What did you accomplish today?

LOL I justify my annual pass to Disneyland under exercise regimen. I bet @420God is rolling his eyes LOL he's in beast mode.

I officially welcomed spring to the northeast today.
View attachment 4121011
The Pirates are playing their 12th game today. 9 of the 1st 11 were under 40° for the 1st pitch. 3 were during snow flurries.

Today (in Chicago) was the 1st day over 60° (or 50°).

Finally, no more snow. Maybe.
nice weather here too for the next couple of days
Precisely what I've used for years and Newegg is close enough I can pick it up on the way to 'exercise' LOL
I go through way too much thermal compound for that to be viable. Unless you are using liquid metal there are maybe a few degrees between the cheap stuff and the good stuff.
There is a premium on longer lasting pastes. This one is a compromise selection and the jar is not too big either.
We're suppose to get 12 more inches this weekend. Worst weather we've ever had. It's so muddy I can barely get around the farmyard to feed animals. This morning I had to pull a chicken out of the mud and give it a bath. I don't think WI is doing spring this year. :-?
Does that mean you woke up with your cock in someone's asshole so you had to wash the shit off?
At least it didn't need cpr

Are you suggesting someone should have sucked it clean?

Why are you guys talking in code?
I officially welcomed spring to the northeast today.
View attachment 4121011
The Pirates are playing their 12th game today. 9 of the 1st 11 were under 40° for the 1st pitch. 3 were during snow flurries.

Today (in Chicago) was the 1st day over 60° (or 50°).

Finally, no more snow. Maybe.

Yep, hit 70 in Chicago yesterday and for a bit today. Got some sun on the bike yesterday, my pasty skin forgot what that was like. Took a nice long walk today and got a little more sun, the hotties were already out jogging so I sat in a park and watched them jiggle on by. They say it may snow this weekend. April is nuts...