Oh leave them ole worm with some wisdom today.... Puff, strum..... Oh Jacob tell them what they can't hear....oh only milk for indeed the milk is hard enough and solid food they swallow not.....strum.....oh David tell them why...oh tell them why john told them...oh john told them.....the leaves oh the leaves oh cannabinoids always in the leaves....oh waste not your healing... For all people cannot ripen the bud.. Puff..
As is written...the leaves of the tree shall heal the nations...
Heal the nations from what?
The devil? Water pollution? Fukushima? Mercury? Fluoride? ...yes, those things and more have caused great harm to all on earth..
However nothing has caused more harm and more new horse shit " diseases" than these chem trails.
I will not debate this, freewill, think what you will as its also hard for me to accept and yet some of us carry the weight of more knowledge than even this and yet this alone is heavy enough.
This is worldwide and your dajaal/Antichrist TV is not going to report anything other than bullshit.
...and the conspiracy theorists fall over half truths and all out horse shit and they all want a donation and to sell a T-shirt.
Rev is just real and why I get no YouTube channel.. Hmm?
Let's just make it simple, this is real and there was a reason they did this in the beginning and I will tell you part of it, as the agenda has changed into spraying other things for other reasons over the last several years.
In the beginning, the reason was to patch the hole in the ozone and help prevent certain gammas and other rays from hitting earth.
What made the hole?
Cars? Volcanoes? Cows farting? Glacial melting? Crustal shifts? Global warming? Global cooling? Extraterrestrial? ...geez.
No, it was caused by those in blue ties and where hair pieces and like to dance around wooden owls.
Oh ya, milk only.
Your rulers whom tested nuclear weapons on the earths surface decades ago like the complete idiots that they are.
Oh lord the sheep!
Now that's it on the subject for now.
However if there is one thing all agree on that I speak to even on the street or at the store or wherever I point it out to them..whatever they are spraying and for whatever reason it could not possibly be good for anything.
I took this picture the other day at a red light and it was unreal how they painted the sky.
I literally stepped out of the car " I love people in Colorado lmao " and said...you all see this shit!
Three stepped out and said... Hell yes those bastards need to pay but what do we all do!!??.
I said.. Make others aware and had to drive off.
This is the absolute number one reason why all the nations will need a great healing.
It was promised...it will come.
These first steps is the first ripples and with god all obstacles can be overcome.
We know many good people that believed good things and stood and they die because of it!!
Yes they do.. Every single day.
It happens..brutal is it not?
Some pitiful good ole soul puts their lives on the line for truth so some evil pile a whale shit can come take their life.
Shakes my faith in god not a bit.
However evil has an hour upon them soon enough.
A flushing must happen.
However with love and compassion for others, past history has shown that those will always find something on the edge of the bowl to grab onto so not and go down the drain.
So the leaves are always available in every stage, use them.
One love, Rev