First; 5x5 1000W HID scrog w/ White Gold and The Church x Deadhead OG


Well-Known Member
If growing seedlings in final spot/tent, where do I position my led 400w grow lights during seedling stage? I plan to plant them using a solo cup and root boosters. I’m thinking of using Fox Farm Ocean Forest with 1/3 perlite. Then transplanting them to 3 gallon smart pots with same medium. I have a 2x4x6 tent. Any advice? Thoughts?
It really all depends on your light. Different models of LEDs have different optimal distances. The more powerful they are, the further away you want to keep it. You say 400w "lights" so I'm assuming you have two. I'd keep them thirty or so inches away, but that's just based off what I have read. There is forum dedicated to LED lights here where they could give you a much better answer. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Started giving the plants more water. Fed them 1/2 gallon each this time around. Have topped all plants except one that I can't figure out where to top it, lol. They recovered really well from the topping and today I initiated LST. Discovered a fungus gnat! I only saw one but I'm sure there are more. I'll start taking the necessary steps on eliminating them and their offspring tonight. When she I anticipate preflowers? From what I've read they should start showing up by now, but then again the plants got off to a rough start and were quite delayed.

Moved my grow room to the otherside of the room to access the window. Installed AC unit yesterday. Works like a charm, plants seem to love it.

Here are some pics 7 hours after LST. Forgot to take pics beforehand.


Top view after LST. My first time doing it, not sure if I did a good job or not. My approach was to maximize light to newer growth as that's the whole idea behind LST.

Side view of above plant. She's got some great node formation. I feel like she's going to be a beast. Check out her stalk, I am super excited, just seems to be growing like wild fire now


Look closely and you can see what I believe to be some fungus gnat damage on the fan leaf at about 5-5:30 o'clock



Check out the thermometer. Little bastard is on the side of it.

And just a recap, this was taken one week ago today...what a difference.

Closing thoughts. Anyone have any input on how I did with the LST, from what you can see, at least? A few of them I have to wait until they get a big bigger. As for the fungus gnats, I have read a lot of approaches to treating them. I'll be setting out fly paper in a bit. But as for the larvae, should I just cover with sand or treat with peroxide or both? Any one have any experience using diamataceous earth? As for my light. I still have it set at 600 watts. I'm thinking I should let them get a lot bigger before I turn it up to 1000 to save on electricity. Thoughts?

Edit: I think the leaf damage is from a caterpillar as I spotted what looked to be a tiny moth flying around but I lost track of it before i could take a pic. Hopefully the fly paper will catch it and I can identify it and go from there
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Well-Known Member
Quick update before I get lazy and put it off. Plants are bushing out pretty well. Two of them have some catching up to do. Not sure why they are growing slower than the other two. They are several days younger, maybe that's why. I used some pesticide that I probably shouldn't have (sevin) in a case of extreme over-reaction and damn near killed one of the plants. Luckily, I tested it on one plant first so just a minor setback. Largest plant is 14 inches at its widest point and 3.5 inches at its tallest. I'm really aggressively LSTing them. At this point might as well call it medium-stress training. Smallest plant is 7 or 8? inches at it widest point.and 2.5 inches tall.

Plants are right at day 30 from going in the ground. Had some pretty big setbacks though so I suppose they are right where they should be for the most part.One of the feminized White Golds showed her preflowers today as well. Surprise, it's a girl (I'm actually surprised considering what they've been through)

At this point, I'm thinking this will be a 2 month veg, but then again I don't know if I want to wait that long to harvest, because I'm such a beginner, the more time I let go by, the more room for error. In a couple weeks, if not sooner, the scrog screen will be going in. Temps have stayed in the 70's since I installed the window AC. I'm watering them every 3-4 days with 3/4 of a gallon each. No nutrients. Going to order Advanced Nutrients grow, micro and bloom package next week.

I can't think of anything else to add right now. I'll just update this if I think of something.

The pictures here are of the group as a whole, the biggest plant, biggest plant side shot, preflower pic, and the plant I almost killed.
20180412_083725.jpg 20180411_064649.jpg 20180411_064708.jpg 20180412_083413.jpg 20180411_064749.jpg I stripped a lot of dead/dying growth off her already. Hopefully it's a male.


