Biden-Trump Debate Prep.

Good lord, TV talking heads are all up in arms about it not being a presidential debate and asking about if it is bad that Biden wasn't presidential in it, and what about the kids.

Any rational adult that is allowing their kids to watch Trump live is not being responsible.

lol reminds me of a guy I saw when I went to see 'Bad Santa' he came in with his kids in tow.

I could see him getting really antsy after the opening scene. He kept looking over at the exits and his kids.

I can't remember how far into the movie this part was, but by the time this scene popped up, he snatched up his kids and was fleeing to the exit.
I think the next debate, Biden needs to stop talking all together when Trump acts like a child. And get date raped on live tv while keeping his mouth shut to show the country what it truly is like for too many people in our nation to deal with people acting like Trump.

And after his wife gives him the nod, telling him he has endured enough for women and any other victim of male dominated society (aka dick bosses/coaches/bullies) to understand that Biden now has credibility to have had to at least deal with it once in his life, turn to the camera to talk to America and just shred Trump's rape culture that defines the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda for the entirety of our nations history.

And then Biden can pivot on how we need to be better as a nation, that this is what he means by the 'soul of the nation'. We need to work together and listen and build together again, with 100% of our societies best and brightest, to give our next generations as best of a step up as possible moving into the future.
No, I really thought you were a dunce! :lol:

And I think you are a....wait, can’t say anything to a special snowflake or I’ll get are a super smart and beautiful being that the world couldn’t possible function without cause you are always right about everything and don’t have any delusions between the real world and the fairy sparkle land with unicorns prancing around pooping cupcakes
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, meet on the debate stage for the second and final time Thursday night in Tennessee. The 90-minute prime-time meeting comes just 12 days before Election Day.

Some key questions heading into the debate:


Trump cannot afford a status quo debate. National polls show him losing to Biden, and while some battleground state polls are tighter, even some of Trump’s own allies are worrying aloud about the prospect of a serious defeat. This debate represents his best, and perhaps last, opportunity to change the contours of the race while tens of millions of Americans are watching.

The president fumbled his chance in the opening debate last month, when his attack-all-the-time approach backfired. Trump missed another opportunity when he refused to participate in the second debate after organizers decided the candidates would face each other virtually because of concerns about the president’s coronavirus infection.

Trump needs to find a way to focus the debate — and the election more broadly — on Biden and his liabilities. But to do that, he needs to avoid making himself the center of attention, something that doesn’t come naturally to the president.


The mute button has gotten a lot of attention leading up to the debate, but its impact may be overstated.

Given Trump’s unrelenting interruptions in the first debate, the Commission on Presidential Debates added a new rule for Thursday’s affair that will keep each candidate muted while the other delivers his two-minute remarks at the outset of each of the six debate topics. The remainder of each 15-minute block will be open discussion, without any muting, the commission says.

The change will ensure the candidates have at least some time to answer questions without interference. Ultimately, however, the mute button can only be used for a combined total of 24 minutes of the 90-minute debate. That’s plenty of time for the candidates to mix it up.


Whether he wants to or not, the president will have to talk about the coronavirus at length. And he has to come up with a better answer than he did during the first debate to convince persuadable voters that he has the situation under control.

It won’t be easy.

Coronavirus infections are surging to their highest levels in months. More than 220,000 Americans are dead. And rather than working on a comprehensive plan to stop the spread based on science, Trump has spent recent days attacking the nation’s most respected infectious-disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, while undermining his own administration’s recommendation to wear masks.

In the first debate, Trump pointed to his months-old decision to institute a partial travel ban on China as evidence he was doing a good job. He’s also highlighted carefully selected statistics that downplayed the extent of the crisis. He’ll have to come with something better than that if he’s going to convince anyone but his most loyal base that he hasn’t completely surrendered to the deadliest U.S. health crisis in a century.


Trump and his allies in the conservative media have ramped up their focus on alleged maleficence by Biden’s son Hunter in recent days. Biden’s team expects Trump to make those allegations a centerpiece of his debate strategy.

The president tried to make an issue in the first debate of Hunter Biden and his drug use, which the younger Biden has publicly acknowledged. But Trump’s attack may have backfired when Biden declared that he was proud of his son, who, like many Americans, had fought to overcome an addiction.

Trump believes he has more ammunition this time around, however, following the publication of a tabloid report offering a bizarre twist to familiar concerns about Hunter Biden’s work overseas. The report centers on data allegedly recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop, though the data has not been verified and, if it is legitimate, does not tie candidate Biden to any corruption.

