white male with Assault Rifle-15 (AR15) kills 4


Well-Known Member
You are a very angry and simple old man. And you are very naive. What I had to do that night was pick up and deliver a package. We don’t go in the system if they will let us go. We do our job as agreed.

And most here know how I feel about narcs. You have a lot of nerve calling me a crackhead or whatever but a snitch. You have real problems. You are really an ass hole for that one. Low as you can go.

I used the round up story as an example of white profiling. In a thread last year buck asked for one. They do it as a cash grab often and I was caught up in it unfortunately that night. Shit happens. But I hadn’t even mentioned anything about me until badgered about it multiple times.

The rest is your weird tv fantasy. It would not have been a night in jail. It would have been at least 3 days in a big concrete room with about 400 young gang members that are at war with each other.

And for a lousy $1000 bucks out of the profit from the package and I got to keep my car and job and make commission all weekend instead of sit in jail I know I made the right choice.
Seems I have touch a sore spot when I called you out for having that "snitch gene" in you. So afraid to challenge the police when they got ZERO evidence on you, just imagine if they would have got you with some dope on person. I'm sure you would have told everything you knew to avoid jail.
again you were not profiled because you were white. You were caught up because you were there to buy drugs, in which they were looking for people buying drugs. It was not like you were just driving down the street after bible study and they pulled you over for being "white whilst driving". You should have NEVER tried to debate this. When will you get this through your crackhead


Well-Known Member
Seems I have touch a sore spot when I called you out for having that "snitch gene" in you. So afraid to challenge the police when they got ZERO evidence on you, just imagine if they would have got you with some dope on person. I'm sure you would have told everything you knew to avoid jail.
again you were not profiled because you were white. You were caught up because you were there to buy drugs, in which they were looking for people buying drugs. It was not like you were just driving down the street after bible study and they pulled you over for being "white whilst driving". You should have NEVER tried to debate this. When will you get this through your crackhead

You are wrong. I have been inside. You are assuming a lot. You have no basis for anything you say about me.

They don’t need evidence to bust you for the local ordinance. I explained this to you numerous times but you are dumb.

You apparently know nothing of what happens in bad areas. You just pretend you do with no experience.

And I have seen what happens to snitches first hand is why I get emotional.

You don’t belong on a weed site just like that shitty kid buck.

You are an ignorant old man. And you don’t listen or comprehend reading very well. Like your only few friends here. You only keep talking to yourself.

You don’t learn anything when you just repeat yourself. That’s the main theme here. A couple of guys only hearing themselves and shutting out any outsiders with differing opinions.

Talking to you is just like arguing with staunch old extreme republicans. They remain completely ignorant of the facts and tell you their version anyway.

That’s the best you do.

Truly ignorant people just pretend they are right. You and your couple friends here fit that mold perfectly.

I’m going to stick around some more because of you. Tell your only 2 friends here to make some more room at the table.


Well-Known Member
^^^The perfect stereotypical reply from a druggie loser.

Unlike you, I don't make excuses. I especially wouldn't claim my social position in drug culture in high school as a high point in my career or more likely, a high point in my life..

I continually say my point of pride in life is helping patients with medical marijuana.and that it helped me quit drugs.

You are not smart enough to pretend you are an authority.

And I was right. No one liked you in high school.


Well-Known Member
weed is not dope you crackhead
weed is a plant made by nature.
crack/meth/coke is manmade dope you dope.

You never answer the question presented.

Do you really feel you have said something intelligent? Or even offered any useful information?

Learn to learn. Learn to listen. Learn how to talk to people. Someone might even like you eventually.

Until then you are just bucks parrot.


Well-Known Member
You never answer the question presented.

Do you really feel you have said something intelligent? Or even offered any useful information?

Learn to learn. Learn to listen. Learn how to talk to people. Someone might even like you eventually.

Until then you are just bucks parrot.
Guy do you really think I give a fuck who likes or dislike me on the internet ?
You did not understand my answer to your question about why I'm on a WEED site, because of crack/meth. Stop smoking bro, it is fucking your head up. weed is not dope like crack/meth/coke
Did you also know that cannabis grows just like hops or visa versa. Just don't try to grow hops indoors...serious root problems will make your grow unsuccessful


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is actually "dope".

It's called that because it releases large amounts of dopamine in the brain.

Lol. All these years off dope and it turns out I’m still just on dope. ;-)

And the other drugs come from a plant too. Seems we are trying to extract and intensify cannabis just like heroine or cocaine.

Well I’m not. Dabs seem too much like smoking chemicals to me personally. I stick mostly to flowers.


Well-Known Member
Lol. All these years off dope and it turns out I’m still just on dope. ;-)

And the other drugs come from a plant too. Seems we are trying to extract and intensify cannabis just like heroine or cocaine.

Well I’m not. Dabs seem too much like smoking chemicals to me personally. I stick mostly to flowers.
the other drugs are processed by man you idiot. I guess a crackhead would think smoking weed is the same as smoking crack


Well-Known Member
Guy do you really think I give a fuck who likes or dislike me on the internet ?
You did not understand my answer to your question about why I'm on a WEED site, because of crack/meth. Stop smoking bro, it is fucking your head up. weed is not dope like crack/meth/coke
Did you also know that cannabis grows just like hops or visa versa. Just don't try to grow hops indoors...serious root problems will make your grow unsuccessful

You don’t belong on a weed site because you are an old stubborn straight edge who isn’t growing or smoking weed.

And I’m pretty sure I know a lot more about plants than you. I have dedicated the rest of my life to one.

You collect quarters and drive around helping no one and ripping off the poor washing machineless folk. And only insult people for their personal views online.

I think from your response you do care even what I think about you.

I will admit I’m sorry I tried to converse with you. You are too stuck. Enjoy your online time here.


Well-Known Member
You don’t belong on a weed site because you are an old stubborn straight edge who isn’t growing or smoking weed.

And I’m pretty sure I know a lot more about plants than you. I have dedicated the rest of my life to one.

You collect quarters and drive around helping no one and ripping off the poor washing machineless folk. And only insult people for their personal views online.

I think from your response you do care even what I think about you.

I will admit I’m sorry I tried to converse with you. You are too stuck. Enjoy your online time here.
why do you think only the poor uses laundromats ? Nope can't grow weed right now. Wifey not onboard until ALL the kids are out the house. Enjoy smoking the hell out of it though C-99 being one of my favorites. I'm straight edge because I don't smoke crack or meth ? If so hell yeah !!!!
Those "quarters " provide me with a pretty damn good life. Why you so mad ? crack ? or meth induced anger.