first closet grow with UFO


Well-Known Member
Funny how you just change what I say and repeat it. So original. It's also too bad the 3 people are really you with different screen names. I traced the IP addresses down, so you can stop pretending now.


Well-Known Member
hahha o yeah cuz i really care about u enough to make more then one account and somehow get more post on those accounts...ur just so loveable


Well-Known Member
Why don't you please apologize to me so I can forgive you and then I can go back to my nice peaceful day.


Well-Known Member
Who in the hell uses words like "potty mouthed" except little kids and wimps?

Now you accuse me of being a kid - "Thank you!" - you must be trying to get on my good side - because from a technical point of view you ain't shit!

Throwing out blanket statements and hiding from my challange doesn't do much to prove your case except to demonstrate that you are full of shit and lack the backbone to prove yourself! What's the matter - chicken? Bock-buck-buck! Come on - put up or shut up! You don't want everyone to know that you are just a loud mouthed blowhard who has gotten himself backed into a corner do you?

Maybe I'm wrong! Maybe you really do know what you are talking about! N-a-h-h! What the hell was I thinking - you're just a pest that doesn't know when to quit. So anyway, if you have any self respect at all (it's clear why you don't) - - - oh what's the use, I know you wont respond with anything like meaningful dialog because all you have is your worthless opinion. So let's hear your explaination, it's always good to get the opinion of a payaso, or you could just eat shit and die!


Well-Known Member
Funny how you just change what I say and repeat it. So original. It's also too bad the 3 people are really you with different screen names. I traced the IP addresses down, so you can stop pretending now.
Now you are flat out lying - you are full of shit and you are a liar!!!
The funny thing is - it doesn't really make any difference, only someone who is backed into a corner would make such a stupid statement! You have no answer on the technical front (which is what this is all about) so you just start making stupid lies that no one cares about? Who's the baby now - liar?


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I don't take challenges from potty mouthed little kids, obviously you have some growing up to do. As hostile as you are it's obvious you get no respect from anyone so why would you expect it from me ?
Who would want respect from someone that has thier head up thier ass as far as you do?

I don't value your opinion enough to want your respect because you are too much of a coward to defend your position - so piss on you, eat shit and die (ESAD). By the way, your comebacks are starting to sound more and more like a little girl's - so out of respect to little girls everywhere (including my grand daughter!) I will take it down a notch and try to be a little less vulgar!


Well-Known Member
You can apologize also, jeesh
Apologize for what? You are a liar - you know it and I know it and so do at least two other people. The fact that you are a liar and continue this stupid game is beyond me!
You no longer have any credability - because you are a - wait for it:



Well-Known Member
More of "I'll turnaround what you say and say it myself" followed by profanity.

Just apologize and then go to church and get the Lord in your life.


Well-Known Member
La9 is a good example of someone with very little real knowledge of LEDs. He is not contributing anything. He probably is too burnt out to understand anything about new technology anyways.

In approximately 3 weeks, I will be posting the results of a 800 watt led yield (two 300watt panels, from sunshine systems, and also two UFO's, using a 14 site turbogarden aero system). Typically with this same strain and aero system using one 400watt HPS for flowering we have yielded 1.5-2.0 pounds, which is pretty damn good. So if one UFO (90 watts) is comparable to a 400watt HPS we should be yielding around 13 pounds. Hah, sounds impossible right? Yeah I think it does too, so far from what things look like, this will be WAY off, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
More of "I'll turnaround what you say and say it myself" followed by profanity.

Just apologize and then go to church and get the Lord in your life.
haha i like how u say we turn around what u say when like 5 pgs back u said yeah exactly what he said about a guys response to led being bad...he had more knowledge then u and all u could do was crash in and say yeah what he said...ur a pus grow some balls learn about growing and then ull realize ur such a deuche


Well-Known Member
Too bad, I actually thought you might know something but you started with name calling also, so I know better now.


Well-Known Member
littlegrower is so jealous of me it is funny, maybe some day you can be a biggrower.


Well-Known Member
La9 is a good example of someone with very little real knowledge of LEDs. He is not contributing anything. He probably is too burnt out to understand anything about new technology anyways.

In approximately 3 weeks, I will be posting the results of a 800 watt led yield (two 300watt panels, from sunshine systems, and also two UFO's, using a 14 site turbogarden aero system). Typically with this same strain and aero system using one 400watt HPS for flowering we have yielded 1.5-2.0 pounds, which is pretty damn good.
u have any opinions on how to improve my set up with UFO..ill admit for sure u have way more knowledge then me so pretty much any help will be good..thanks and screw la9 haha


Well-Known Member
l.e.d.’s suck

l.e.d.’s suck

l.e.d.’s suck

l.e.d.’s suck



Well-Known Member
Led's suck
led's suck
ufo and sunshine systems are the most unreliable junk on the market.