Biden’s team considers the issue a distraction from much more pressing concerns — namely, the pandemic — but Biden will certainly have to defend himself and his family again on Thursday night.


Biden’s greatest foe Thursday night may be himself.

Trump has struggled to find an effective line of attack against the 77-year-old Democrat, but the lifetime politician has a well-established history of gaffes that has made him the butt of Republican jokes for years.

To that end, the 74-year-old Trump and his allies spent much of the year questioning Biden’s mental and physical health. While Biden quieted those questions with a solid performance in the first debate, they have not gone away. He needs to avoid any embarrassing missteps on stage that would play into the broader Republican narrative that he’s ill-equipped to lead the free world.

Biden will certainly be prepared. He spent four of the last five days with no public events so he could focus almost exclusively on debate prep.

Still, Biden’s history of self-imposed stumbles raises the distinct possibility that he could hurt his campaign, with or without Trump’s help. It doesn’t help Biden that expectations will be higher after Trump’s weak performance in the first debate.
Biden in the middle of the debate (once his wife nods to him to stop Trump's walking all over him long enough to make the point Trump is worthless) looks right at the camera:

'Let's be real folks, Let's talk about all those people right now at home that think the way my opponent is acting is a good thing for the president of the Untied States of America to act.

Those that right now at home are nodding along with the propaganda that he is creating in real time, scaring our citizens and putting our nation in a very real danger.

In 2016 Trump with the help of foreign militaries was able to cheat his way into office by 80,000 votes in key states by relentlessly spamming over 127 million Americans with data driven propaganda....

Joe explains in his own words about how when grandma logs into her favorite church website, the conversations she is having is not with Betty from (insert small town), it is with a paid internet troll who is also controlling the 'lib' attacking her with very disturbing language. This makes her think, maybe there is something to all that noise that they say on Trump TV.

Mix in some scary scenes happening in the social justice protests when the rioters invade them after hours, and it makes a lot of sense to think that the world is falling apart. That fear makes it somewhat reasonable to think that even if I can't condone his bad behavior, Trump's heavy hand is at least pointed away from me and my family.

But it is all a lie. It is the manipulation of the media that is able to cherry pick these very real situations that happen in a great nation like we live in, and amplify them to seem like this is occurring everywhere. And it is not. It's not.


I forgot my train of thought.

But I do remember wanting to point out that the '43% of Americans that like Trump' is just as much of a fantasy as the propaganda Trump needs you to believe.

Trump's '43% of Americans' is not reality. 62 million people voted for Trump in 2016, a year that our population was 323 million people.

In reality it is 19% of Americans that gave Trump the power that comes with the power of our presidency.

How does that sound in your family today. Does that sound about right?

In your homes, let's say there are 5 of you, a mom and dad, and 2 siblings. Is there one person in your family that anytime you try to talk about something that you don't like to hear they get mad at you and start talking over you like my opponent is doing to me?

This is the problem with where we are at today. All of this amplification makes it seem like it is a much bigger problem than it is.

And if you elect me, I will be sure to expose this madness, instead of hiding it like my opponent has done. Our fellow Americans and the world deserves to have light shone on how in a great nation like we have, a con man who scammed 19% of our population to steal our election (and funnel money into his pockets with his nonstop vacation on his rentals) should not be able to claim POTUS to escape scrutiny making him above the law.

So if you are one of those people wondering why everyone is so angry, please help us do something to stop it, vote for me and the Democratic party and let's expose the real problem so that we can build back better.
I Just can’t get excited for this debate after the last shit show. Is Obama going to make a surprise appearance? Then I would get excited. I have been watching clips from his pubic appearance yesterday in Philly. Love it! He is so chill and relaxed and still has that presidential swagger . Those were the good ole days , when we had a real solid decent cool president .
I Just can’t get excited for this debate after the last shit show. Is Obama going to make a surprise appearance? Then I would get excited. I have been watching clips from his pubic appearance yesterday in Philly. Love it! He is so chill and relaxed and still has that presidential swagger . Those were the good ole days , when we had a real solid decent cool president .
They should have gone for shock collars instead of muted mics, better ratings. Joe would be OK, but Donald would be burnt to a crisp and smoking as the studio lights dimmed and the circuits overloaded.
They should have gone for shock collars instead of muted mics, better ratings. Joe would be OK, but Donald would be burnt to a crisp and smoking as the studio lights dimmed and the circuits overloaded.
That would be the best debate ever!
Donald would finally get the ratings he deserves! Ha ha ha!
this is what he would look like, I would love to kick his ass and beat him to a bloody pulp .D44BF053-502A-4652-A5A3-BC479A0383B4.gif