pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

Thems gnarly buds there mom. hehe I will use a cardboard box to take the AG x MK out of the tent for the dark period, and cover it for the extended flower. I have been doing that already with other strains, as I have both veg and flower sharing the one and only tent. Really curious how that letting the plant die will affect the high. I would think there would be no high, most would.

good idea's we do what we do to pull em through

yes one would think no high..i for see the same "balanced high...

i hope there is a positive change though from leaving em so long

IslandSweetSkunk..wanted have it for so long..we'll see..

iss flower 1A.jpg
good idea's we do what we do to pull em through

yes one would think no high..i for see the same "balanced high...

i hope there is a positive change though from leaving em so long

IslandSweetSkunk..wanted have it for so long..we'll see..

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I am smoking island sweet skunk right now lol.

Grown out right under blue its a good ole tree.

Want to throw some bamboo to it and we can bring it up a notch..rev
Thelmas in flower..rev all the beans were similar..you dun chose well..mr bean diviner
shorter than any pure indica i have too

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Yes you can see good stability already.

Even my crosses will be great as they are " unless stated otherwise " all from southern mexico and would be no more than one pure type to another.

Even the old Mexicans would tell you back home that crossing different regions can make some killer phenos but if I am able to pollinate a pure male to a pure female of the same location it is best.

However breeding any bamboo locality to another bamboo locality will always make fire.

Just hard to describe things that are poorly understood but in the end it all makes fire.

Many will be surprised when they change spectrum and give time how many phenos they thought " not potent" will blow their minds.

Plenty good phenos out there if you look hard enough and some have grown the same one pheno for years because they found the tree that works for them.

That is what its about.

However until more are using blue and giving time many sativa phenos cannot show true potential.

A pure east Oaxaca giant for instance all by its lonesome under a 1000 watt halide is barely even getting THC rich in 22 weeks so the phenos that are like this and cut under red between 10-14 weeks are weak for sure.

Like many think critical from dinafem is weak.

Horse shit, ripen it under high par blue and it will tear an ass up good and yield baseball bats.

Old mom will see also his favorites shine their best under his 5000.

Still can't find the video but the guy that tested red led vs white led seen first hand the tree under white was way better as he said over and over not understanding why.

Rev understood and now so can others.

One love
22+ week smoke report

before smoking=not a lot..

=tastes good..no terpene description...a little like well cured high end tobacco
.. it was a delicious coating that makes my mouth produce "sweet water"
..one of my bench marks of good sinsi..

while i talked about "balanced " before this..
it seemed to leave the minor body high part out[yay]
..not over powering[i wish] not under powering[whew]..
not trippy not couchy..a bit of heartpump energy
i could feel it from just under my ears all the way up...
it was pretty close to rev's bliss comment..but not "ultimate"..
the high lasted ,i did not get "sleepy head" ,and the down was not noticeable
each time i lit my joint..i felt happy content..and in the moment..for quite a long time


the cure and high on the tree 22 week sample was better than any of the previous early ones from anytime i grew this pheno

i think this is a viable method and i did not find and potency/pleasure degradation..even though it resembled well cured tobacco

the Jalisco is not necessarily THE plant for me..it is however a classy/classic heirloom mex..

thanks rev ,i saw it through.. the long method did not let me down..

and you dun told the truth bro
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How does it smell? It might be a little confusing that the Rev is calling his strain Shoreline because it's not any relation to the real Shoreline. It just feels deceptive to the consumer who might not know the difference.
I honestly think that’s his angle, and it’s pissing me off. Particularly because I feel like he just heard “Shoreline” and “Acapulco” recently and decided to run with it.
You did well old mom.

Now it can go where god wants to take it.

My part is done here.

Regardless of pheno or high or anything else, if people want to heal and want to do it and be able to get off of their asses and go back to work, they will ripen correctly and make oil from the cannabinoids.

All the trees will heal completely when done this way.

Perhaps in time some will come forward that have tried this method and used it on somebody truly sick and they will also see first hand how fast the oil cures as I did and others I have helped over the years.

As far as the comment on my genetics left below, does not matter to me what anyone thinks just like the ripening.

You can believe what the hell you want boys as far as that is concerned like all the rest, kinda funny how we all get that little thing called freewill.

I know what I have and I know the truth of this tree and other things as well, however this is not the place and few would listen.

Freewill again, what a bummer.

This was task enough, now its on all of you.

I already know how to grow it correctly so not to die in the hands of a jack ass.

You want to live folks and slow down aging and be able to think clear and not be a victim to stupid ass ignorance, then simply listen and apply.

I live, because I apply.

My freewill.

Use all of yours how you choose, but I promise, we will all be held accountable soon enough from that god forgotten and taught wrongly about that answered the call of this dying man so I could live and maybe, just maybe teach another hard head like me a little something of value.

However it will always come at a price when one gives a shit enough to help others.

Is that where many whom have been enlightened go wrong?

Is the miracle only for the one that called out to god in death and pain or was it simply a true understanding of this tree that set me free and others back home.

Listen to ole revs suggestions and find out for yourselves.

