It's been windy and cold.

I think global warming might have blown away. How long can the human race survive if Spring doesn't come this year?

I'm worried.
So given the choice to believe anecdotal evidence or scientific evidence you believe the latter, right? Have you ever heard of The Age of Reason? It doesn't really matter if you have or not - it happened; no matter what the Republican Party preaches.
So given the choice to believe anecdotal evidence or scientific evidence you believe the latter, right? Have you ever heard of The Age of Reason? It doesn't really matter if you have or not - it happened; no matter what the Republican Party preaches.
Wall street journal said:
The “97 percent” figure in the Zimmerman/Doran survey represents the views of only 79 respondents who listed climate science as an area of expertise and said they published more than half of their recent peer-reviewed papers on climate change. Seventy-nine scientists—of the 3,146 who responded to the survey—does not a consensus make.

William Happer and Richard Lindzen are, in fact counted as the 97%

Age of reason indeed.
Age of reason indeed.

Seriously it happened. I can tell from your response that you missed it. That is the price you pay for sorting pennies all day. I read in the "found in rolls" column of Coin World that one guy found a nickel in a roll of pennies! The diameter was ground down but he gave it to the teller and they gave him a new one. That's a 500% profit!!!!

Seriously it happened. I can tell from your response that you missed it. That is the price you pay for sorting pennies all day. I read in the "found in rolls" column of Coin World that one guy found a nickel in a roll of pennies! The diameter was ground down but he gave it to the teller and they gave him a new one. That's a 500% profit!!!!

The age of lemmings.
It's cool I have some chicken. What time you want that?
no, seriously. add it to that awesome portfolio you gave your daughter. or make it the start of one for that other redneck's kid you're raising. or if you're ever filming other people's small kids sucking on popsicles.
Dr. William Gray, the late Colorado State University climate scientist and founder of the Hurricane Forecast, was the only serious, peer reviewed and respected scientist I know of who didn't think anthropomorphic climate change was real- and in fact never took any money from anyone to come to his conclusion.

That said, every one of his justifications was rigorously investigated and found to be either false or irrelevant. They took him seriously because of his groundbreaking work in hurricane forecasting- the guy's name was a household word in South Florida- and so they ran down every possibility. Turns out that on this point he was just plain wrong. Look it up sometime, it's a fascinating story.

That's how science works.
no, seriously. add it to that awesome portfolio you gave your daughter. or make it the start of one for that other redneck's kid you're raising. or if you're ever filming other people's small kids sucking on popsicles.

Lol she has a car that didn't blow up in the last two years, what are you now...0-3?

How about we arrange the pepperoni on the pizza in a smiley face to brighten your climate there in t-town co.
Have you ever been to Oklahoma or Arkansas?
aka the dumping grounds where your and UncleTuck's ancestors put my ancestors, when it wasn't convenient any more.
and both you cuckoo birds look the other way on illegal immigration, that ole regessed republicanism on display.
Cabal warming brought to you by a google data center.

just cuck it.