Grandmaster Level - HLG Quantum Boards vs 1000w HPS side by side (youtube)

Just curious - was there some drama over lighting for the Solo cup comp? Were people actually insisting that only LED be used? If so, that's straight bullshit in my opinion.
I can't believe this crybaby bringing that into other threads.
I'm not a fan of the LED only rule either but you either comply, don't enter, or put your own comp together but not like the bozo trying to run one simultaneously the "Original Party Cup Comp"

Just curious - was there some drama over lighting for the Solo cup comp? Were people actually insisting that only LED be used? If so, that's straight bullshit in my opinion.
I'm not sure how it went down at the beginning but there are 2 comps.
The 1st started by Dawg is LED only.
White started a 2nd comp with any light allowed.
Many from the 1st comp are in the 2nd comp also.
There has been hardly no fighting about lights in respect to led vs hps.
Combined the 2 comps started with about 50 people, there were about 35-40 in each comp combined and there are about 15 left in the 2 comps I'm guessing now.
Rules need to be worked on after these two comps end to give as many members who want to play a chance to play and lighting is one of those issues. Another bad rule to only let soil growers have one drain hole in Dawg's comp will also be discussed. In my comp many drain holes are allowed for soil growers.
I figure the battle between led and hps in our comp is pretty good with LED winning and each year led should improve and the comparisons will be interesting.
To be honest, I'm learning more from watching the LED grows in the competitions than I do following other grows in threads. Maybe because I'm following it so closely IDK.
I can't believe this crybaby bringing that into other threads.
I'm not a fan of the LED only rule either but you either comply, don't enter, or put your own comp together but not like the bozo trying to run one simultaneously the "Original Party Cup Comp"

Not sure what your problem is to be honest?????????
If he were using DEs against the HLG550s, I don't think anyone in their right mind would consider that a fair competition.
It would if he were using equal wattage. 16,000 or 8 or whatever of HLG 550's (or the new hlg600's) up against equal wattage of Gavita 1000 watt hps double ended . Then weigh in and see what the verdict is. Throw in electricity costs comparison as well..especailly air conditioning difference if any. See whose king of the mountain.
I can't believe this crybaby bringing that into other threads.
I'm not a fan of the LED only rule either but you either comply, don't enter, or put your own comp together but not like the bozo trying to run one simultaneously the "Original Party Cup Comp"

I'm not complaining. I'm looking to see that we all play in the same comp next year with all lights nothing more.
You don't comprehend well.
I was finished after responding to humble.
I quoted each person I asked. Put me on ignore if I annoy you.
You seem to think I wish I was in your comp.
I already explained to you I was not and happy where I'm playing.
To be honest and NOT HATING ON LED or HLG (those are fine pieces of equipment) - anyone that can set their feeling aside would look at thise test and completely discredit the end results on one factor alone - CAL-MAG
You can not give a significant nutrient input to one set of plants and not the other and even remotely call it a "VS"
He should have gave exact nutrient programs to both rooms.
Obviously bumping the Nitrogen, Calcium, Magnesium, (and whatever else is in his brand of Cal-Mag) will influence plant growth.
How do we know that the HPS yield wouldn't have gone up 30% with the addition of Cal-Mag?? :confused:
It would if he were using equal wattage. 16,000 or 8 or whatever of HLG 550's (or the new hlg600's) up against equal wattage of Gavita 1000 watt hps double ended . Then weigh in and see what the verdict is. Throw in electricity costs comparison as well..especailly air conditioning difference if any. See whose king of the mountain.
Let's not forget that pesky damn dehumidifier that needs to run much more in the LED room as well ;)
I'm not complaining. I'm looking to see that we all play in the same comp next year with all lights nothing more.
You don't comprehend well.
I was finished after responding to humble.
I quoted each person I asked. Put me on ignore if I annoy you.
You seem to think I wish I was in your comp.
I already explained to you I was not and happy where I'm playing.
Your being a typical led fanboy dumbass derailing this thread with garbage that is way off topic.
Start your own thread for gathering input on your own comp where you can be the Big Kahuna :wall:
To be honest and NOT HATING ON LED or HLG (those are fine pieces of equipment) - anyone that can set their feeling aside would look at thise test and completely discredit the end results on one factor alone - CAL-MAG
You can not give a significant nutrient input to one set of plants and not the other and even remotely call it a "VS"
He should have gave exact nutrient programs to both rooms.
Obviously bumping the Nitrogen, Calcium, Magnesium, (and whatever else is in his brand of Cal-Mag) will influence plant growth.
How do we know that the HPS yield wouldn't have gone up 30% with the addition of Cal-Mag?? :confused:

Each light has its own nutritional needs as well as environmental needs. Adding extra Cal Mag when it's not needed could actually cause lockout. Point being if we matched everything exactly ether the HPS would suffer from over fertilization and high temps or the led would suffer from deficiencies and low temps. You dial each room just like you dial individual strains. GML has Death Bubba dialed under hps to a T I would think running it for years vs first ever real run with led.
You are so wrong in your assessment @OneHitDone.
In a month or so there will be fewer contestants left, if you are still in maybe it will get boring over there and we can chat then OK ;).
Maybe you don't like that I tease the Dawg when I quote him at your comp IDK.
No need to respond here, I'm off.
Notice I have not posted over there since Thursday?
And with all the drama going on right now.
You think it is easy to stay respectfully silent right now. LMFAO!

Have a good weekend boys!
Each light has its own nutritional needs as well as environmental needs. Adding extra Cal Mag when it's not needed could actually cause lockout. Point being if we matched everything exactly ether the HPS would suffer from over fertilization and high temps or the led would suffer from deficiencies and low temps. You dial each room just like you dial individual strains. GML has Death Bubba dialed under hps to a T I would think running it for years vs first ever real run with led.
Point being it is not a single variable comparison.
Can you guarantee a nutrient lockout by adding cal-mag to the hps plants? I doubt it highly.
Let's also not forget that the cal-mag cost probably damn near eat's up the electricity difference.
Let's just make sure we have a thorough cost assessment at the end. We all know the devil is in the details.

Also, since I have your attention: in one of Remo's vids a Spectrum King rep was basically stating that in reality the Optimum lifespan on the led's is 3 years due to degredation.
In reality, how many years of continuous 12/12 service are you recommending your lights be used before replacement?
Each light has its own nutritional needs as well as environmental needs. Adding extra Cal Mag when it's not needed could actually cause lockout. Point being if we matched everything exactly ether the HPS would suffer from over fertilization and high temps or the led would suffer from deficiencies and low temps. You dial each room just like you dial individual strains. GML has Death Bubba dialed under hps to a T I would think running it for years vs first ever real run with led.
This is so true and key. Tailor each room/plant morphology to the light particulars. I thought this from the beginning of gml' s side by side test run. And that is the method he's use to growing plant wise with hps lamps. I really think using the big panels..and to get maximum yield..he should really try shorter plants (less veg..smaller pots or more than one in those tankers he uses) & higher plant count. More of a sea of green type op. See what he gets then. Definitely would like to see a tree grow like he does with Gavitas and more of a sog with the led panels in another side by side vs. comparison. And equal true wattage. Maybe run the new hlg600's for the led side as well.