Well-Known Member
they look beautiful! nice and bushy and healthy. #goals
i hope my LST goes as well as yours! You cant really tell that one of them may or may not have been smashed by a fan :P.
Good luck vegging for another whole month! i think the next month will be easier, so long as you don't have any bug problems..
you never know until you try!
I just want to flower after a month because i'm tired of spending so much money on it. My goal with this run is to grow enough to have and to give to family while i'm growing the next round.
Free up money to be spent else where!! that's all i really want bongsmilie and of course to become better and better at growing plants in general!


Well-Known Member
they look beautiful! nice and bushy and healthy. #goals
i hope my LST goes as well as yours! You cant really tell that one of them may or may not have been smashed by a fan :P.
Good luck vegging for another whole month! i think the next month will be easier, so long as you don't have any bug problems..
you never know until you try!
I just want to flower after a month because i'm tired of spending so much money on it. My goal with this run is to grow enough to have and to give to family while i'm growing the next round.
Free up money to be spent else where!! that's all i really want bongsmilie and of course to become better and better at growing plants in general!
Dude, the fan falling on that plant, that's the plant in the middle (She was on a corner). She was as flat as a pancake. Seriously, I might take a piece of glass to a few seedlings in the future cause it really worked out well LoL.

Thanks for the kudos. Your LST should go the same as mine. I kind of went at it blindly, other than what I read. Reading how to LST -- It's not really translational, Meaning, you read about it and you are good from there. Hell I don't think anything about growing is! More of a hands-on thing. Now that they are bigger and I've had a few weeks experience doing it, I have a much better grasp of LST. @QuikWay Check this guide out on when to switch to flower based off the size of your plant. I think for you (and me) getting off to a rough start, we can't really go by days. This should give you a good idea of what to expect yield wise if you go into flower at a certain size, rather than age: It's really an interesting and informative read.

I'm trying to figure out when to switch my ballast from 600 watts to 1000 watts. I can't seem to find much info on it. Maybe I'm searching wrong. One of the questions I have is will they grow faster if I crank up the light? They obviously aren't stretching but as you know there's more to the light/plant relationship than that. I also need to get some advice on when I should install the ScroG. Hopefully someone here will chime in. I might go make a thread and ask if I can't find any info that relates to my wants/setup.

So long as the grow is successful, I'm going to have bud coming out of my ears, man. I'm not gonna know what to do with it all. I don't smoke all that often. I mean, less than a 1/4 a month. I'm pretty sensitive to it. A little goes a long way for me. I'm mainly growing so I can give my father some medicine that I can account for from seed to cure. I also want to experiment with edibles and extracts. I won't be able to give much of it away cause then people will suspect I'm growing (who gives out free bud just because? That's like giving away $$$) I guess I just don't like the idea of not using up all the space I have, and taking full advantage of the equipment I bought.


Well-Known Member
Dude, the fan falling on that plant, that's the plant in the middle (She was on a corner). She was as flat as a pancake. Seriously, I might take a piece of glass to a few seedlings in the future cause it really worked out well LoL.

Thanks for the kudos. Your LST should go the same as mine. I kind of went at it blindly, other than what I read. Reading how to LST -- It's not really translational, Meaning, you read about it and you are good from there. Hell I don't think anything about growing is! More of a hands-on thing. Now that they are bigger and I've had a few weeks experience doing it, I have a much better grasp of LST. @QuikWay Check this guide out on when to switch to flower based off the size of your plant. I think for you (and me) getting off to a rough start, we can't really go by days. This should give you a good idea of what to expect yield wise if you go into flower at a certain size, rather than age: It's really an interesting and informative read.

I'm trying to figure out when to switch my ballast from 600 watts to 1000 watts. I can't seem to find much info on it. Maybe I'm searching wrong. One of the questions I have is will they grow faster if I crank up the light? They obviously aren't stretching but as you know there's more to the light/plant relationship than that. I also need to get some advice on when I should install the ScroG. Hopefully someone here will chime in. I might go make a thread and ask if I can't find any info that relates to my wants/setup.