It is amazing how a death sentence will open ones little mind for a taste of any truth that may save him.

It did and he tells me he is not partial.

The end.
Look forward to your report old mom on the Thelma's.

As I have mentioned many times, the Jalisco is probably the most northern bamboo population and just like there is a difference in northern Mexican indica's and southern Mexican indica's , the same applies to bamboo or any other type.

Interesting how the Jalisco is strong and yet misses that little bit on top do to simply location.

As more southern bamboo has a bit more on the top end and induces more laughter and bliss.

However the Jalisco to me is beautiful unique and always leaves me clear minded and I feel inspired musical with it.

Stinky more than the other Acapulco types also.

The Thelma's will be neat as the west Oaxaca is way south from Jalisco and should bring out more happiness mixed with the Jalisco and an even more dense bud.

I will tell you now, at least seven different bamboo types from different regions I have grown and tried over the years.

I love them all as each ripening stage has something to offer mentally.

However I have only had one type powerful enough to knock me out from the pump it gave my heart, literally I almost winded up in a ditch on a back road.

The reds.

Acapulco bamboo reds and gruerro and Panamanian are very strong and it was my reds that always hurt folks.

Just remember once again, in the end all the trees will heal and just like different phenos have different effects in THC it will also be that way when cutting in the later cannabinoid stages.

In time those whom do this will find many phenos that will satisfy the different palate of the smoker and the mental effects different people like.

Being new info it will take time for others to post their findings and I look forward to others findings as well ..that's why I am here.

Many hands make light work and then everyone that tries can get the credit as its for us all to help in this release of the tree.

One love, rev
Now, any of you working with equator types or highland types you ripen them up and you will see that trip you are looking for.

As I have said many times, all southern Mexicans with exception of highland will lean more towards being happy and creative and some like the agave very aphrodisiac.

That is why I love them.

The world needs, happy, open minded, healthy and mentally free people.

Told myself, don't tell em they won't believe but god said, its truth, tell them and those with ears will listen.

Few days ago I noticed a new cleaning women here, Mexican lady.

She speaks just a bit of English and something said... Speak to her.

Once again it seems the laundry room a good place to find wisdom.

I asked her, where are you from?

She said... Jalisco mexico.

I lighted up like a roman candle .

I said, I grow marijuana trees from Jalisco and Zacatecas and I went on.

She smiled and I said, trees here make you sleepy and do not make the mind happy.

She kept saying , yes yes and our trees happy trees back home.

I said, do you know of the agave fields in Jalisco that your people grow marijuana with the agave?

She smiled huge and said, yes..very happy trees and blushed.

I believe the blush was because she knew they was aphrodisiac.

I said, marijuana will start looking like other things you plant it around " put it to her common sense" she said, yes they do!

I nearly wept.

I told her, your people have more knowledge than any white man.

True knowledge of jahs kingdom and how it works.

She blushed and said, thank you.

The end.

Seems god keeps confirming his word to me.

Guess that means I am on the right track.

So let any resistance come for it was designed that way.

However truth will always conquer horse shit and yet the truth pisses the " educated " to no end.

Let it, let em squirm while it crushes them to absolute pieces.

Without a drop of blood a worm will crush them, that Mahdi, that lion of Judah that god always awakens when it is time, whomever he may be, that worm.

Trees in pond look great but I can't top no more as its going to of course get pretty hairy as can be seen...hairy full of bud!

However the big Acapulco gold and Jalisco bamboo must have a few weeks to settle in new pots.

Over four foot bushes and I put them in 15 gallon pots so I could disconnect from pond as they was going to hit the lights above them.

Now they can get better than six foot bushes..just got to give them into next month.

When you learn how to not underestimate par and keep your lights up and pluck and top for bushes you will be surprised at your yields.

Old moms led panel is almost too much par and I am keeping mine over four foot from tops of pots and it did six bushes ..nice ones at 120 measly watts...its the par.

The trees will get about 30 inches under it and bark over...that's par.

At over 4ft above pots brother's!

No matter what stage you want to cut in , par will be seen the key without waiting forever but don't overkill.

Old mom put your lights up.

If this led I have was pushed harder these trees would hardly grow past a bonsai.

I want to do a project with your panel down the road to show how par is the shit.

I guarantee you I could slap this plank clean on my eight foot ceiling and put a seed in a 15 gallon pot and do mblaze original method on the tree and get over a pound.

I can plainly see the footprint just like the damned t5 you can see lumens don't mean squat as the plants absorb the par.

My basil and everything in the pond as you remember old mom was under a big halide at first and everything stretched all over.

Slapped par several feet above them in t5 ho and they said..OK, I'm good .

Old Rev killed allot of trees over the years to learn while others polished and kissed and played Chopin to theirs.

Not being an ass oh my brothers but indeed you must first cry in order to smile.

Hybrid Bob " Mitch" will tell you...the boy learned because he killed more trees than the dea..

That's truth and sacrificed having my own bud to learn stuff I would have learned no other way and from no other person as I have been a silent traveler on this forum and others a long time now.

