
Well-Known Member
I think the meaning of Zionist in your words was the answer others were searching for
Zionism is, in principle, the ultra nationalist sect of Judaism, it advocates the right to a Jewish state (contrary to the writings of the Torah.)

Do we disagree upon this fact?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Stand for something or die like a pu$$y.
I think you have chosen the latter

So, when you stand for schools teaching kids not to bully other people and then advocate funding those same schools via a threat to steal a persons home for not paying up, what are you standing for ?


Well-Known Member
So, when you stand for schools teaching kids not to bully other people and then advocate funding those same schools via a threat to steal a persons home for not paying up, what are you standing for ?
Again..ive said this before..7 BILLION people on this little rock with nowhere else to go. People of your kind..of your ilk that subscribe to that philosophy of rugged individualism..individual rights..property rights..etc. Come the fuck on. It would be fine if there were a cap on population growth or no such thing as finite resources (the entire planet is one big finite resource) or we discovered a new and habitable planet with a realistic means of getting there but we havent. Your philosophy is old. Dusty..tired and has been kicked around now like a used up dirty ole bottle. For survival...real true survival...your gonna have to try a little harder than the old tri cornered hat bullshit. Yawn...one big yawn. We need new ways of thinking that's light years beyond all of that. Next......
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Again..ive said this before..7 BILLION people on this little rock with nowhere else to go. People of your kind..of your ilk that subscribe to that philosophy of rugged individualism..individual rights..property rights..etc. Come the fuck on. It would be fine if there were a cap on population growth or no such thing as finite resources (the entire planet is one big finite resource) or we discovered a new and habitable planet with a realistic means of getting there but we havent. Your philosophy is old. Dusty..tired and has been kicked around now like a used up dirty ole bottle. For survival...real true survival...your gonna have to try a little harder than the old tri cornered hat bullshit. Yawn...one big yawn. We need new ways of thinking that's light years beyond all of that. Next......

That was quite a dismissive rant, yet it didn't explain why you think anyone has the right to force another person to pay for something they don't agree with.

Could you give an on point reason for why you exempt government from acts of forcible confiscation (theft) but you would likely see theft as a bad thing if you or I did it?


Well-Known Member
That was quite a dismissive rant, yet it didn't explain why you think anyone has the right to force another person to pay for something they don't agree with.

Could you give an on point reason for why you exempt government from acts of forcible confiscation (theft) but you would likely see theft as a bad thing if you or I did it?
Yawn Rob Roy...one big yawn. Tired..so damn tired.


Well-Known Member
So, when you stand for schools teaching kids not to bully other people and then advocate funding those same schools via a threat to steal a persons home for not paying up, what are you standing for ?
it's not a threat, it's an agreement between two parties which you voluntarily signed

pay up, mooch

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
it's not a threat, it's an agreement between two parties which you voluntarily signed

pay up, mooch

If your house will be stolen with or without your consent are you still claiming that represents a voluntary interaction ?

Or have you been sniffing glue again today and your strongest argument will be an amazing penis cloud ?


Well-Known Member
If your house will be stolen with or without your consent are you still claiming that represents a voluntary interaction ?

Or have you been sniffing glue again today and your strongest argument will be an amazing penis cloud ?
you voluntarily signed an agreement in which you would be responsible to pay your property taxes, or else you'd lose your home, roberta

you knew that when you signed the agreement and no one forced you to sign it, roberta

now stop crying like a little girl, roberta


Well-Known Member
If your house will be stolen with or without your consent are you still claiming that represents a voluntary interaction ?

Or have you been sniffing glue again today and your strongest argument will be an amazing penis cloud ?
Please. Still clinging to a simple world. Its not at all. Far from it. If you plan to live in a society...you are bound by those societies rules. If the group doesn't see it the same and by what defines "theft" by you...your shit outta luck moocher. Go find your own planet. This one is quite crowded enough without your definitions of personal property. Were all gonna have to get used to that.


