The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Trump is a fucking pussy, I dare him to fire Rosenstein or Mueller

Fucking chicken shit !!!!
Trump doesn't like to fire people directly. He hasn't done it once yet. He needs someone else to do it. So far, the people that job would fall to have refused. We will see if mghann and kelly resign. That would mean he is hunting for a middleman.


Well-Known Member
Trump doesn't like to fire people directly. He hasn't done it once yet. He needs someone else to do it. So far, the people that job would fall to have refused. We will see if mghann and kelly resign. That would mean he is hunting for a middleman.
He might have to this time, if McGahn was afraid to do it, then anybody with a brain would be wary. The brain holders in this scenario wouldn't include Trump. Hey maybe he can talk Steven Miller into doing it!;)

The path to impeachment in the house begins in the senate judiciary committee with Rosenstein and his documents, Mueller will show up too, even if he's fired. Wonder what Sessions would do? They would give the documents to the ranking member if Chuck didn't want to deal with it and from there it would go to the press. Chuck is from Utah and is being replaced by Mitt Romney, so the chances are good that there will be hearings.
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
Chuck is from Utah and is being replaced by Mitt Romney, so the chances are good that there will be hearings.
Romney wouldn't automatically get Chuck's chair. The senate follows a seniority system. The next senior person in the chain would get the chairman position. Romney may get a seat on the committee (likely not though, that is a plumb committee), but he won't be in charge of it.

I'm doubdtful we will flip the senate. So we will have to look to the house for any fire (if we get it that is).


Well-Known Member
Romney wouldn't automatically get Chuck's chair. The senate follows a seniority system. The next senior person in the chain would get the chairman position. Romney may get a seat on the committee (likely not though, that is a plumb committee), but he won't be in charge of it.

I'm doubdtful we will flip the senate. So we will have to look to the house for any fire (if we get it that is).
I didn't think Mitt would get any chairmanship, these boys are from mormon country and Trump ain't to popular there even though it's republican. Grassley has to make this call within the next few days and he will because the info will go to the ranking member next.

We will see when the shoe drops how much noise it makes and if there's a dead foot inside it. Rosenstein or Mueller are ready for this and so is one of their reports at least. They haven't charged Jared or Don Jr yet, I wonder why?

Rosenstein and Mueller could also appeal to the courts and sue to keep their jobs over dismissal for cause, though Trump might blow up the regulations governing the DOJ replacing it with a reign of chaos. Good luck with the midterms if he does that and the GOP does nothing.
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Well-Known Member
I'm doubdtful we will flip the senate. So we will have to look to the house for any fire (if we get it that is).
Have faith in Donald, he's leading their effort in the midterms! Who's gonna take care of the RNC's finances BTW, with Winn and Cohen in shit up to their eyeballs, the RNC finance chair and vice chair are enmeshed in scandal and crime.


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of the time Obama got caught in that scandal and the world stood still waiting to see if he would fire Biden...wait Obama never had a scandal.
I miss Obama
Obama was as clean as a cat's ass, too many eager eyes were cast upon him looking for scandal. They were reduced to criticizing his wife's arms as too toned for fuck sakes! Not much is said on Melania's full frontal nudity (not that I mind!) or porn shoots.

Obama was an example of what a proper functioning presidency looks like, Trump's looks pathetic in comparison, though he wasn't perfect, he was a good man and a good president. Everybody misses honest, responsible and competent government in the US, not just from the POTUS, but from the congress as well.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Have faith in Donald, he's leading their effort in the midterms! Who's gonna take care of the RNC's finances BTW, with Winn and Cohen in shit up to their eyeballs, the RNC finance chair and vice chair are enmeshed in scandal and crime.
It's a game of numbers. The dems only need to pick up 2 seats, but they need to win 28 elections to do that. There are ~35 senate seats up for election this year. 24 are dem, 2 are indies who vote with dems, and the rest are republicans. They only have to win 8 races to hold the senate. There aren't enough vulnerable R's to pick off, and there are vulnerable D's.

So as much as we like to think blue tsunami, the math is daunting. We need to save every seat we now have and add 2. Very tough. Double tough. Even with a major national advantage.

2020 looks much better. But then again, so did 2016.