I learned from old farts like mohican and old mom and mblaze and brothers back home that have forgotten more shit than I will know about growing.

Then the grand Gardner in my death crying in pitiful humility said... Do some work and I will share with you some things your brothers don't know and then you tell them.

Will they listen?

That's none of your business worm, just tell them.



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Oh leave them ole worm with some wisdom today.... Puff, strum..... Oh Jacob tell them what they can't hear....oh only milk for indeed the milk is hard enough and solid food they swallow not.....strum.....oh David tell them why...oh tell them why john told them...oh john told them.....the leaves oh the leaves oh cannabinoids always in the leaves....oh waste not your healing... For all people cannot ripen the bud.. Puff..

As is written...the leaves of the tree shall heal the nations...

Heal the nations from what?

The devil? Water pollution? Fukushima? Mercury? Fluoride? ...yes, those things and more have caused great harm to all on earth..

However nothing has caused more harm and more new horse shit " diseases" than these chem trails.

I will not debate this, freewill, think what you will as its also hard for me to accept and yet some of us carry the weight of more knowledge than even this and yet this alone is heavy enough.

This is worldwide and your dajaal/Antichrist TV is not going to report anything other than bullshit.

...and the conspiracy theorists fall over half truths and all out horse shit and they all want a donation and to sell a T-shirt.

Rev is just real and why I get no YouTube channel.. Hmm?

Let's just make it simple, this is real and there was a reason they did this in the beginning and I will tell you part of it, as the agenda has changed into spraying other things for other reasons over the last several years.

In the beginning, the reason was to patch the hole in the ozone and help prevent certain gammas and other rays from hitting earth.

What made the hole?

Cars? Volcanoes? Cows farting? Glacial melting? Crustal shifts? Global warming? Global cooling? Extraterrestrial? ...geez.

No, it was caused by those in blue ties and where hair pieces and like to dance around wooden owls.

Oh ya, milk only.

Your rulers whom tested nuclear weapons on the earths surface decades ago like the complete idiots that they are.

Oh lord the sheep!


Now that's it on the subject for now.

However if there is one thing all agree on that I speak to even on the street or at the store or wherever I point it out to them..whatever they are spraying and for whatever reason it could not possibly be good for anything.


I took this picture the other day at a red light and it was unreal how they painted the sky.

I literally stepped out of the car " I love people in Colorado lmao " and said...you all see this shit!

Three stepped out and said... Hell yes those bastards need to pay but what do we all do!!??.

I said.. Make others aware and had to drive off.

This is the absolute number one reason why all the nations will need a great healing.

It was promised...it will come.

These first steps is the first ripples and with god all obstacles can be overcome.

We know many good people that believed good things and stood and they die because of it!!

Yes they do.. Every single day.

It happens..brutal is it not?

Some pitiful good ole soul puts their lives on the line for truth so some evil pile a whale shit can come take their life.

Shakes my faith in god not a bit.

However evil has an hour upon them soon enough.

A flushing must happen.

However with love and compassion for others, past history has shown that those will always find something on the edge of the bowl to grab onto so not and go down the drain.

So the leaves are always available in every stage, use them.

One love, RevIMG_20180410_121637.jpg
I will say one last thing.

Long time ago a group of idiots also burned a hole in their ozone from nuclear wars.

They used gold dust to patch it and it did indeed work without causing any problems for anything.

Now the gold will not stop the last " big event" of a planet to happen..thats explosion.

However it does help in patching the ozone and let's just say...adjusting the weather.

However.. Oh however! ....those enslavers whoms hour is soon upon them will not give up the gold they control with.


So, what do you do if you can accept even the smallest possibility that this is true?

Tell others and not everyone on YouTube speaking on this is a quack.

Some of them are showing good info on the chem trail and other subjects and their channels messed with constant.

If you hit the nail on the head however, you damned sure not going to get a channel.. I promise you.

Your answer until this shit stops?

Take it or not.

Is everyone being effected the same?

No, the worse your diet, the more chance now more than ever of getting diseases.

Meaning , now because of this spraying our bodies are taking more than they can filter with all the other bad shit we do to ourselves.

So you must keep yourselves in detox.


Eat a vegetables especially greens and lots of hemp and coconut oil .


The fats bind to the bad shit so you can sweat, shit, piss, cry, fart, cum, it out.

Got it?

Stay away from nasty ass pork that my fat ass ate tons of and if you eat meat do not overcook it and the more wild or grass fed the better but much beef now is tainted so lamb is best.. Bastards will not poison their own..." Think!!"

Stay the hell away from process and homogenous and hydrogenated and fructose.

Backstrap molasses and honey are good.

Some... Some, pure evaporated Cain .

Learn to get in the kitchen as only the rich can buy things prepared by others.

In other words young ones...you can live off of hemp and good bird and nothing else and be healthy as shit and glow with health and be a sexual tyrannosaurus.

Just how life was supposed to be.

Already sick?

Follow above and eat the leaf past and you will heal..period.

Those whom ripen the bud to cannabinoid will also see oil that heals like some Jesus stuff...promise.

However leaves once again always available.

Use less light and get bigger leaves.
