moonofalabama's greatest hits


Well-Known Member
Some Rogers trusted dudes at the NSA (or in the Navy cyber arm which Rogers earlier led) hack into the DNC, Podesta emails and the Clinton private email server. An easy job with the tools the NSA provides for its spies. Whoever hacked the emails then pushes what they got to Wikileaks (and DCleaks, another "leak" outlet). Wikileaks publishes what it gets because that is what it usually does. Assange also has various reasons to hate Clinton. She was always very hostile to Wikileaks. She allegedly even mused of killing Assange by a drone strike.

Rogers then accuses Russia of the breach even while the rest of the spying community finds no evidence for such a claim. That is natural to do for a military man who grew up during the cold war and may wish that war (and its budgets) back. It is also a red herring that will never be proven wrong or right unless the original culprit is somehow found.

Next we know - Trump offers Rogers the Clapper job. He would replace the boss that wanted him fired.

Rogers support for the new cold war will also gain him favor with the various weapon industries which will eventually beef up his pension.

Some of the above is speculation. But it would make sense and explain the quite one-sided wave of leaks we saw during this election cycle.

nailed it so hard. totally not a ridiculous conspiracy theory
Funny how former NSA career employees have backed it up since, but don't let the facts get in the way of a good drunk.


Well-Known Member
After six months of investigation the FBI had no evidence for any of the rumors about Russian interference that were thrown around. It should have closed the case with a clear recommendation not to prosecute the issue.

manafort, flynn, and the two dozen other already indicted/convicted criminals would have appreciated that, as well as the dozens to hundreds more criminals about to suffer the same fate


Well-Known Member
The deep state is out to get U.S. President Trump impeached. Yesterday a new, well prepared and coordinated campaign against Trump was launched. Anonymous claims to the Washington Post were "confirmed" by similar claims from (likely) the same sources to Buzzfeed. The claims may have some grounds in reality but the actual facts, even as described in shrill words, are harmless. WaPo:

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

jesus christ this is such obvious and shitty russian propaganda


Well-Known Member
Lol, you should talk. The only one being fooled by your superior attitude while you get eviscerated is... You! But that's the most important thing isn't it?

Now whine about personal insults and character assassination because yours don't count.
What's this, then- defense in depth?


Well-Known Member
moonofalabama was listed by the washington post as a fake news website designed to distribute russian propaganda to unwitting americans.
Yep. Because of course we should believe whatever a newspaper bought by an oligarch with funds delivered by the CIA would tell us about 'fake news'.