Guide to cannabis legalization predicts home-grown pot will give municipalities headaches

I know pay your Hydro bill on time and they don’t care....but, it’s not how much power that you use to let them know you’re growing (although they can flag that as well), it’s the 12/12 light cycles that are easily seen. All I’m saying is...if they wanna track indoor grows if/when it’s legal, they can.
law enforcement has to get warrants to see power company records. they're going to get warrants to see 4 plant grows? if they're getting warrants, its for 400, or 4000 plant grows....if i was a judge and some cop wanted a warrant to check the records of a 4 plant grower....he'd be the local crosswalk guard pretty quick
Not that it matters much, because there are still no real Home Owners policies available for Cannabis growing. If you have a mortgage on your home, DO NOT let the mortgage holder know or your current Insurance Co that you have a grow. Both will drop you in a heartbeat.

My broker has already told me of a couple of recent horror stories of denied claims due to Cannabis growing in the home. Both claims had nothing to do with the grow, but once the grow was discovered...the claims were denied and the policy revoked.

FYI...if you own a home and have a mortgage, you must carry a minimum of replacement cost fire insurance at all times.
law enforcement has to get warrants to see power company records. they're going to get warrants to see 4 plant grows? if they're getting warrants, its for 400, or 4000 plant grows....if i was a judge and some cop wanted a warrant to check the records of a 4 plant grower....he'd be the local crosswalk guard pretty quick
Exactly. Unless somebody is really gardening on a BIG scale i dont think its an issue.
so you can rebuild the house, at least, and the bank isn't screwed. or at least have enough to pay off what you owe
I have replacement cost on my policy obviously, I think it is GRC, but what I was asking Dman is if it has to be fire specific? I think the replacement cost is for all hazards except earthquake & flood which is an additional deductable.
I have replacement cost on my policy obviously, I think it is GRC, but what I was asking Dman is if it has to be fire specific? I think the replacement cost is for all hazards except earthquake & flood which is an additional deductable.
Most standard homeowners policies come with inclusions like those that you mentioned (although you might wanna check that earthquake exclusion, as most policies now include earthquakes), but all Canadian banks and mortgage lenders insist in a minimum of total loss fire coverage only.
So I was just offered a policy...$4300/year!!! For reference, a decent Standard policy for my value of home is about $1500-$1600/year.

This is fukin BS! Hellth Canaduh is issuing MMJ grow licenses, in some cases 100’s of plants in dwellings, yet we have no affordable options for legit home owners coverage. Not to mention, there is currently only one underwriter (Lloyd’s) that offer MMJ polices in Canada.

You either take it up the ass by Lloyd’s and be covered, or grow and risk losing your home. Even a simple non related grow claim can put you at risk of losing it all.

So once again I am faced with another shutdown next week of the garden to obtain new insurance coverage.