Baaa Baaa Sheeple


Well-Known Member
Did anyone mention that Counterpunch is a propaganda website to push the right wing agenda, and whatever comes from there is suspect?

(Oxford comma used somewhat inappropriately to trigger Doghouse)


Well-Known Member
Did anyone mention that Counterpunch is a propaganda website to push the right wing agenda, and whatever comes from there is suspect?

(Oxford comma used somewhat inappropriately to trigger Doghouse)
If you think counterpunch is right wing, you're as confused as smogdog.

This would not surprise me at all, Stinkydigit.

The truth is that they publish articles written by authors with a wide range of views. Some are more Left than others.

What's so right wing about limiting the political influence of corporations (eg, by outlawing campaign finance activities) and enacting Progressive taxation rates?

Labels matter. You'd call an apple an orange because they both have seeds.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
counterpunch published russian agents who were posing as americans during the 2016 election.

no wonder you defend them, that is exactly what you are still doing, shrimp dick
Ok. That would still indicate that Counterpunch is left wing.

Try to keep it together guys


Well-Known Member
LOL Whatever they call themselves, they carry the water for the 1% and are publish propaganda that pushes the agenda of the radical right wing. In Counterpunch's case, that is to suppress the vote of liberals by throwing shit on Democrats when the real problem is the radical right wing controlled GOP.

Jew haters are not associated with a particular left-right political association. Jew haters are located on the lower end of whatever intelligence scale one cares to use.

Do you oppose abortion?
Do you believe that a free market is the best economic policy?
Do you dislike gay, lesbian or trangender people?

I think your answer is yes to all of the above.
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Well-Known Member
counterpunch published russian agents who were posing as americans during the 2016 election.

no wonder you defend them, that is exactly what you are still doing, shrimp dick
They came out to say they were shocked to find that out and "addressed the matter" just before the WaPo article that outed them was published. Still, if you go onto their website, you'll find plenty of fake news about the Democrats and very little at all about depredations of the radical right.

When they talk about politics their articles pretend to take a leftist stance but treat Democrats as their opposition.

Somehow, on Counterpunch, "neoliberal" came to stand for people who implemented and are defending from shut-down by the GOP, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP and subsidized healthcare for people who can't afford it.

Counterpunch pushes the right wing agenda. Whatever comes from there is suspect.
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