Noam Chomsky on the direction of the Democratic Party


Well-Known Member
Chomsky says you are an idiot.

He does say that between election cycles is a good time for the left to organize and push for their agenda. He also says to not ignore the downside risk of picking an agenda that the left may like but is a loser in terms of the general election:

The broader lesson to be drawn is not to shy away from confronting the dominance of the political system under the management of the two major parties. Rather, challenges to it need to be issued with a full awareness of their possible consequences. This includes the recognition that far right victories not only impose terrible suffering on the most vulnerable segments of society but also function as a powerful weapon in the hands of the establishment center, which, now in opposition can posture as the “reasonable” alternative.


the left should also recognize that, should Trump win based on its failure to support Clinton, it will repeatedly face the accusation (based in fact), that it lacks concern for those sure to be most victimized by a Trump administration.

Translation: fuck you Berners. You Berners weren't THE REASON Trump won but you Berners were a factor that tipped the election to Trump.

I'll be glad to see Bernie run in 2020 and look forward to listening to him and other candidates during the debates. The primary is the time to push your agenda and I'm good with not only Bernie running but others, including Harris, Biden, Cuomo, Sherrod Brown, Booker, Gillibrand and others.

You may see Bernie as the best fit to your white liberal agenda. I'd rather have a candidate who has good policies regarding economic issues that affect the middle and working classes but also one who demonstrates leadership on social issues. Regardless, I'll wholeheartedly back the Democratic Party's choice in Nov 2020. You won't see me crying about "rigged" and doing my utmost to suppress the vote in favor of Republicans.
Except that the Left he was referring to was the Democratic Party.

Kinda changes things, doesn't it?

Why are you so terrified of Bernie, anyway?


Well-Known Member
Noam Chomsky on economic inequality. Very interesting tidbit in here about who ISN'T voting, because they know they aren't being represented.
@Padawanbater2 this will speak strongly to your contentions that Progressive candidates have an opportunity to mine a rich seam of voters who are otherwise not participating.


Well-Known Member
EVERY American president since Eisenhower has been a war criminal;

We have the blood of millions on our hands, and much to answer for.


Well-Known Member
Noam Chomsky on economic inequality. Very interesting tidbit in here about who ISN'T voting, because they know they aren't being represented.
@Padawanbater2 this will speak strongly to your contentions that Progressive candidates have an opportunity to mine a rich seam of voters who are otherwise not participating.
I didn't watch your video (yet), I do vote though. Wasn't I was just saying to you what I'm going to do, and it's pretty much right in line with your post. Time for some of my interests to be represented by candidates I would normally unlikely vote for.


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch your video (yet), I do vote though. Wasn't I was just saying to you what I'm going to do, and it's pretty much right in line with your post. Time for some of my interests to be represented by candidates I would normally unlikely vote for.
The fact that we haven't been well represented was no accident.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
When you can show me that the Democratic Party is working for my interests, I'll vote for them.

Whining about how they deserve my vote without working to earn it is how the Chump got elected.

If your interests are achieved thru politically imposing on others, could you explain how Bernie is any different than all the other thugs?


Well-Known Member
If your interests are achieved thru politically imposing on others, could you explain how Bernie is any different than all the other thugs?
I'm not thrilled that he's still pro military and supports the F-35 boondoggle.

But at some point you have to be for someone.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for explaining your reasoning. I don't agree with it, but I appreciate that you answered.

If not Bernie, then who?

It's easy to be against something but at some point one has to stand for something or someone who shows the desire and intention of making things better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for explaining your reasoning. I don't agree with it, but I appreciate that you answered.

As a libertarian, what is your ultimate goal for society? What I mean by that is, what is is your political philosophy ultimately strives for? What's the one thing, if anything it is worth spending lives for?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If not Bernie, then who?

It's easy to be against something but at some point one has to stand for something or someone who shows the desire and intention of making things better.
You. You run your own life. Others run their own life.

Human interactions which occur as a result of voluntary and mutual wishes are superior to those which are involuntary.

Bernie talks the talk, doesn't walk the walk. He identifies some problems, but then proceeds to "solutions" which use the exact same means as the people and things he's identified as the problem. That is not a way to solve the problem, it is a way to shift who has power over others, that's all.

Aren't you against nonconsensual human interactions ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
As a libertarian, what is your ultimate goal for society? What I mean by that is, what is is your political philosophy ultimately strives for? What's the one thing, if anything it is worth spending lives for?

Freedom is an integral part of peace.

Also, I'm much less of a political Libertarian and more of a philosophical Voluntaryist. They are similar in some respects, but not the same.

I don't think any person has the right to "spend" anothers life. I think every person has a right to defend their own though and run their own life the way they see fit. That is why I expound on the differences between offensive force and defensive force.

Systems which use offensive force as a primary means, will NEVER bring peace. It's impossible. Which should be self evident...but...the brainwashing has been so effective most people can't even understand or won't tolerate learning most of what they've been taught is a lie.