What did you accomplish today?

Chillin. Getting shit done. Fixed up my truck. Mrs g hit a pot hole or curb and fucked up my alignment. I changed out the control arms, and wheel bearings. While I was at it I also replaced the rotor, calipers, and breaks. Then did the shocks all the way around. I’m riding smooth as fuck now.
I've got a bunch of work I got to do to my car.. roads are horrible here, so I've got to replace the struts, wheel bearings,ball joints, and because my woman drives all crazy and shit I've got to replace pads and rotors..lol.. she's the type that jams on the brakes at the last second instead of applying brake well before the stop lights ..
Chillin. Getting shit done. Fixed up my truck. Mrs g hit a pot hole or curb and fucked up my alignment. I changed out the control arms, and wheel bearings. While I was at it I also replaced the rotor, calipers, and breaks. Then did the shocks all the way around. I’m riding smooth as fuck now.

Lol. I got the wife a 4x4 Jeep a couple years ago.

She had an old Ford Fusion that I replaced ALL 4 plastic wheel covers and 2 tires ripped laterally.

I decided she needed something a little higher up. So far, she only cracked a mud flap. So I'm winning.
New adventure terps the cant fuck with me if im doing it by the book Teeeerrrrpppsss my nig!!!!!##IMG_20180330_155611_01.jpg
Started developing terp 2 in middle are mine and yes so fresh and so clean!!! I told you let me give u some samples they are just as good and some better that brand is fire on the outside but let me send u flavors
New adventure terps the cant fuck with me if im doing it by the book Teeeerrrrpppsss my nig!!!!!##View attachment 4120561
Started developing terp 2 in middle are mine and yes so fresh and so clean!!! I told you let me give u some samples they are just as good and some better that brand is fire on the outside but let me send u flavors
That's dope homemade terps! Look good.
How the final product look? You make crystals? Or anyone out here making crystals?
View attachment 4120557
You dont want to see myset peekaboo.

Owwww it just a lil corner shot im out gee the heat is up i gota break down and bounce just when it was good i gota say good by to my love afair with the eligant glass were. The heat is up once more i got leave it behind.
Fuck man, I'm hearing this from everyone. Squeezing out the grey and black markets so they get their taxes..
Send info i will have terp sample free for ever mofo that sucks at growing get your dank onn after you crop add terps to your pounds growing 10 pounds one flavor? Well add terps and now u got ten diffrent flavors terps for slabs and all that free!!!!!
Lolz not nessaraly have to suck at growing but hey prerolls moonrocks and all kinds of good stuff.. Listen 3:40 lolz 4:06 :) Stank You Very Much!!!
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