are in the underwhelming minority of racist gun cowards.

tell us more about how multiculturalism works best when an ocean separates each culture, white supremacist pussy.
Colder than normal is just the weather.
Warmer than normal is catastrophic climate change that needs to wreck the world economy hitting the third world the hardest.
If you are not aghast at GAST adjustments, you aren't paying attention.

right wing conspiracy theorists. boring.

the science is settled. human activities have skyrocketed CO2 levels which n turn leads to warming.

to suggest anything otherwise is retarded.
If you are not aghast at GAST adjustments, you aren't paying attention.

Environmental Protection Agency is expected to announce steps today that will roll back the strict, 54.5 mpg fuel economy rules set to phase in between now and 2025. ... Due to adjustments in testing procedures and credits the industry can earn, the actual target is in the low to mid-40 mpg range.

All this does is give China the global market in ten years.

As of January 2016, Phase IV standards set a fleet average target of 5.0 L/100km for new vehicles sold in 2020, equivalent to a 27.5% reduction from the previous target of 6.9 L/100km in 2015.
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