Well-Known Member
It's a game of numbers. The dems only need to pick up 2 seats, but they need to win 28 elections to do that. There are ~35 senate seats up for election this year. 24 are dem, 2 are indies who vote with dems, and the rest are republicans. They only have to win 8 races to hold the senate. There aren't enough vulnerable R's to pick off, and there are vulnerable D's.

So as much as we like to think blue tsunami, the math is daunting. We need to save every seat we now have and add 2. Very tough. Double tough. Even with a major national advantage.

2020 looks much better. But then again, so did 2016.
Some GOP senators might go independant and death is always close by in the senate. I figure if Trump is still around during the midterms all bets will be off, if I recall the GOP won a 68 seat increase in the house in 2010, so landslides can work both ways. Who knows what the GOP senate will have to carry into the midterms with the shit that's coming out daily, they might have to vote in an impeachment trial before then and it might be hard to go against the evidence and get elected. Primaries are what those running fear the most, but they can abstain or vote not guilty, whatever saves their skin.

Mitch is concerned and figures the senate might be in play.
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Well-Known Member
Joe: Trashing Of Robert Mueller Is Beneath Contempt | Morning Joe | MSNBC
On Wednesday, the president encouraged his Twitter followers to watch Sean Hannity’s Fox News program on the ‘Mueller Crime Family?’ Guests including Newt Gingrich and Joe diGenova discussed Mueller, the firing of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and the FBI raid on Michael Cohen’s office. Joe Scarborough has some thoughts on the show.

I can't believe that the people on FOX are not making enemies in the DOJ and FBI. Someone will want to bust these assholes for this bullshit, they had better hope they don't figure out how to do it. Helping Trump fire Rosenstein and Mueller in a conspiracy is something that needs to be looked into.


Well-Known Member
Paul Ryan Is Taking His Tax Cuts And Going Home
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan achieved his 'longtime dream' of passing tax reform and now wants to get away from President Trump, his 'longtime nightmare.'

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Some GOP senators might go independant and death is always close by in the senate. I figure if Trump is still around during the midterms all bets will be off, if I recall the GOP won a 68 seat increase in the house in 2010, so landslides can work both ways. Who knows what the GOP senate will have to carry into the midterms with the shit that's coming out daily, they might have to vote in an impeachment trial before then and it might be hard to go against the evidence and get elected. Primaries are what those running fear the most, but they can abstain or vote not guilty, whatever saves their skin.

Mitch is concerned and figures the senate might be in play.
Well, those closest to the grim reaper are mccain and corker. Corker already retired, and a special election will be held this fall for the remainder of his term I believe. Mccain is still with us, but it is doubtful he will return to vote no matter how important the vote is.

So the effective vote balance is 49-50 until mccain either retires or leaves another way. If we can get one more seat, it will be 50-49 if mcain doesn't come back to vote. We wouldn't get control of the leadership, but we could stop any bad nominations a least. Thats if dems stick together, which is always a challenge. ;)

On the red side, the following states have senate elections: Arizona, 2 in Missippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, T,N texas, utah, and wyoming. Republicans are still strong favorites in every one of those races except Nevada, which is D+1.

The dems on other hand, have several seats open where the R's are favored: FL, IN, MO, MT, ND, OH, and WV. Those are all R+2-R+20.

So we have a shot at maybe 1 or 2 pickups, but they have a shot 7. It would have to be one hell of a sea change to move those states and get them over the finish line. It has to overcome dirty tricks, election fraud, massive amounts of money puring in from domestic and foreign sources, and the basic instincts of the voters in those states.


Well-Known Member
Well, those closest to the grim reaper are mccain and corker. Corker already retired, and a special election will be held this fall for the remainder of his term I believe. Mccain is still with us, but it is doubtful he will return to vote no matter how important the vote is.

So the effective vote balance is 49-50 until mccain either retires or leaves another way. If we can get one more seat, it will be 50-49 if mcain doesn't come back to vote. We wouldn't get control of the leadership, but we could stop any bad nominations a least. Thats if dems stick together, which is always a challenge. ;)

On the red side, the following states have senate elections: Arizona, 2 in Missippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, T,N texas, utah, and wyoming. Republicans are still strong favorites in every one of those races except Nevada, which is D+1.

The dems on other hand, have several seats open where the R's are favored: FL, IN, MO, MT, ND, OH, and WV. Those are all R+2-R+20.