So long as the grow is successful, I'm going to have bud coming out of my ears, man. I'm not gonna know what to do with it all. I don't smoke all that often. I mean, less than a 1/4 a month. I'm pretty sensitive to it. A little goes a long way for me. I'm mainly growing so I can give my father some medicine that I can account for from seed to cure. I also want to experiment with edibles and extracts. I won't be able to give much of it away cause then people will suspect I'm growing (who gives out free bud just because? That's like giving away $$$) I guess I just don't like the idea of not using up all the space I have, and taking full advantage of the equipment I bought.
yeah! you might have to try that out sometime! make a glass roof so when it reaches it, it has no choice but to branch out naturally to get out from under it!bongsmilie

Hahaha exactly, it's all reading and finding the important parts and applying the stuff you learned to YOUR GROW/ENVIRONMENT and basically do you best to READ the plants and do what they are telling you without over reacting and etc etc etc.
Even if that professional you follow is your neighbor and you have the exact same set up, the same things he does to his plants might not work as well for you due to strain or WHATEVER....
That guide is excellent.. I have to worry about light penetration though due to my 150w hps, im not sure how tall i can pull off
so hopefully i can get a 3' bushy plant no problem i feel like they were pretty close to that before.. I wish i had taken measurements/just had a journal the last few grows, period... lol
I know the plant could double in height during flower.. so.. i will be aiming to flower around 1.5 feet.

As for your light, I think you only need to turn it up when you needed more penetration, when there's more leaves and they are much much taller or more dense. my cheap-o PH meter has a light meter that actually comes in handy for such a thing..
I have no idea if stronger light will lead to faster growth.


Well-Known Member
So this is week 6 day 3. Installed scrog last week, but the site was down so I didn't update then. Plants are coming along nicely. The scrog is 3ft x 2ft by 4 feet diagonal.
I ordered a 6 inch fan, scrubber, and ducting. I've been running 4inches. That should come today (25th) or tomorrow and I'll install it when it comes. I'll use the 4inch filter and fan as active air intake. That way the air can be filtered and I can do away with cat hairs before I go into flowering (lol)
I'll be buying my ferts a week from today and going into flower whenever those make it to my doorstep. Should be around the 2 month veg mark by then.
I noticed a magnesium deficiency and I watered with some epsom salts. New growth coming in seems to indicate that did the trick.

Some of the plants are just so thick and bushy, they're hard to give proper TLC to, especially with the scog in place. The pics just don't do the plants justice on how bushy/thick they are. Depending on how this grow goes, I think next grow I'm going to skip the scrog and just LST, It's a pain in the ass. Plants want to grow OUT instead of up, like I almost don't even need the screen in the first place with these plants. That or My screen is too high above my plants, or I installed it too late.

How much do they stretch after the first couple weeks of flower, cause I plan on training them in the scrog for 2 weeks in to flower. I am tempted to start flowering in the next few days as opposed to two weeks. what do you guys think?

This was taken on the 19th, the day I installed the scrog.


Taken tonight. I'm trying to figure out the best placement of the pots before they grow into the screen to the point that I am committed.

This was taken on the 20th I think. The stem now is thick like a bic lighter on this particular plant. It's a f'in jungle.

This is after I trained them a little bit under the net.


Well-Known Member
I have always been under the impression that plants can possibly DOUBLE in size in the first 2 weeks of flowering.
of course i vote to start flowering asap! :weed::weed: but i would stick to that height/size thread you sent me. the difference a week or 2 makes is pretty outstanding at this point!

They are looking fantastic!! they are incredibly dense! it almost gives me anxiety :P there's so much going on.

the scrog certainly does seem like a pain in the ass :P


Well-Known Member
I have always been under the impression that plants can possibly DOUBLE in size in the first 2 weeks of flowering.
of course i vote to start flowering asap! :weed::weed: but i would stick to that height/size thread you sent me. the difference a week or 2 makes is pretty outstanding at this point!

They are looking fantastic!! they are incredibly dense! it almost gives me anxiety :P there's so much going on.

the scrog certainly does seem like a pain in the ass :P
Thanks for the reply QuikWay. Yeah, every time I go into the tent I sit there for a little bit and wonder WTF I'm going to do lol. I ended up ordering my fertilizers today and got next day shipping so they will be here tomorrow. I opted for Dyna-Gro Grow and Bloom. I've heard so many good things about Dyna-gro and it contains everything a plant craves (much like brawndo) I'm going to go to 2 months veg I've decided. The fertilizer should speed up the process of filling in the screen. I'll be devising an easier way in the coming days to water these bad boys. Right now I am using a gas siphon pump and hose w/ a 5 gallon bucket up high. The hose is just so tiny though, it takes 30-45 minutes to get all plants which would be fine normally, but my feet fall asleep and shit and it ends up being a painful experience. No bueno.

