Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

too larry

Well-Known Member
We got a nice rain Thursday night when that front passed though. A little over an inch. Heavy to start with, then slow and steady for a few hours. I was at the camp, and had to do emergency tarp lifting at 0330. One of my corner "posts" had fell over and the weight of the water was pressing the tarp down until the tent poles were creating a dam.

It was cooler yesterday, but is warming up today. At 1050 it's sunny, 63F with 53% humidity. Forecast high/low of 78/50F with no chance of rain. 10 day high/low of 86/47F with two days of possible rain.


Well-Known Member
Been raining here quite a bit... Yesterday wasnt bad.. Had the birds chirping and hit about 55ish. .sky's look awful grey atn.. But ima bout ro start packin stuff into my spots.. Hell w it.. The way i see it if its raining less chance ill see someone in the woods lol


Well-Known Member
Been raining here quite a bit... Yesterday wasnt bad.. Had the birds chirping and hit about 55ish. .sky's look awful grey atn.. But ima bout ro start packin stuff into my spots.. Hell w it.. The way i see it if its raining less chance ill see someone in the woods lol
Walking in the wet woods is lot more stealthy.. no crunching leaves and it's the perfect time for planting.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Walking in the wet woods is lot more stealthy.. no crunching leaves and it's the perfect time for planting.
Plus if it's raining, the cloud cover will offer you some protection from the eyes in the sky. I love to work my weed on rainy days. The other day when I was re-amending my holes, I spent as much time under trees and bushes waiting for planes to fly over as I did mixing soil.

too larry

Well-Known Member
We've had a pretty nice day here today. I hiked all day yesterday and camped last night. {hope you guys got to see that full moon. It was something else} Just hiked out to the car this morning. Maybe 4-5 miles.

At 1755 it's partly cloudy, 79F with 50% humidity. Forecast high/low of 82/60F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 85/47F with five days of possible rain.


Well-Known Member
Walking in the wet woods is lot more stealthy.. no crunching leaves and it's the perfect time for planting.
Yea i always like going into to the woods after it has rained so im not making noise... Its funny ti think about all the lil tactics and skills you learn when going guerilla... You really gotta stay on your toes... But the wet woods can be a double edged sword... I was pulling up a cage to water one time.. I had a little cut out spot on the bottom of my cages to lift so i can water.. I made it that way to keep out coons..and i had my head way back up under the cage and plant and all the sudden i heard something right behind me... Like RIGHT behind me... So i jerked my head out.. Cutting the hell outa my face in the process to see my neighbors dog staring at me... He.. And my neighbor.. Had walked down the path that my spot was off to the side of without me even knowing... I mean i literally was shook... Lucky for me i knew the dog so he was just licking me.. But i had to be 007 and belly crawl out the escape way.. While the dog followed me.. Lol i had to circle around ol neighbor and bring him his dog back basically.. Lol.. So i like the quiet when IM walking but when others are walking ..not so much