So we have a shot at maybe 1 or 2 pickups, but they have a shot 7. It would have to be one hell of a sea change to move those states and get them over the finish line. It has to overcome dirty tricks, election fraud, massive amounts of money puring in from domestic and foreign sources, and the basic instincts of the voters in those states.
Public concern and outrage is building daily and many who don't normally vote will, the usual voters will be overwhelmed by the turnout of people who normally wouldn't be dragged to the polls. Turnout will be massive and senate seats can't be gerrymandered, people are frightened and angry, they are starting to long for normalcy and by Jesus they will get it. The meek shall inherit the earth.


Well-Known Member
Trump-Mueller Interview Talks Collapse After FBI Raid On Cohen | MSNBC
Months of talks between Robert Mueller and President Trump's legal team have collapsed after the FBI raid on Michael Cohen's office and home.

Lots of news breaking today, maybe Donald will get a subpoena to spend a little "quality time" with a grand jury, why not?
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
Rachel Maddow just tweeted this......

Scoop here from NBC: Mueller likely to report at least four "findings" on Trump and obstruction of justice, including dangling pardons to grand jury witnesses:

Now "findings" is an interesting word. Why that word instead of indictments you might well ask....

Sounds like something you would send to congress instead of the courts.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Rachel Maddow just tweeted this......

Scoop here from NBC: Mueller likely to report at least four "findings" on Trump and obstruction of justice, including dangling pardons to grand jury witnesses:

Now "findings" is an interesting word. Why that word instead of indictments you might well ask....

Sounds like something you would send to congress instead of the courts.
yup, i agree, mueller is gonna give republicans in congress a chance to hang themselves too, before the midterms...

i think the fbi, mueller and comey are out to fuck donald trump. and they are doing it, legally !!!!! fuck that orange prick. he's gonna look good sitting in an electric chair...

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
the washington post is reporting mueller and the fbi may be in possession of revealing audio files... digital.

cohen is gonna have to flip on trump


Well-Known Member
Rachel Maddow just tweeted this......

Scoop here from NBC: Mueller likely to report at least four "findings" on Trump and obstruction of justice, including dangling pardons to grand jury witnesses:

Now "findings" is an interesting word. Why that word instead of indictments you might well ask....

Sounds like something you would send to congress instead of the courts.
Everybody is waiting for Trump to act, the trap will spring shut then with obstruction of justice, that "finding" has already been made and will be presented to the senate judiciary committee when Rosenstein is fired. Mueller would either resign or cause Trump to fire him too by ignoring restrictions placed on his investigation. The GOP is gonna carry whatever it does into the midterms and they don't want a "treason election" with the public as the judge.

Everybody in the DOJ Trump fires over this will eventually be made whole again financially, including McCabe. They will make fortunes off the book deals, Comey is the first to cash in, thanks Donald.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Everybody is waiting for Trump to act, the trap will spring shut then with obstruction of justice, that "finding" has already been made and will be presented to the senate judiciary committee when Rosenstein is fired. Mueller would either resign or cause Trump to fire him too by ignoring restrictions placed on his investigation. The GOP is gonna carry whatever it does into the midterms and they don't want a "treason election" with the public as the judge.

Everybody in the DOJ Trump fires over this will eventually be made whole again financially, including McCabe. They will make fortunes off the book deals, Comey is the first to cash in, thanks Donald.
and likewise, all that are in business with trump, his family friends and cult followers should all be punished financially....

when dems take congress back they need to pass the "trump treason tax". if you voted for cheeto jesus you have to pay a hefty tax to get your voting rights re-instated.


Well-Known Member
Trump’s allies worry that federal investigators may have seized recordings made by his attorney

Michael D. Cohen, a close confidant of the president, was known to store the conversations using digital files and then replay them for colleagues, according to people who have interacted with him.

It is unknown whether Cohen taped conversations between himself and Trump. But two people familiar with Cohen’s practices said he recorded both business and political conversations. One associate said Trump knew of Cohen’s practice because the attorney would often play him recordings Cohen had made of his conversations with other top Trump advisers.

“It was his standard practice to do it,” this person said.

A modern hard drive can hold months worth of MP3 low bit rate mono audio recordings. I wonder if he had it hooked up to his phone and recorded all his calls? Bet he used an app on his cell phone to record calls and conversations too. Another reason for Trump to freak out. This weekend should be a dandy in Trump world and a twitter triad is expected as Donald comes unglued.
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