As far as the flowering stretch goes, I understand they can double or triple (probably double in my case) but I wasn't sure if that occured over the entire length of flowering or if the stretch happened the first 2 weeks or 4 weeks or what :P Thanks for stopping in!


Well-Known Member
So got my fertilizer yesterday, as well as the 6inch carbon scrubber combo...Now using the 4inch to provide active air from the window AC. The whole setup lets the tent stay between 67-73 degrees depending on the time of day (so far, might be different when it gets hotter outside)
Fertilized my plants yesterday (26th) at 5PM EST. Here is a pic right after 20180426_225929.jpg and here it is the next day (24 hours later) after tucking the canopy 20180428_003952.jpg

Holy cow, Dyna-Gro is some good shit. I'm glad I decided to go with them instead of AN. AN was tempting but I decided to listen to some of the more experienced wisdom on RIU, growers that have been growing for 40+ years lol. One of the plants is officially a girl, I'm pretty sure. I could swear this wasn't there yesterday, but after the ferts, I noticed this.pistol.jpg That is indeed a female preflower, correcto? I'm happy to see her because this is from the non-feminized freebie lot that I germinated due to my feminized seeds only germinating 2 out of 5. So 3 out of 5 is the count now. Woohoo. Anyway, my goal was to go for a 2 months veg, but I don't think I'm going to be able to go that long now at the rate they are growing. 2 months is 9 days away. Gonna be switching to flower any time now. I'll probably be updating more often as we get closer. Peace!
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Well-Known Member
Just an update for journaling purposes as I approach flower and have taken the scrog out. trained the plants a little with some ties. Used some H202 treatment for fungus gnats and put out homemade fly traps. Very minor infestation, but I want to nip it in the bud before I start flowering. Was gonna flower today but due to some nutrient deficiencies I want to give the plants some time to recover from that now that I'm fertilizing. Have also made tent active air only, in anticipation of needing complete darkness. Sealed off all vents with duct tape. Added extr velcro where I have doubts. Will have the 12/12 set to lights on during the day anyway, so I don't have to be overly worried about light from a window cause it will be dark outside when they're sleeping.

Pics of the group as a whole, the canopy w/ light in the picture, and a pic of the biggest plant. Not my much though. Another 2 are pretty close. In that pic notice the 5 gallon bucket next to her for scale. I say she's female by she's from feminized seed, but as big as she is, still no female preflowers!

You guys have suggestions on lighting when I switch to 12/12? I've heard to keep the MH in for a week or 2, and I've heard to switch to HPS immediately. Right now I'm leaning towards keeping the MH for a week or so.






Well-Known Member
they look so nice. i vote make the switch because HPS is suppose to promote flowering. could be why there are no signs of pre flowers.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT........ I have zero. zilch, zip. experience switching back and forth....
this is my 6th grow. and ive changed alot of stuff for it since its not just rando bag seed... except for my lights. HPS for the entire grow...
Im pretty sure people use MH their entire grow as well..... i follow a few on Instagram that grow full cycle with the 315w cMH and still get 8oz off an auto flowering plant...
i am really interested in seeing how much of a difference it makes, if any.... I understand the light scale/spectrum but IS THAT A FOR SURE THING?!


Well-Known Member
they look so nice. i vote make the switch because HPS is suppose to promote flowering. could be why there are no signs of pre flowers.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT........ I have zero. zilch, zip. experience switching back and forth....
this is my 6th grow. and ive changed alot of stuff for it since its not just rando bag seed... except for my lights. HPS for the entire grow...
Im pretty sure people use MH their entire grow as well..... i follow a few on Instagram that grow full cycle with the 315w cMH and still get 8oz off an auto flowering plant...
i am really interested in seeing how much of a difference it makes, if any.... I understand the light scale/spectrum but IS THAT A FOR SURE THING?!
Look who decided to stop in! Haha, what's up guy. Thanks for the words. Crazy how not too long ago they were just so small, now they are huge. Looking forward to flower very much so :) These plants are just going to keep bushing out, and I have triple their height available, so right now I'm gonna keep letting them veg. But that decision vacillates from hour to hour :D If I do decide to flower, it will be because I took your vote into consideration, lol. It's my yield though! I've stated I don't really care about yield, but now that I've read so much about gram per watt etc, etc, I want to get as much as I can for running a 1k. Interesting tidbit, I managed to save 20 bucks on my electric this month despite running a 1k grow and AC 24/7. I started turning the water heater off and I haven't used central heat/air. So as far as electricity goes, this grow is basically free considering I'm paying less than I was before I turned anything on. That right there should give me an automatic .25 grams per watt bonus. Will be even less come 12/12,

