Dude, what the fuck? Why are you so hostile today? Chill the hell out, man. You apparently don't realize it, but it just looks like you're projecting your narrative on people. You freaked out on me, insisting that I said things I never said, and meant things that you assumed I meant, and now you're trying to light up this dude. Who fucking cares? If you're genuinely concerned that people are going to be mislead with bad advice, then just calmly and courteously offer your take on it, and let the OP draw his own conclusions. Is trying to take the piss out of strangers on the internet really that important? That shit isn't good for you, man. And consider that you're talking to people who have something very special in common with you - we all grow weed. It's supposed to be a fucking peaceful scene. (And please don't drag out the tired and over-used "do you even grow, bro?" bullshit.) There is absolutely no fucking good reason to try to relentlessly run someone down like that. And yes, I questioned your reading comprehension. My apologies for coming across a dick, but when you insist on putting words in my mouth, it gets right on my tits. I'm all for having it out in a rational fashion, but this shit makes me check the fuck out. Why can't we all just get along?