Well-Known Member
7 billion people and counting I think we all are gonna have to get used to a few things and situations being involuntary. This isn't Manifest Destiny and tri - cornered hat times anymore pal. We have nowhere else to go. All 7 billion. The house is FULL. Babies being born in the kitchen as we speak. And we got a little brat over in the corner screaming.... "but that's mine". Cmon
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Please. Still clinging to a simple world. Its not at all. Far from it. If you plan to live in a society...you are bound by those societies rules. If the group doesn't see it the same and by what defines "theft" by you...your shit outta luck moocher. Go find your own planet. This one is quite crowded enough without your definitions of personal property. Were all gonna have to get used to that.

The action is constant, what escapes you is, you are suggesting that theft becomes "not theft" based on who does it. Which is a rationalization and a poor one at that.

Further you suggest threats if you or I make them are bad, but if other "people" make them, that act somehow becomes acceptable.

Learn to word, or at least admit you are changing the definition of an act based on who does it.

You sound an awful lot like people who murder others and call it "collateral damage" .


Well-Known Member
The action is constant, what escapes you is, you are suggesting that theft becomes "not theft" based on who does it. Which is a rationalization and a poor one at that.

Further you suggest threats if you or I make them are bad, but if other "people" make them, that act somehow becomes acceptable.

Learn to word, or at least admit you are changing the definition of an act based on who does it.

You sound an awful lot like people who murder others and call it "collateral damage" .
taxes are not theft because the government can not take them unless you agree to pay them roberta

you are misusing words completely again, like usual

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
7 billion people and counting I think we all are gonna have to get used to a few things and situations being involuntary. This isn't Manifest Destiny and tri - cornered hat times anymore pal. We have nowhere else to go. All 7 billion.
Then beg your wonderful government to let you

homestead a piece of "their" land and see what their answer is Serf.

Things have been involuntary for a long long time, where have you been ? It's time to replace thuggery with peace.


Well-Known Member
Then beg your wonderful government to let you

homestead a piece of "their" land and see what their answer is Serf.

Things have been involuntary for a long long time, where have you been ? It's time to replace thuggery with peace.
Listen to yourself. I know your type. Homestead. Wow. Listen dork...the world isn't like what you think it is Ben Franklin.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
taxes are not theft because the government can not take them unless you agree to pay them roberta

you are misusing words completely again, like usual

You did not shit on that floor, because you did not agree to gravity and thought it would just float away?

Besides your janitor buddy received a "benefit" by having a job cleaning up after you. So you are a job creator ?

I never knew such virtue. Thank you giver of happiness thru crappy systemic mishy mashy contradictory logic and advocator of coercion to force black people to serve you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Listen to yourself. I know your type. Homestead. Wow. Listen dork...the world isn't like what you think it is Ben Franklin.

Dude, Ben Franklin was bald. How you abuse me. I have long and flowing lustrous locks of fur.

My type thinks you own yourself. Are you claiming you don't and somebody else does?


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine 7 billion people thinking like Rob Roy? You would have 500,000 owning EVERYTHING. All the land..all the resources. All of it. And everyone else a bunch of share croppers in a short amount of time. What's to stop a Rob Roy from acquiring more land and more resources to the point where only he benefits and slapping a fence up all around it? For your bullshit to work Rob you need unlimited resources...infinite land to acquire with way less resource consuming people. Your shit is flawed pal. By reason of sanity.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Can you imagine 7 billion people thinking like Rob Roy? You would have 500,000 owning EVERYTHING. All the land..all the resources. All of it. And everyone else a bunch of share croppers in a short amount of time. What's to stop a Rob Roy from acquiring more land and more resources to the point where only he benefits and slapping a fence up all around it? For your bullshit to work Rob you need unlimited resources...infinite land to acquire with way less resource consuming people. Your shit is flawed pal. By reason of sanity.

Actually for voluntary interactions to work, we'd need to stop exempting government from doing things to people which would be bad if you or I did them, but somehow rationalized as good if they do it.

You conflate the issue, to cover your method which is based in preemptive violence being a viable method to use.

If you'd like we can have real conversation or you can keep shouting with spittle flying out of your mouth while you desperately avoid seeing the gun in your hand.