HPS supports flowering, yes, but what I have read argues that the 12/12 is what initiates the hormonal change, regardless of the light spectrum, and if using a MH lamp during that stretch, stretch can be minimized, because it's still quasi-vegging at that time. After the stretch is when you want to focus on the bud production, which is where the HPS comes in. Lots of people grow straight HPS. Hell, a lot of commercial produce growers run only HPS. Nothing wrong with doing that. I have the option though, so I'm going to use both.

CMH is basically like having a MH and HPS at the same time. I have seen what you talk about, they can crank out super buds. The light spectrum is for sure a full thing, lol. Plants have evolved to make use of the Sun's spectrum, so that's what all lamps effectively strive to emulate. There's a lot of science that goes into it. And it's not like someone made it up, more like discovered. I think Issac Newton discovered a prism separates white light into different colors. Over achiever.

Spectrums are really f'in fascinating because every element has its own spectral fingerprint. So by measuring this, we can tell what something is made of. Be it in a lab or thousands of light years away in another star system. Neon glows one color while argon glows another. A spectrometer splits reflected light into different colors and is able to compare it to a catalog "fingerprint" thus telling you what the substance is. Anyways, a bit off topic...fascinating shit though. So the light spectrum is for sure a sure thing, LoL. It doesn't get any more sure than that...

Did you purchase your Fox Farms nutrients yet? I can't remember if you did. Not dogging on them, but I used the FF trio with vegetables, and I never saw the same kind of immediate results that I did with Dyna-Gro. FF was awesome, don't get me wrong, but maybe it's because this is a MJ grow that it stands out to me so much. I don't remember fox farm doing that for me w/ tomatoes....but, they're tomatoes. Well, that's enough for this post lol. I'm off to make some fungus gnat traps. I already made some yellow sticky cards but i haven't caught any yet. Going to try a couple 20oz soda bottles with vinegar and soap in them. Peace brother, thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
they look so nice. i vote make the switch because HPS is suppose to promote flowering. could be why there are no signs of pre flowers.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT........ I have zero. zilch, zip. experience switching back and forth....
this is my 6th grow. and ive changed alot of stuff for it since its not just rando bag seed... except for my lights. HPS for the entire grow...
Im pretty sure people use MH their entire grow as well..... i follow a few on Instagram that grow full cycle with the 315w cMH and still get 8oz off an auto flowering plant...
i am really interested in seeing how much of a difference it makes, if any.... I understand the light scale/spectrum but IS THAT A FOR SURE THING?!
I water every 4 or so days but the humidity is up to like 70% with the hydrometer sitting on the soil. I want to flower today lol CONVINCE ME! 6-8 Oz plants anyway. I'm just worried about the humidity. Ugh another 100 bucks for a dehumidifier...I can't afford it. I'm just going to flower and that's that. One problem at a time. Ever had white gold? Want some for free? Lol


Well-Known Member
Look who decided to stop in! Haha, what's up guy. Thanks for the words. Crazy how not too long ago they were just so small, now they are huge. Looking forward to flower very much so :) These plants are just going to keep bushing out, and I have triple their height available, so right now I'm gonna keep letting them veg. But that decision vacillates from hour to hour :D If I do decide to flower, it will be because I took your vote into consideration, lol. It's my yield though! I've stated I don't really care about yield, but now that I've read so much about gram per watt etc, etc, I want to get as much as I can for running a 1k. Interesting tidbit, I managed to save 20 bucks on my electric this month despite running a 1k grow and AC 24/7. I started turning the water heater off and I haven't used central heat/air. So as far as electricity goes, this grow is basically free considering I'm paying less than I was before I turned anything on. That right there should give me an automatic .25 grams per watt bonus. Will be even less come 12/12,

HPS supports flowering, yes, but what I have read argues that the 12/12 is what initiates the hormonal change, regardless of the light spectrum, and if using a MH lamp during that stretch, stretch can be minimized, because it's still quasi-vegging at that time. After the stretch is when you want to focus on the bud production, which is where the HPS comes in. Lots of people grow straight HPS. Hell, a lot of commercial produce growers run only HPS. Nothing wrong with doing that. I have the option though, so I'm going to use both.

CMH is basically like having a MH and HPS at the same time. I have seen what you talk about, they can crank out super buds. The light spectrum is for sure a full thing, lol. Plants have evolved to make use of the Sun's spectrum, so that's what all lamps effectively strive to emulate. There's a lot of science that goes into it. And it's not like someone made it up, more like discovered. I think Issac Newton discovered a prism separates white light into different colors. Over achiever.

Spectrums are really f'in fascinating because every element has its own spectral fingerprint. So by measuring this, we can tell what something is made of. Be it in a lab or thousands of light years away in another star system. Neon glows one color while argon glows another. A spectrometer splits reflected light into different colors and is able to compare it to a catalog "fingerprint" thus telling you what the substance is. Anyways, a bit off topic...fascinating shit though. So the light spectrum is for sure a sure thing, LoL. It doesn't get any more sure than that...

Did you purchase your Fox Farms nutrients yet? I can't remember if you did. Not dogging on them, but I used the FF trio with vegetables, and I never saw the same kind of immediate results that I did with Dyna-Gro. FF was awesome, don't get me wrong, but maybe it's because this is a MJ grow that it stands out to me so much. I don't remember fox farm doing that for me w/ tomatoes....but, they're tomatoes. Well, that's enough for this post lol. I'm off to make some fungus gnat traps. I already made some yellow sticky cards but i haven't caught any yet. Going to try a couple 20oz soda bottles with vinegar and soap in them. Peace brother, thanks for stopping by.
hahaha YES! i am going to keep commenting until you tell me to stop :P ... i was definitely just being goofy about the spectrum. as i was typing that out i was thinking about all the different times plants flower and such and what color the morning is compared to dusk.
I'm not sure who discovered it, but i feel like they had a little extra inspiration that day :bigjoint:... I definitely feel like that would be pretty exciting to discover and be able to explain WHY its happening.. that is epic right there.

I would definitely use both if i had the option!! i also feel like it makes sense to keep the MH on until the stretch is over because it's producing more veg... It's just getting them sites ready, right?
I did. i have the rest of the FF set coming here pretty soon. I've never used anything else! something about FF caught my attention and i haven't used anything else yet. I always consider it because there are a few others that seem pretty good... but FF was just simple and their feeding schedule is pretty nice.
I definitely would like to try a side by side grow using the line of FF vs someone else's...

How is the gnat war coming along? Did you win?!


Well-Known Member
hahaha YES! i am going to keep commenting until you tell me to stop :P ... i was definitely just being goofy about the spectrum. as i was typing that out i was thinking about all the different times plants flower and such and what color the morning is compared to dusk.
I'm not sure who discovered it, but i feel like they had a little extra inspiration that day :bigjoint:... I definitely feel like that would be pretty exciting to discover and be able to explain WHY its happening.. that is epic right there.

I would definitely use both if i had the option!! i also feel like it makes sense to keep the MH on until the stretch is over because it's producing more veg... It's just getting them sites ready, right?
I did. i have the rest of the FF set coming here pretty soon. I've never used anything else! something about FF caught my attention and i haven't used anything else yet. I always consider it because there are a few others that seem pretty good... but FF was just simple and their feeding schedule is pretty nice.
I definitely would like to try a side by side grow using the line of FF vs someone else's...

How is the gnat war coming along? Did you win?!
Something about FF caught your eye? Probably their artwork man...I love it. I plan on cutting out the label from a 1.5cu ft ocean forest bag and framing it. lol.

Plants went into flower may 1st at 10pm est...


Here's the biggest one. 5 gallon bucket next to her


I hope I don't run into any major issues during flower these plants should have some nice buds.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update.
Plants are going in to their 5th day of flower. 2 plants have yet to show their sex. I kind have them moved out of the way until they show. Any day now. Fertilizing about .75tsp/gallon every water with Dyna-Gro Grow, and about .25tsp/gallon of Dyna-Grow Bloom. I am slowly upping the bloom and lowering the grow. They seem to like what I'm feeding them so far, so I may even attempt to up their dose a bit.

Been tying down whenever I get a stray top. Canopy is pretty even so far. Haven't seen too much of a "stretch" - plants are just bushing out more it seems.

Did a light leak check about 10 minutes before lights on. Couldn't see a darn thing after letting my eyes adjust, so I shouldn't have to worry about any light leaks.

